In all games we operate, CyberAgent is committed to protecting young users and providing fun games in a safe and secure environment for all people who use our services.
Money spending alerts
Money spending alerts are issued to users when the amount of money spent on in-game purchases has reached the amount set for each month, thereby preventing excess purchases and usage.
*Alert amount set differs by game.
Spending limits for minors
We limit the monthly spending amount of minors. By limiting the maximum spending amount of users for age 15 or under to 5,000 yen and ages 16–19 to 10,000 yen, we protect users by ensuring that minors are unable to spend excessive amounts.
Display of distribution rates (also known as "drop rates") of each obtainable random in-game item
In accordance with the "Operating Guidelines for Random Item Distribution in Network Games" established by the Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association ("CESA"), CyberAgent displays the distribution rates (also known as "drop rates") of each obtainable random in-game item to increase transparency. In addition, we disclose information more simply and clearly by displaying modified distribution rates if they are modified for a special event.
Applies to the games provided and operated by:
CyberAgent, Inc., Cygames, Inc., Applibot, Inc., Sumzap, Inc., Grenge, Inc., Griphone, Inc., Goodroid, Inc., Craft Egg, Inc., QualiArts, Inc.
Prohibition Real Money Trade (RMT)
In all games we provide, CyberAgent prohibits the advertising, announcing, or soliciting of RMT (Real Money Trading) with other users, as well as RMT involving the buying or selling of game IDs or game items in exchange for money or anything of monetary value. If such acts are discovered, we will take action in accordance with each game's usage policy, including the suspended use of all or part of a game, or cancellation of the user's account.
In-game patrols
Voluntary patrols help ensure a safe and secure gaming environment for all users by monitoring whether games are being operated properly, watching for unacceptable activities such as RMT, and checking whether posted comments violate rules.
Thorough compliance with game related laws and regulations
In order to ensure that users can enjoy games in full confidence of their safety, we have established acceptable use policies for each game and also take steps to promote awareness on our official website and in-game.