


Defense Information Systems Agency

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As an independent office within the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) reporting to the Director, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) conducts, supervises, monitors, and initiates audits, inspections, and investigations relating to programs and operations of DISA. While not a statutory Inspector General (IG), as established under the provisions of Public Law 95-452, the duties and responsibilities of the OIG complement in nature and scope the DoD IG, which was established under that law.


  • Promotes continuous improvement in management controls by (a) conducting audits and special reviews of DISA operations and financial activities to evaluate operational efficiency and effectiveness and (b) performing follow-up on prior audit recommendations (by onsite verifications). Also, participates in management improvement forums, working groups, and process improvement teams in DISA and DoD.
  • Conducts special inspections and "Quick Looks" responsive to the concerns and needs of the Director and senior DISA leadership. These assessments use both the "systemic" and "compliance" modes of evaluation to provide objective, factual information about the effectiveness and efficiency of Agency functions, processes, and policies.
  • Leads the DISA Command Assessment Program, under which DISA subject matter experts from staff functional areas provide compliance feedback to DISA Field Office commanders.  Upon command group request, facilitates objective After Action Reviews (AARs) of Agency-level events/processes needing evaluation and improvement.
  • Operates the DISA HOTLINE for all DISA employees, contractors, and the public to report fraud, waste, and mismanagement.
  • Investigates allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement and reports findings to the IG, Director, DoD Hotline coordinator, Office of Government Ethics, and U.S. Attorney. Conducts special inquiries and other non criminal investigations of sensitive matters. Fraud, Waste and Abuse Trends
  • Manages central liaison services to ensure timely, accurate responses to external audit, such as those conducted by the DoD and GAO, from audit announcement to follow-up.
  • Conducts and coordinates audits, inspections, and investigations involving DISA activities at Scott AFB, IL.
  • Provides fraud awareness and training and to the DISA workforce. 



The DISA, Office of Inspector General Hotline ("IG Hotline") is an important avenue for reporting fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement regarding programs and personnel under the purview of the U.S. Department of Defense.  The IG Hotline continues its primary mission of providing a confidential and reliable vehicle for military service members, DISA civilians, contractor employees and the public to report fraud, waste, mismanagement, abuse of authority, threats to homeland defense and leaks of classified information.


(800) 266-5173
(301) 225-6250, DSN 375-6250
SBU IP (Unclassified Only):


DISA Civilian Personnel Division
(301) 225-1208, DSN 375
DISA Military Personnel Division
(301) 225-1390, DSN 375


DISA Office of EEO & Cultural Diversity
(301) 225-6458, DSN 375

DISA Security Division
(301) 225-1235, DSN 375
DISA Safety Office
(301) 255-1323, DSN 375

