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like cylinderchess :)
Hi, I'm Tobias Loader. I'm a student at the University of Oxford studying Maths and CompSci and I love building fun coding projects.
Check out myLinkedIn andGitHub if you'd like more info.
While playing chess one day with my old school-friend Will, we said, "Let's imagine we've glued the A and H files together" – effectively turning the board into a cylinder, enabling continuous movement around it. Having discovered how interesting and complex this variant can be, I thought I'd have a go at building this cylinder chess app as my holiday project. I've enjoyed playing it online with friends and hope you do too!
If you have any feature requests, bug reports, etc, you can get in touch via.
I'm keen to keep developing this project and have plans in the pipes for user accounts, an evaluation engine and Elo rating, and matching random players. Thanks very much :) | copyright © 2022⁠–⁠2025 Tobias Loader — all rights reserved
---absolutely, yes! ---
---more info please ---
---no, maybe later! ---