Category 1: The emissions are calculated by multiplying the cost of office supplies and promotional event-related expenses by the emission intensities from the "Emission Coefficients Database for Corporate Value Chain Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Ver.3.3."(Japanese Ministry of the Environment), etc. For public cloud services, the emissions are the total of emissions reported by each service provider.
Category 3: The emissions are calculated by multiplying the fuel, electricity, and heat consumption by the respective emission intensities from the "Emission Coefficients Database for Corporate Value Chain Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Ver.3.3."
Category 6: The emissions are calculated by multiplying the business travel expenses by the emission intensities from the "Emission Coefficients Database for Corporate Value Chain Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Ver.3.3." 25 group companies (2.8% of the business travel expenses) are excluded from the calculation due to a lack of categorical data on means of transportation. Note that business travel expenses include some uncategorizable accommodation expenses.
Category 7: The emissions are calculated by multiplying the employee commuting expenses by the emission intensities from the "Emission Coefficients Database for Corporate Value Chain Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Ver.3.3."
The emissions of group companies that do not reflect telecommuting on the commuting expenses are calculated by multiplying with the attendance rate. 13 group companies (3% of the employee commuting expenses) are excluded from the calculation due to a lack of categorical data on means of transportation.
Category 13:The emissions are calculated by multiplying the electricity consumption at rental properties by the coefficient listed in the "Emission Coefficients by Electric Power Company" of the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.