


Econ Lowdown is a FREE platform with online resources for K-12 and college classrooms.

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High School Resources for Teaching Economics & Personal Finance

Econ Lowdown, afreeproduct from the St. Louis Fed, has hundreds of teacher-approvedresourcesforteaching economicsand personal finance.Register for a free account today!

Check out theResource Gallery
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Government Budgets
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Mortgage 101
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Explore Economics: Productivity
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Economic Lowdown Audio Series: Episode 16—Elasticity of Demand
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Neighborhood Redlining, Racial Segregation, and Homeownership

Create online classrooms

In just a few clicks, set up a classroom for each class you teach. Give your classroom a name and select a date range, and you're on your way to creating a syllabus of quality resources for your students.

Build a syllabus using our resources

Quickly choose resources to drop into your classroom syllabus. Set your own date ranges, drag and drop resources to reorder, and add your own custom content. Don't forget to publish so your students can see all their assignments!

Monitor student progress

Monitor student progress and scores on assigned resources in your classrooms. Assign Written Assessments and Reading Q&As and grade them from within the teacher portal.

Students log in to Econ Lowdown with a system-generated student code and password. You can also opt to have your students log in "with Google." Students first log in with their Google account and are then prompted to join your classroom by entering a code.
Discussion board questions are included in some modules, thus giving you and your students the opportunity to discuss key economic concepts in the virtual classroom. You may also add your own questions to the discussion board.
Similar to classroom response systems, you may virtually send questions to your students to check comprehension, gain attention and generate discussion. Summaries of the student responses can be shown in real time to both you and your students.

Award-winning resources

Econ Lowdown is home to award-winning economics and personal finance resources.

Excellence in Financial Literacy Education AwardNational Association of Economic Educators Platinum AwardCorporate Social Responsibility AwardAVA Platinum AwardAward of Excellence
Register as an instructor to use these FREE resources

Professional development for teachers

Build your own economic content knowledge through continuing education credit.

See ourprofessional development page for more information!

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