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'Disgusted': Professor Martyn Evans said he was made to feel like a 'wrongdoer' after getting off his train one stop early. He was ordered to pay £155 after being prevented from leaving the station by the automatic barrier

Martyn Evans was told he would be fined for disembarking at Darlington, near his home, rather than waiting until Durham, where he works at the university’s philosophy department. The state-run East Coast train company said ticketing regulations meant he could get off only at the stop he had paid for – and nowhere else. But transport campaigners warned the restriction risked driving passengers off trains and back into their

Shock: Nicholas Robertson who had his burnt hand enclosed inside a Tesco plastic bag by staff at the University Hospital in Cardiff

Nicholas Robertson, 38, was treated at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff after accidentally setting his arm ablaze with a cigarette after spilling lighter fluid on himself.








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Dylan Kurihara

Joe Kurihara, 23, of Pasadena, CA, got so intoxicated at a wedding on Saturday night that he forgot where he left his car and that his toddler son was in the vehicle.

Battling bulimia: Bright Rowena France committed suicide in her family home and was discovered by her mother

Sixth former Rowena France was found hanging at the family home in Huddersfield by her mother. She had become depressed after battling the illness.

Mike Harland, the navigator killed after he fell from an RAF Tornado as it flew upside down

Former RAF pilot Mike Harland, 44, was killed when his ejector seat fell from the cockpit of an RAF jet during a test flight, an inquest has heard.

Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson is set for a cameo role as a Bangkok tattoo artist in the sequel to the 2009 hit The Hangover - with filming expected to begin in two weeks.


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