Hi, I like to write, take pictures, and on very rare occasions draw terribly.
I'm hoping to get some feedback on my work. I do want to hone my craft after all.
I am available for freelance writing or even photography.
Feel free to drop me a line anytime! I love talking about all kinds of things and I love hearing other people's perspectives!
Thanks for the fave.
No problem! Us catgirl sisters have to stick together!
Pretty sure I can't post this, but I had to make it after I saw this Wonder Woman screenshot.
On Sunday I had a conversation with two co-workers about Taco Bell and how it does this to people...then I see your comment. 2021 is the year of bizarre synchronicities for me...
Maybe something good will come outta it...besides irate cowboys, that is.
Ha ha! Hopefully 2021 isn't the year the pseudo-cowboys rise up against all the city slickers.