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Configuring DokuWiki

DokuWiki can be configured depending on your needs by “system” options, configuration files for tuning behaviour, styling of the theme and dis/enabling extensions.

What can be configured

The “system” options of DokuWiki can be set in theConfiguration Manager. You need to login as superuser and click the Admin button to start it. The “default” values of the system are read fromconf/dokuwiki.php file. To customize it, you can make changes in the Configuration Manager, which saves the changes to the fileconf/local.php. Alternatively, you edit it yourself or create it if it doesn't exist. To find what you can configure within that file, see the list ofavailable options below.

User names, (encrypted) passwords and Access Control rules are stored in theusers.auth.php and acl.auth.php files which can be found in theconf/ directory. These can be edited via theUser Manager and theAccess Control List Management.

When uploading a new file within the mediamanager, you may encounter a“Upload denied. This file extension is forbidden!” message. This behavior is controlled within theconf/mime.conf file. To upload a new type of file, specify it within themime.local.conf file.

Some automatic replacements are done when you edit your pages. Some generate tooltips, smileys or some special chars. This behavior is controlled by theacronyms.conf,smileys.conf orentities.conf.

Configuration files

The configuration files are to be found in theconf/ folder in your installation (or/etc/dokuwiki when installed from a Debian package).

“Main files” usually ship with DokuWiki, whereas “local files” have to be created by the wiki admin.

If local files are supported you should use them instead of modifying the main files to avoid upgrade troubles.

Alternatively, instead of editing the*.conf files directly, you can install and use theConfiguration File Manager.

main file local file type of config quick info
see below general wiki configuration
acronyms.confacronyms.local.confabbreviations automatic abbreviation hints
entities.confentities.local.confentities automatic text replacements
interwiki.confinterwiki.local.confinterwiki interwiki shortcut links
mime.confmime.local.confmime mime type settings for uploads
smileys.confsmileys.local.confsmileys image replacements
acl.auth.php seeacl Access Control settings
users.auth.php seeacl Users and passwords
license.phplicense.local.phplicense list of available licenses
scheme.confscheme.local.confurlschemesURL schemes to be recognized as links
mediameta.phpmediameta.local.phpexif Metadata editable for images
wordblock.confwordblock.local.confblacklist Spam blacklist
see below Enabling/disabling plugins
manifest.jsonmanifest.local.jsonmanifest PWA Manifest
lib/tpl/<tpl>/style.iniconf/tpl/<tpl>/style.inistyle.ini Style files and variables
userscript.jsjavascript Custom JavaScript enhancements
userstyle.csscss CustomCSS enhancements

Theme configuration files

The configuration filestyle.ini for changing the theme is found in/lib/tpl/dokuwiki (for the default dokuwiki theme). Style.ini is a text-file that is read by the theme, and the user can configure e.g. the background-color. TheStyling Plugin let you via the Admin interface preview and change the appearance of any template and store inconf/tpl/<tpl>/style.ini.33

Enabling/disabling plugins

Installed plugins are enabled by default. They could be disabled using theExtension Manager which writes to theplugins.local.php file. You can protect certain plugins by placing them inconf/plugins.protected.php.

By default DokuWiki loads its configuration files in the following order:

  1. conf/plugins.php – default plugins
  2. conf/plugins.local.php – changed by the extension manager
  3. conf/plugins.required.php – these core plugins cannot be controlled by the extension manager
  4. conf/plugins.protected.php – overrides setting in the other files

The loading order of configuration files is controlled by the global$config_cascade variable. By using apreload.php file you can change this behavior.

Configuration Options

Most ofDokuWiki's features can be configured through various config options. The easiest way to modify these options is using theConfiguration Manager.

The available settings are listed below. Their default values are stored in a file calledconf/dokuwiki.php. If you want to modify a setting you should do this in a file calledconf/local.php – this makes sure your special configs are not overwritten by a later upgrade. TheConfig Manager will use this file as well. The fileconf/local.protected.php can be used for configuration settings which cannot be modified in the Config Manager.

Here is a sampleconf/local.php:

<?php$conf['title']='Admin\'s Wiki'; $conf['useacl']=1;$conf['superuser']='admin';

Some notes about the config file. The file is a piece of PHP code so the PHP syntax has to be preserved. E.g. each line has to have a semicolon at the end. There are multiple types of variables:

  • Numbers can be written as is. Example:9
  • Strings have to be enclosed in single or double quotes. Example:'foo bar'
  • Booleans can be either1 or0
  • Arrays contain multiple values of one of the above types

Available Options

config.txt · Last modified: byoiv

