Climate change is a major issue that is already producing numerous impacts on society and the environment in Europe today. But how is this situation impacting the competitiveness and cohesion of European regions and of Europe as a whole? Read our storymap with recent evidence from the update of our ESPON CLIMATE project - the results of the project will be also presented on 16 November 2022 during the COP27.
2022 marks 20 years for the European Week of Regions and Cities -the most important event on EU Regional Policy. It takes place between 10 and 13 of October and ESPON is present in a number of sessions organised by the EGTC, stakeholders or projects that are presenting their results and evidence. Select those of your interest and register online
Climate change is a major issue that is already producing numerous impacts on society and the environment in Europe today. But how is this situation impacting the competitiveness and cohesion of European regions and of Europe as a whole? Read our storymap with recent evidence from the update of our ESPON CLIMATE project - the results of the project will be also presented on 16 November 2022 during the COP27.
Different regions of Europe have been affected by the pandemic at different times and to different degrees. During the first three waves of the pandemic, a spatial shift from the European centres to the peripheries took place.
Benefits from societal innovation are not the privilege of regions with structural innovation capacity. This conclusion from the newest ESPON research commissioned by the incumbent
ESPON celebrated 20 years of innovative support for territorial policymaking in a both nostalgic and inspirational event that took place at the European Convention Center in Luxembourg at 28 Septem
Article 174 of the TFEU states that: '’the Union shall aim at reducing disparities between the levels of development of the various regions and the backwardness of the least favoured regions.
La plupart des études scientifiques réalisées depuis l’apparition du COVID-19 ont montré que les régions qui ont été le plus longtemps soumises à des mesures strictes de confinement ont été sociale
The research aims at understanding how a wider range of potential crises may affect the future of regional labour market from a territorial perspective, within the intricate ever c
This is a prior information notice ONLY in relation to identifying a suitable service provider to carry out a European research on Wealth of People and Places in Europe. The aim of
Climate change is a major issue that is already producing numerous impacts on society and the environment in Europe today. But how is this situation impacting the competitiveness and cohesion of European regions and of Europe as a whole? Read our storymap with recent evidence from the update of our ESPON CLIMATE project - the results of the project will be also presented on 16 November 2022 during the COP27.