AI for Effective Advertising - AI research and business implementation capability of CyberAgent

This five-minute video summarizes the high advertising effectiveness of "Kiwami Prediction AI," which predicts advertising results before distribution, and "Kiwami Prediction TD," which automatically generates ad copies.
With the advancement in AI, there is a growing demand for its use in business. However, while research progresses, it is not easy to turn research and technology into practical application and result in business outcomes.
CyberAgent established the AI Lab in 2016 and is actively working on new AI business opportunities, implementation in society, and academic contribution in collaboration with universities that pursue cutting-edge AI research.
Against this backdrop, the use and integration of AI technology are advancing in a wide range of our businesses. Especially in the advertising business, we have succeeded in creating "winning ad creatives" at a high rate with AI.
This five-minute video summarizes the high advertising effectiveness of "Kiwami Prediction AI," which predicts advertising results before distribution, and "Kiwami Prediction TD," which automatically generates ad copies.
"This is a strength unique to CyberAgent, a company with strong technological capabilities in AI that erects no barriers to its research, development, and business," said Hiroya Takamura, professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology.
We will continue to utilize our advanced technological capabilities to promote research and development to further improve ad creatives' diversity, the accuracy of forecasts, and provide new value in creativity. In addition, we will continue to develop and offer new services to advertisers using AI technology, such as Kiwami Prediction AI and Kiwami Prediction TD, to maximize advertising effectiveness.
“Adaptability to change drives sustainable growth of CyberAgent”
The 25th video by CyberAgent IR channel

CyberAgent's adaptability to change realizes its sustainable growth. Responding to environmental change and technological innovation, we have diversified our business and continuously expanded the revenue.