When will the next version be released?
It would be great to publish some kind of release roadmap.
For a while, we tried to adhere to a six month release schedule issuing new releases in Spring and Autumn. Unfortunately, we're lacking the manpower to keep this strict schedule.
Instead, we decided to do releases whenever we feel like there's something worth releasing. If you think it would be time for a release, you're welcome to ask for it on themailing list. In that case, please be prepared to help us with the process by preparing an appropriatechangelog.
If you are eager to try a newer version before it is released, fetch it from theGit repository or download one of the dailysnapshots.
Oftentimes when a release is near, aproject ormilestone is created with issues that are in need of some love for the coming release. You are welcome to help complete or test them!
Check for new releases onGitHub (RSS feed available) or our Download page.