Which License is DokuWiki Under?
I'm a little bit confused about the license ofDokuWiki. Can I use it on a commercial website?
The short answer is yes.
But let's explain it a little bit: in fact there are two licenses. One for thesoftware called DokuWiki and one for thecontent in the DokuWiki installation atwww.dokuwiki.org.
DokuWiki Software
The one that is probably the one you are interested in, is the one for thesoftware. It's theGNU General Public License (or shorter:GPL). This means (simply spoken):
You get some rights:
- You get the software and the sourcecode
- You are allowed to use the software in any way you like
- You are allowed to change the sources to your needs
But you have to accept these terms:
- There areno guarantees of any kind - if it breaks anything for you then it's your problem.1)
- If you want to redistribute the software you need to do this under the terms of theGPL, which means you have to redistribute the full sourcecode (including your modifications) too.
- You maynot redistribute the software and say you wrote it all yourself - but that is pretty obvious anyway isn't it?
Contents of dokuwiki.org
The second license applies to all thecontent which is created here in the DokuWiki atwww.dokuwiki.org. It is licensed under theCreative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike license (abbreviation: CC-BY-SA). Again a simple explanation:
Again you get some rights:
- You may of course read the content
- You may change the content
- You may redistribute the content in its original or changed form
If you agree to the terms:
- If you redistribute you have to do it under the same terms
- If you redistribute the content you have to say who the original author is - In the case of this wiki it's enough to give the originatingURL and name the author asDokuWiki Community
More Info
For further information about the licenses see