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CyberAgent, Inc.



CyberAgent has established the item, “a highly moral company that thoroughly complies with the law,” in relation to complying with itsMission Statement, and strives to act with strong ethics and responsibility. Moreover, CyberAgent continues to provide a necessary training and environment to comply with laws.

Compliance Framework

CyberAgent rebuilt the Legal Office which was used until 2016 into the Legal and Compliance Office to carry out compliance duties. The office has been providing compliance education and ensured it has been diffused in all divisions of the company. They have been setting up a framework that enables business operations imbued with strong ethics by implementing required measures in establishing a compliance framework for the entire company group and regularly holding specialized compliance workshops necessary to the duties in each division.

Initiatives to Educate and Diffuse Compliance

A compliance workshop is implemented at the moment new graduates or mid-career employees join the company. We also regularly provide workshops to improve knowledge and awareness regarding compliance. As examples, not only have we established harassment modules in our training for newly appointed managers, but also offer additional education that is attuned to current trends and the unique characteristics of each occupation or job activity, such as education on the 'Law for Preventing Unjustifiable Extra or Unexpected Benefit and Misleading Representation' for staff in advertising, and on 'Infrastructure Security' for engineers.


Four times a year, all employees take a questionnaire based on the same 3-question format as GEPPO, on what they feel are sources of risk for the company. Questionnaire responses are read only by directors and members of the internal Risk Management Committee. This content is then discussed and countermeasures are implemented as necessary. This system is designed to proactively prevent losses that could arise in managing the company by not only identifying risks beforehand but also raising employees' awareness of risks and focusing more attention on them.

HIYA RISK TEST: Testing Awareness of Sudden and Unexpected Risks

This is a compliance test that asks questions on how to respond to sudden and unexpected risks that can occur in a variety of situations from work to social gatherings. It was decided to administer this test company-wide during the 'YMCA Ashita Kaigi (Meeting for Tomorrow)' implemented by YMCA, an organization that supports and encourages young persons in their 20s. All employees are required to obtain a perfect score in this program, whose purpose is to educate on risk knowledge and countermeasures across the CyberAgent Group.


CyberAgent has built an intranet e-learning system to deepen understanding and diffusion of the training from compliance workshops. The system enables employees to test themselves in 10 or more categories such as Personal Data Protection or Insider Training at any time.


CyberAgent has put in place a system in which company directors or employees can notify a support desk (internal notification system) or ask for guidance anonymously should they discover a compliance violation.

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  2. Sustainability
  3. Governance
  4. Compliance
  5. Compliance
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