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EY helps clients create long-term value for all stakeholders. Enabled by data and technology, our services and solutions provide trust through assurance and help clients transform, grow and operate.


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At EY, our purpose is building a better working world. The insights and services we provide help to create long-term value for clients, people and society, and to build trust in the capital markets.

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The EY CFO Agenda

Our insights can help chief financial officers protect and transform their organization.
Better finance podcast

Explore the changing dynamics of the business world and what it means for finance leaders of today and tomorrow.

Our latest thinking

Sustainability questions for Australian FI boards

5 sustainability questions Australian financial institution board members should be asking

How Australia can fast-track energy transmission

Australia’s three-fold transmission challenge requires refreshed energy market rules.

How CFOs navigate the challenges in finance today

In this episode of The Better Finance podcast, Deirdre Ryan and Andrea Gronenthal discuss key findings of the EY Global DNA of the CFO survey. Listen now.

22m 34s

Is Australia ready to orchestrate distributed energy resources?

The transition from chaos to choreography can reduce costs, protect the grid and reward customers at the same time.

Navigate your path to IPO with our latest global insights

The EY Global IPO Trends 2024 covers the news and insights on the global, area and regional IPO markets for 2024 and an outlook for 2025. Learn more.

The CFO Imperative: How can bold CFOs reframe their role to optimize performance?

The EY DNA of the CFO Survey identifies key priorities for CFOs to drive bolder change in their finance teams and deliver better performance. Learn more.

What sets exceptional CFOs apart: unlocking the secrets of success

In this episode of The Better Finance podcast, Jack McCullough joins host Myles Corson to explore what makes an elite CFO. Listen now.

31m 50s

Why CFO communication is important in driving organizational change

In this episode, Phil Shelley joins Myles Corson as they discuss how CFO communication can advance a company's vision. Listen now.

34m 16s

Why the human CFO is vital in the age of AI

In this episode, Perry Wiggins, CFO at APQC, discusses technology’s impact on finance and what it means to be a human CFO. Learn more.

34m 5s

Why five years of transforming tax and finance functions is paying off

New tax operating models in the last five years delivered value to businesses, EY survey shows. The next five years will add even more. Read more.

How can better sustainability reporting mobilize companies and capital?

The EY Global Institutional Investor Survey examines how better ESG data and reporting can accelerate sustainability outcomes. Learn more.

Six ways CFOs can increase the likelihood of transformation success

Transformation during uncertain times is critical. Success is more likely if CFOs can focus on six specific yet complex human factors. Learn more here.

Why tax governance is key in an era of more tax risk and controversy

Businesses expect the number and intensity of tax audits to double in next two years, the 2023 EY Tax risk and controversy survey finds. Learn more.

How Takeda accelerated the financial close process by nearly two weeks

In this case study, learn how leading pharmaceutical company Takeda is creating value for patients through finance innovation and process excellence.

    How EY can help

    Case Study The better the questionThe better the answerThe better the world works

    Case study: How collaborating on tax operations powers a focus on strategy and growth

    The multibillion-dollar acquisition of Scripps by Discovery enabled them to reimagine the tax function and create a more adaptive enterprise.

    The team

    On the agenda(8)



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    Financial Services

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    Future of corporate reporting

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    Business growth

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    Featured: How do you teach AI the value of trust?

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    EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

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