


Take control of your payments and access a new generation of customers.

Instant and cheap

Dash offers the fastest payments and almost for free.

Turnkey or in-house

Quick, simple setup or a custom fit. Shape Dash to your business needs.

Startup to enterprise

Big or small, Dash scales with your business no matter the size.

Instant send image


Dash secure image


Microfees icon image

Micro Fees

Increase revenue and efficiency in your business

Say goodbye to chargebacks, your sales settle within a second.

Speedper transaction
Settlementper transaction
Costper transaction
Dash Logo
1 sec
1 sec
10 min
60 min
5 sec
8 days
Credit Cards
3 sec
3 business days
up to 7%
Wire Transfer
1-5 days
1-5 days
Payment Volume $4.48 Billion+
Daily Active Addresses54300 +
Transactions/Day8220 +

Integrations that work

Setup Dash in your business quickly and effectively. Leverage Dash partners to add services and expand your business to a new generation of customers.

Dash is KYC/AML compliant

Dash’s transaction rules are identical to Bitcoin, and therefore for regulatory and compliance purposes Dash can and should be treated identically to Bitcoin. BlockchainIntel and Coinfirm are KYC/AML service providers that offer services covering the Dash blockchain.

Grow your business with Dash

Integrating Dash is easy and you have full control over how your funds are handled. Convert Dash to your local currency instantly, hold it all, or something in between.

Businessplan image

E-commerce Plugins

Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento or ZenCart are just a few ways you can integrate Dash.

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Custom Integration

Dash APIs allow you to customize payments that fit your business needs.

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Simple Compliance

Turnkey solutions so you can rest easy.

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Auditing & Reporting

Easy to audit, easy to integrate in your current workflow.

Where to buy Dash

ֹֹDash is available globally through major exchanges and brokers.

See full list > 

Kraken logo
Coinbase logo image
Uphold logo image
Binance logo

Where to use Dash

Dash is accepted by thousands of businesses around the world. Join them and gain access to a new generation of customers.

See more > 

Bitrefill logo
mobile topup icon image
Mobile Topup

Brand Guidelines

At Dash, we build solutions that enable users across the world to adapt to the blockchain era. Our goal is to make blockchain simpler, safer and easier to use with the power of the Dash blockchain network.

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