Notes, by J. P. Adams, on Papal Elections and Conclaves
from the 11th to the 21st Centuries
- Election of 1073, resulting in the election of Gregory VII [preliminary notes].
- Election of 1088, resulting in the election of Urban II.
- Election of 1099, resulting in the election of Paschal II.
- Election of 1118, resulting in the election of Gelasius II.
- Election of 1119, resulting in the election of Calixtus II.
—Documents concerning the election of 1119. - Election of 1124, resulting in the election of Celestine II and then Honorius II.
- Election of 1130, resulting in the election of Anacletus II (Roman Obedience) and the election of Innocent II
—Documents concerning the elections and Schism of 1130-1138. - Election of 1138, resulting in the election of Victor IV (Roman Obedience).
- Election of 1143, resulting in the election of Celestinus II
- Election of 1144, resulting in the election of Lucius II
- Election of 1145, resulting in the election of Eugenius III.
- Election of 1153, resulting in the election of Anastasius IV.
- Election of 1154, resulting in the election of Adrian IV.
—Documents concerning the election of 1154. - Election of 1159, resulting in the election of Alexander III (Rolando Bandinelli, Roman Obedience)
and the election of Victor IV (Octavianus de Monticelio, Imperial Obedience)
—Documents concerning the elections and Schism of 1159-1164. - Election of 1181, resulting in the election of Election of Lucius III.
- Election of 1185, resulting in the election of Urban III.
—Documents concerning the election of 1185. - Election of October, 1187, resulting in the election of Gregory VIII.
- Election of December, 1187, resulting in the election of Clement III.
- Election of 1191, resulting in the election of Celestinus III.
- Election of 1198, resulting in the election of Innocent III.
—Documents concerning the election of 1198.
- Election of 1216, resulting in the election of Honorius III
—Documents concerning the election of 1216. - Election of 1227, resulting in the election of Gregory IX.
—Documents concerning the election of 1227. - Election of 1241, resulting in the election of Celestinus IV.
—Documents concerning the elections of 1241-1243. - Election of 1241-1243, resulting in the election of Innocent IV.
- Election of 1254, resulting in the election of Alexander IV.
—Documents concerning the election of 1254. - Election of 1261, resulting in the election of Urban IV
- Election of 1264-1265, resulting in the election of Clement IV
- Conclave of 1268-1271, resulting in the election of Gregory X
- Conclave of 1276, January, resulting in the election of Innocent V
- Conclave of 1276, June-July, resulting in the election of Adrian V
- Conclave of 1276, August-September, resulting in the election of John XXI
- Conclave of 1277, resulting in the election of Nicholas III
- Conclave of 1281, resulting in the election of Martin IV
- Conclave of 1285, resulting in the election of Honorius IV
- Conclave of 1287-1288, resulting in the election of Nicholas IV
- Conclave of 1292-1294, resulting in the election of Celestine V
- Conclave of December, 1294, resulting in the election of Boniface VIII
- Conclave of 1303, resulting in the election of Benedict XI
- Conclave of 1304-1305, resulting in the election of Clement V
—Documents concerning the election of 1304-1305. - Conclave of 1314-1316, resulting in the election of John XXII
—Documents concerning the election of 1314-1316. - Conclave of 1334, resulting in the election of Benedict XII
- Conclave of 1342, resulting in the election of Clement VI
- Conclave of 1352, resulting in the election of Innocent VI
- Conclave of 1362, resulting in the election of Urban V
- Conclave of 1370, resulting in the election of Gregory XI
- Conclaves of 1378: Conclave of April 7-8, 1378, resulting in the election of Urban VI (Roman Obedience);
and of September 20, 1378, resulting in the election of Clement VII (Avignon Obedience)
—Documents relevant to theSede Vacante of March-September, 1378. - Conclave of 1389 (Roman Obedience) resulting in the election of Boniface IX.
- Conclave of 1394, (Avignon Obedience) resulting in the election of Benedict XIII
- Conclave of 1404 (Roman Obedience), resulting in the election of Innocent VII.
—Documents concerning the election of 1404. - Conclave of 1406 (Roman Obedience), resulting in the election of Gregory XII.
—Documents concerning the election of 1406. - Conclave of 1409 (Pisa), resulting in the election of Alexander V.
—Documents concerning the election of 1409. - Conclave of 1410 (Bologna), resulting in the election of John XXIII.
—Documents concerning the election of 1410. - Conclave of 1417, resulting in the election of Martin V
- Conclave of 1431, resulting in the election of Eugenius IV
- Conclave of 1447, resulting in the election of Nicholas V
- Conclave of 1455, resulting in the election of Calixtus III
- Conclave of 1458, resulting in the election of Pius II
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1458. - Conclave of 1464, resulting in the election of Paul II
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1464. - Conclave of 1471, resulting in the election of Sixtus IV
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1471. - Conclave of 1484, resulting in the election of Innocent VIII
- Conclave of 1492, resulting in the election of Alexander VI
- Conclave of 1503, September, resulting in the election of Pius III
- Conclave of 1503, October-November, resulting in the election of Julius II
- Conclave of 1513, resulting in the election of Leo X
- Conclave of 1521-1522, resulting in the election of Adrian VI
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1521-1522 - Conclave of 1523, resulting in the election of Clement VII
- Conclave of 1534, resulting in the election of Paul III
- Conclave of 1549-1550, resulting in the election of Julius III
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1549 - Conclave of 1555, March-April, resulting in the election of Marcellus II
—Documents concerning the Conclaves of 1555 - Conclave of 1555, May, resulting in the election of Paul IV
- Conclave of 1559, resulting in the election of Pius IV
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1559 - Conclave of 1565-1566, resulting in the election of Pius V
- Conclave of 1572, resulting in the election of Gregory XIII
- Conclave of 1585, resulting in the election of Sixtus V
- Conclave of 1590, August, resulting in the election of Urban VII
- Conclave of 1590, September, resulting in the election of Gregory XIV
- Conclave of 1591, October, resulting in the election of Innocent IX
- Conclave of 1591-1592, resulting in the election of Clement VIII
- Conclave of 1605, March-April, resulting in the election of Leo XI
- Conclave of 1605, May, resulting in the election of Paul V
—Documents concerning the Conclaves of March and of May, 1605. - Conclave of 1621, resulting in the election of Gregory XV
- Conclave of 1623, resulting in the election of Urban VIII
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1623. - Conclave of 1644, resulting in the election of Innocent X
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1644. - Conclave of 1655, resulting in the election of Alexander VII
- Conclave of 1667, resulting in the election of Clement IX
- Conclave of 1670, resulting in the election of Clement X
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1670. - Conclave of 1676, resulting in the election of Innocent XI
- Conclave of 1689, resulting in the election of Alexander VII
- Conclave of 1691, resulting in the election of Innocent XII
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1691.
- Conclave of 1700, resulting in the election of Clement XI
- Conclave of 1721, resulting in the election of Innocent XIII
- Conclave of 1724, resulting in the election of Benedict XIII
- Conclave of 1730, resulting in the election of Clement XII
- Conclave of 1740, resulting in the election of Benedict XIV
- Conclave of 1758, resulting in the election of Clement XIII
- Conclave of 1769, resulting in the election of Clement XIV
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1769. - Conclave of 1774, resulting in the election of Pius VI
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1774. - Conclave of 1799-1800, resulting in the election of Pius VII
—Documents concerning the Conclave of 1799-1800.
- Conclave of 1823, resulting in the election of Leo XII
- Conclave of 1829, resulting in the election of Pius VIII
- Conclave of 1830-1831, resulting in the election of Gregory XVI
- Conclave of 1846, resulting in the election of Pius IX
- Conclave of 1878, resulting in the election of Leo XIII
- Conclave of 1903, resulting in the election of Pius X
- Conclave of 1914, resulting in the election of Benedict XV
- Conclave of 1922, resulting in the election of Pius XI
- Conclave of 1939, resulting in the election of Pius XII
- Conclave of 1958, resulting in the election of John XXIII
- Conclave of 1963, resulting in the election of Paul VI
- Conclave of 1978, August, resulting in the election of John Paul I
- Conclave of 1978, September, resulting in the election of John Paul II
- Conclave of 2005, resulting in the election of Benedict XVI
- Conclave of 2013, resulting in the election of Francis
Lists of Cardinals'Subscriptionsto papal documents, 11th-13th centuries
List ofPapal Masters of Ceremonies, 15th to 21st centuries.
List ofConclave Sites and Numbers of Participants (1073-2013).
Codex Ceremonialis Vaticanus latinus 4736 (early 15th century, Avignon obedience) on Conclaves {Gattico I, 231-262]