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At EY, our purpose is building a better working world. The insights and services we provide help to create long-term value for clients, people and society, and to build trust in the capital markets.

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EY Value Realised Scorecard: Oceania  

Our EY 2024 Value Realised Scorecard: Oceania represents our ongoing commitment to transparency and demonstrates how we’re creating value and shaping a sustainable future for EY people, clients and society.

Read the 2024 report in full

The  EY Value Realised 2024 Scorecard is an in-depth look at our commitments and actions over the last fiscal year

  1. People value
  2. Client value
  3. Societal value
  4. Environment

The EY organisation is committed to creating an environment where everyone belongs, feels valued, and has the opportunity to apply their skills, dedication and passion to their roles. Learn more.

Workplace culture: Feel free to be myself 80% 
Diversity, & Inclusion (DE&I): 51% female; 53% Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CALD); 2,429 new joiners
Learning and career development:335,117 learning hours 

We help EY clients seize opportunities to create long-term value and drive growth while together, helping organisations shape the future with confidence.Learn more.

Investment in technology: US$1.4 billion to help businesses adopt AI with confidence
Customer satisfaction: 98% of service quality assessments met or exceeded expectations 
Client Experience: Average Recommendation Score of 8.7/10

The EY organisation recognise the responsibilities we have toward society and the environment. We are committed to having a positive impact in light of changing needs.Learn more.

Volunteering: 37,591 volunteer hours in the community and 3.4 million lives impacted through EY Ripples 
Sponsorships & donations: $2.4 million to charities, the arts, education, community and social purpose organisations
Supplier diversity: $4.5 million spend with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Māori and Pasifika suppliers

We’re minimising our environmental footprint by embedding principles of sustainability across the entire Oceania region.Learn more.

Decarbonisation: On course to meet our FY25 emissions reduction target
Waste: Reduced waste sent to landfill by 6% in FY24 and set new goals to focus waste reduction efforts in FY25  
Sustainability: 1,963 members of the Sustainability Action Network

EY Australia Transparency Report 2024

We believe that how we continuously improve audit quality, manage risk and maintain our independence as auditors should be transparent to stakeholders.

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EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

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