


The state of food insecurity in the world 2008

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(Download - 153Kb)

    Millions more food-insecure – urgent action and substantialinvestments needed

Undernourishment around the world
(Download - 578Kb)

    High food prices: another 75 million hungry
    Driving forces of high food prices
    Taking stock of world hunger: revised estimates
    Hotspots and emergencies

High food prices and food security
(Download - 112Kb)

    Poor households worst hit
    Coping and nutritional outcomes

Towards the Summit commitments
(Download - 253Kb)

    Policy responses: effective and sustainable?
    Smallholder agriculture for poverty reduction
    Ensuring access to food
    Concluding remarks

Technical annex
(Download - 247Kb)

    Updated parameters




The preparation of The State of FoodInsecurity in the World 2008 was carriedout under the overall leadership ofHafez Ghanem, Assistant Director-General, and the guidance of themanagement team of the Economic andSocial Development Department. Thetechnical coordination of the publicationwas carried out by Kostas Stamoulisand Mark Smulders of the AgriculturalDevelopment Economics Division (ESA).The staff of the Statistics Division (ESS)generated the underlying data onundernourishment, including theestimates for 2007.

The chapter “Undernourishment aroundthe world” was prepared by theEconomic and Social DevelopmentDepartment with key technicalcontributions provided by HenriJosserand, Kisan Gunjal and Ali Gürkan,Markets and Trade Division (EST);Ricardo Sibrian (ESS); and AndrewMarx, Jeff Marzilli, Josef Schmidhuberand Jakob Skoet (ESA).

The analysis of the impact of high foodprices at household level was carriedout by the FAO Rural Income GeneratingActivities team led by Benjamin Daviswith the participation of Alberto Zezza,Gustavo Anriquez, Panagiotis Karfakisand David Dawe, while the section“Coping and nutritional outcomes”received valuable contributions fromDiego Rose of Tulane University, BrianThompson and Marie Claude Dop of theNutrition and Consumer ProtectionDivision, and Maarten Immink andCristina Lopriore (ESA).

The chapter “Towards the Summitcommitments” benefited from technicalinputs by James Tefft, PanagiotisKarfakis, David Dawe and AlbertoZezza (ESA), and Andrew Shepherdfrom the Rural Infrastructure andAgro-Industries Division.

Ricardo Sibrian, Cinzia Cerri, RafikMahjoubi, Seevalingum Ramasawmyand Nathalie Troubat (ESS) providedvital support to the data analysis.Valuable external comments andinputs were received from Hartwigde Haen, Peter Hazell, Yasmeen Khwajaand Andrew MacMillan. BruceIsaacson provided excellent editorialsupport.

The Electronic Publishing Policy andSupport Branch of the Knowledge andCommunication Department (KC)provided editorial, language editing,graphic and production services.Translations were provided by theMeeting Programming andDocumentation Service of KC.Overall funding was provided under theFAO interdepartmental programme onFood Insecurity and VulnerabilityInformation and Mapping Systems(FIVIMS).

Published in 2008 by the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy

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© FAO 2008
ISBN 978-92-5-106049-0

Printed in Italy
Photographs : From left to right on cover: FAO/22071/G. Bizzarri; FAO/24503/D. White; FAO/23283/A. Proto.

