


Pakistan's dwindling Sikh community wants improved security

PublishedApril 17, 2015
In this photograph taken on April 14, 2015, Sikh devotees attend final prayers at the Gurdwara Panja Sahib during the annual Baisakhi festival in the Pakistani town of Hasanabdal. — AFP
In this photograph taken on April 14, 2015, Sikh devotees attend final prayers at the Gurdwara Panja Sahib during the annual Baisakhi festival in the Pakistani town of Hasanabdal. — AFP
In this photograph taken on April 14, 2015, Harbhan Singh (C), who migrated from restive Tirah Valley in Khyber tribal agency go to flee a military operation, sits at the Gurdwara Panja Sahib in Hasanabdal, during the annual Baisakhi festival. — AFP
In this photograph taken on April 14, 2015, Harbhan Singh (C), who migrated from restive Tirah Valley in Khyber tribal agency go to flee a military operation, sits at the Gurdwara Panja Sahib in Hasanabdal, during the annual Baisakhi festival. — AFP
In this photograph taken on April 14, 2015, Pakistani and Indian Sikh devotees gather at the Gurdwara Panja Sahib during the annual Baisakhi festival in Hasanabdal. — AFP
In this photograph taken on April 14, 2015, Pakistani and Indian Sikh devotees gather at the Gurdwara Panja Sahib during the annual Baisakhi festival in Hasanabdal. — AFP
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HASANABDAL: Pilgrims descended from all over the world on a small town in Pakistan that is home to one of Sikhism's holiest sites this week, dipping into holy spring water and solemnly offering prayers.

They have come from India, Britain and the Middle East to the Panja Sahib Gurdwara in Hasanabdal, 55 kilometres from Islamabad, where Guru Nanak, the founder of the religion, is said to have imprinted his hand.

But for Pakistani Sikhs, who mainly live in the country's restive northwest, this year's celebrations are also a time of healing after six murders during August and September that have left their community in fear.

The 500-year-old religion was founded in what is now part of Pakistan, a Muslim-majority country of nearly 200 million people. Most Sikhs left Pakistan for India after both countries gained independence from Britain in 1947.

Around 20,000 Sikhs remain in Pakistan today, most in the country's restive northwest, which has been rocked by an Islamist insurgency for more than a decade, forcing many to leave their homes in the tribal areas on the Afghan border for the city of Peshawar.

There, they have set up businesses and often work as traders, their men instantly recognisable by the distinctive untrimmed beards and high turbans that distinguish them from their Muslim counterparts.

They have earned a reputation for uprightness and have many loyal customers who praise their honesty. But their peace was broken in the second half of last year with a spate of killings targeting Sikh traders and many are now considering leaving.

'Long before Pakistan'

From his spice and groceries shop in Peshawar, Harcharan Singh, 22, witnessed one of the killings last September — that of his friend Harjeet.

“It happened in front of me. The man came, shot him and left quickly (on a motorbike) before anyone knew what was going on,” he said.

“Nobody knows who it was. Nobody knows who did it. Forget that — we have had around six attacks on us. Still nobody knows who did what."

Harjeet's family fled a military operation in the restive Tirah Valley in the Khyber tribal agency around eight years ago, later setting up shop in Peshawar.

His father, Harbhan Singh, a mountain of a man with a majestic red turban, recalled peaceful times in his beloved home where he says Sikhs were well-respected and unmolested.

“We have been here long before the creation of Pakistan, before the British period. Since then, we had no worries,” he said from the small living room at his home in Peshawar, flanked by Harjeet's two red-headed daughters.

Singh, who speaks only the Pashto language of the region and not the Punjabi that Sikh holy texts are written in, said his family was struggling to make sense of what happened.

They had no enemies, he said, and were now relying on their savings to get by because they had closed the shop out of fear.

“You can't predict about the customer whether he is a friend or enemy. You could be an enemy for all I know,” he said.

Back at one of the city's two remaining Sikh temples still in use, high fencing, CCTV cameras and two policemen have been deputed to protect the place of worship for the first time in its history.

Greater visibility

The killings have left police clueless and officially there are no leads in any of the cases.

Rabia Mehmood, a researcher on minorities at the Jinnah Institute in Islamabad, said military operations against the Taliban that displaced millions of Pakistanis in the past decade have clustered Sikhs in major cities, increasing their visibility and making them more vulnerable.

“It's actually a reflection of what has been happening to other minorities — Sikhs have become part of that group in the way that they are targeted,” she said.

“Their concern is that the security situation is bad, they are visible and (certain groups) do not want to see minority groups flourishing at all."

Those fears were evident at the Panja Sahib gurdwara in Hasanabdal, where more than 1,000 police were deployed to protect 5,000 worshippers who had come to offer prayers over the course of this week's three-day Baisakhi festival marking the Sikh new year.

In this photograph taken on April 14, 2015, Sikh pilgrims gather around the imprinted Guru Nanak hand at the Gurdwara Panja Sahib in Hasanabdal, during the annual Baisakhi festival. — AFP
In this photograph taken on April 14, 2015, Sikh pilgrims gather around the imprinted Guru Nanak hand at the Gurdwara Panja Sahib in Hasanabdal, during the annual Baisakhi festival. — AFP

For some such as Bhagwant Singh, a 77-year-old shopkeeper from the Indian city of Amritsar who had made the pilgrimage along with his wife for the first time in their lives, the journey has been peaceful.

In this photograph taken on April 14, 2015, a Sikh pilgrim returns a baby girl to her relative after giving her a holy dip at the Gurdwara Panja Sahib in Hasanabdal, during the annual Baisakhi festival. — AFP
In this photograph taken on April 14, 2015, a Sikh pilgrim returns a baby girl to her relative after giving her a holy dip at the Gurdwara Panja Sahib in Hasanabdal, during the annual Baisakhi festival. — AFP

“I wanted to see this place in my lifetime and now I feel at peace,” he said, adding that he was very happy with the hospitality shown by local authorities.

But many of his Pakistani counterparts do not feel the same way.

“We want the government to either improve security for us or else shift us elsewhere, this is our appeal,” said Harcharan Singh, the Peshawar trader.

He said he had even considered leaving the country.

“But if we do, who will look after the business? How will me make ends meet and feed our children? We work, but we are very afraid. We feel fear in our hearts,” he said.


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Comments (57) Closed
Bombay Dude
Apr 17, 2015 12:44pm
20,000 today. Lets see how many remain 10 years from now.
Dilip Thorat
Apr 17, 2015 12:57pm
Full name of Pakistan is - Islamic Republic Of Pakistan.
Apr 17, 2015 12:59pm
I am curious , how is the huge population of Muslims in India's coming along?
Kamal Pasha.
Apr 17, 2015 01:09pm
It is the duty of government to protect all the citizens of Pakistan, including minorities.
Apr 17, 2015 01:09pm
pakistan is worst place to live for any minority.
Ahmed A
Apr 17, 2015 01:32pm
So are the Ahmadis, a dwindling community in Pakistan. But does anyone out there give a toss.
Apr 17, 2015 01:41pm
Dear Pakistanis - Its ok guys, don't take it hard on yourselves. Multiculturalism/ secularism may not be your cup of tea. Forget Sikhs, even people of the book or Ahmedis can barely survive there. I am sure there will be a lot of sane people who want to preserve diversity in your country. To all such people - please don't lose heart; raise the next generation to be free thinkers, who would bank on rationality rather than religion for every issue..In the meantime, Sikhs can migrate to India anytime - things are better here comparing the 80s & 90s
From India
Apr 17, 2015 01:44pm
"Sikhism was founded in India there was no Pakistan and Punjab at that time wasn't the Muslim majority area..the moment Muslims crossed the majority mark was way later in 1911 and Pakistan should take good care of Sikh's as lions have become endangered species."
Moe Awais
Apr 17, 2015 01:51pm
@Bombay Dude lets not put Bombay to know why you said what you said. Grow up and talk like a real person without representing the country or city :)
Apr 17, 2015 02:01pm
Pakistan is worse place to live in for anybody majority or minority's period Honest opinion
Apr 17, 2015 02:01pm
@Bombay Dude probably all will go to their new state in the making Khalistan but of course if they wish
Apr 17, 2015 02:03pm
@Kamal Pasha. Majority is not safe with Indian backed terrorist why we only worryong about minority all the time.
Apr 17, 2015 02:08pm
As a Pakistani I am sad to read,Islam teaches to respect everybody.
Apr 17, 2015 02:14pm
Hmmmmm.. Entire communities dwindling - another ethnic cleansing in the purest of the pure nations. And the colors of uniforms of school children in the neighboring nation get mentioned as a headline - as if India can ever head in such directions..
Apr 17, 2015 02:15pm
@rehan Indian Muslim community is thriving, doing great economically, politically and socially.
Apr 17, 2015 02:24pm
@rehan We do have riots over trivial matters. But the muslim community is a growing community both in numbers and in confidence. Most importantly the Indian constitution gives all equal rights.Sadly people have only heard of of the Bollywood Khans and Azim Premji, and do not know of the thousands of muslims who are doing extremely well. If the community still lags the majority community in human indices then one must remember that muslims lag other immigrants even in UK,USA etc and its not the fault of the Governments.
Apr 17, 2015 03:11pm
@rehan: it is growing not dwindling as the majority population in Pakistan. In 15 years, India would have the largest Muslim population in the world.
raja farhat abbas
Apr 17, 2015 03:19pm
This is news to me, why is it dwindling.
Apr 17, 2015 03:29pm
800/1000 Sikhs killed in operation in Golden temple India. More than 3000/5000 massacred on the wake of I.Gandhi assassination. Google search Sikh massacre in India. There are few incidences in Pakistan to malign the country, but Sikhs are revered by most people.
Apr 17, 2015 03:34pm
@rehan : I am curious , how is the huge population of Muslims in India's coming along?To give an idea, 50 million Shias of India are richer than 180 million Pakistanis.
Apr 17, 2015 03:44pm
Just ask some members of the Sikh community who has fled Indian state terrorism against Sikhs, thousand upon thousand were massacred in India over a period of years. Only in 1984 about 8000 Sikhs were killed in few days in one of the worst massacre of humanity. Hundreds Killed in operation blue storm at Golden Temple.Read 'Pogroms' Sikh massacre or Google search 'Sikh massacre in India'. As gruesome as it gets.
M. Emad
Apr 17, 2015 04:05pm
Pakistan's Sikh community should not forget the year 1947.
Apr 17, 2015 04:23pm
@Harsh Ok provide the evidence.
Tariq, Lahore
Apr 17, 2015 04:33pm
Pakistan has a duty to afford equal 'rights' to all it's subjects regardless of their, race, creed or religion!
Nauman M
Apr 17, 2015 04:35pm
world renowned Abdus Salam is as much a non-entity in Pakistan as the dwindling community that he belonged to.
Apr 17, 2015 04:37pm
@N.S This episode, that is largely forgotten by the Sikh population, was the result of Pakistan stroking the fires in Indian Punjab. That was the first of the bleed India using a thousand cuts policy. You can find Sardars all over India, in respectable positions.
Apr 17, 2015 04:51pm
It is not a bad idea but very much in the spirit of two nation theory and partition that India and Pakistan sign an "exchange of minority population" wherein Muslims in India and Non-Muslims from Pakistan/Bangladesh are allowed to migrate with ease and safety. There is already a very successful pact of 1922 between Turkey and Greece that has brought those countries closer and working in harmony with no historical baggage whatsoever.
Apr 17, 2015 05:10pm
@WiseMan No the muslim community is not. Even the indian government states muslims are at the bottom of India's social ladder, behind even Dalits. How do our indian neighbors keep ignoring this? A few khans in Bollywood doesn't mean 150,000,000 muslims in India are doing well.
Apr 17, 2015 05:11pm
@Harsh Made up "facts" aren't evidence.
Apr 17, 2015 05:16pm
@rehan The Indian Muslims at the time of Partition was about 30 millions, and now run about 170 million. They are exploding in numbers and have no intention of migrating to Land of the Pure as promised by Jinnah Sahib!
Zack Khan
Apr 17, 2015 05:52pm
Let me assure my Sikh, Hindu and Christian guys are the son of Pakistan and we need you...without you Pakistan is not complete! it is not only Sikhs but other sects are being attacked too...terrorists have been shooting in mosques also, being going on for long time!Please, lets us all hold hands together and try to bring changes...government that is more secular among many other things!It is hard time for all of us!
Muhammad Kashif
Apr 17, 2015 05:52pm
I personally think it is not the matter of protecting any particular religion or sect but the overall security of Pakistan which make everyone vulnerable to such attacks. They have been living here since decades. They thrived here.
Zack Khan
Apr 17, 2015 05:52pm
@Harsh Largest slum in India is populated by muslims!
Apr 17, 2015 06:52pm
Good report. The report says "Around 20,000 Sikhs remain in Pakistan today," , and that is down from 3-4 million in 1947.Same for Hindus.
Apr 17, 2015 07:44pm
@rehan Just FYI, way more muslims have died in Pakistan at the hands of terrorists in the last 5 years than in India. The fact that they died at the hands of fellow muslims doesn't really matter, because death is death.
Apr 17, 2015 08:39pm
@pakistani what are you saying? would you say that all balochis would go to balochistan if they so desire? use some grey cells dude.
Apr 17, 2015 08:45pm
Please let them live in peace.
Apr 17, 2015 09:29pm
India is ready to welcome you with open hearts
Apr 17, 2015 09:35pm
the world did not forget the attack on golden temple in which thousands Sikh were slaughtered by the so called secular and liberal state of India.even now BJP is proceeding to mass conversion of Muslims and Christians,proposing ban on voting rights of Muslims....
Aftab Siddiqui
Apr 17, 2015 09:37pm
South Asian countries generally have a bad record of treating their minorities. Whether it is India, Pakistan, or Sri Lanka the minorities are persecuted. Am glad that Bangladesh is doing better in comparison. What is happening to the Sikh community in Pakistan is shameful. Government, political parties, media, and people must condemn these brutal murders and show it openly that they care about our Pakistani brothers and sisters no matter what their religious belief. Of course, Government should provide protection and create a safe environment for all communities.
Apr 17, 2015 09:41pm
@Zack Khan Simple fact is Muslims live in ghettos wherever they are in minority . Unable to assimilate on count of illiteracy, no human skill and religious factor , they find security in numbers ,living in dark narrow houses.
Singh is KING
Apr 17, 2015 09:53pm
@Moe Awais Dude makes sense though........little over may be...but dead right.
Sandeep Singh
Apr 17, 2015 09:58pm
@Kamal Pasha. Protect when they will be diminishhed all.
Sandeep Singh
Apr 17, 2015 10:00pm
@Maxx. Still Sikhs don't complain to Indian Govt about their securities....They live along us, in our neigbours unlike Muslims.
Sandeep Singh
Apr 17, 2015 10:01pm
@Ridwan Its because of your breeding habits......look at your population increase in percentwise and compare it with other communities. Why Sikhs, Parsis, Jains are rich people.
Sandeep Singh
Apr 17, 2015 10:03pm
@Zack Khan "It is not only Sikhs but other sects are being attacked too" but then how only Hindus, Sikhs and Christians population is decresing and not of Muslim communities.
Apr 17, 2015 10:11pm
@Babloo - Don't spread rumours!
Apr 17, 2015 10:24pm
the land of divine , the land of prayers, the land of diversities becoming the land of fanatics....feeling very bad....hope people will come up and protect their own people.. .
From India
Apr 17, 2015 11:18pm
Just 20,000 remaining? What happened to the rest? I thought that the larger chunk of Punjab went to Pakistan during partition.
Apr 17, 2015 11:48pm
The days of minorities in Pakistan are limited. India should open up its arms to welcome the minorities of Pakistan. It is good to see on these comments where Pakistanis genuinely want to keep their minorities, however these Pakistanis are the minority in a society that is getting more and more intolerant and unfortunately are powerless to protect the minorities. Perhaps Pakistani children will one day read of the minorities that were their ancestors
Apr 17, 2015 11:59pm
Some remember 1984 operation against sikhs in India?
Abbas Ali
Apr 18, 2015 01:01am
@M. Emad Muslims also can't forget the partition. The Sikhs showed their true potential.
N C Mishra
Apr 18, 2015 07:06am
This is not what the founding fathers of Pakistan and India had in mind. The sub-continent is in turmoil since the politicians and the religious leaders are a greedy lot- playing as per diktats of foreign governments.
Komal S
Apr 18, 2015 07:37am
@Maxx. But still the numbers dwindle. What could be the reason?
Apr 18, 2015 11:06am
@Moe Awais Why? What he said made a lot of sense taking into account the non muslim population before independence.
Apr 18, 2015 12:21pm
@Ridwan maybe because most of them are brainwashed in madarsas and therefore they don't integrate with the society well.
Apr 18, 2015 02:12pm
@Moe AwaisWe are proud of our country and our city, we work towards them and they influence are way of life. We do not have the luxury of getting developmental assistance for free from foreign countries, so naturally, we respect what we create with our hands.
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