


Peruvian Navy

See also:

Flag of the Navy (ceremonial and indoor usage)

Navy flag
image byŽeljko Heimer, 04 Nov 2002

Album 1995 [pie95] says ratio is ≅5:7 and shows a blue flag with the emblem of the Navy in the middle and thin yellow orle (line near the border). The naval emblem consists of the shield of thenational coat of arms infront of the two crossed anchors, at the top the Sun and above all a ribbon with inscription «MARINA DE GUERRA DEL PERU». This flag may be still in use; it is not included inAlbum 2000 [pay00] as it does not comes into its scope.
Željko Heimer, 04 Nov 2002

It’s depicted in a book about the Peruvian Navy,El Mar de Grau y la Marina de Guerra del Peru [pcy87], of 1987. How likely that it is still in use?
Joseph McMillan, 04 Nov 2002

Alternate version

alt. Navy flag
image byJaume Ollé, 17 Nov 2002

I received already infos from Peru, including the flag of the Navy. Unfortunately those infos will be available in my Bulletin [frp] only in 2001 (next millenium).
Jaume Ollé, 01 Dec 1999

The main difference is the color of the anchors — yellow in [pie95], white in this version. The rest is mainly issues of detail depiction, for the emblem. Flagwise the ratio difference may be relevant: ≅5:7vs. 2:3.
António Martins, 18 May 2005


image byZoltán Horváth, 28 August 2024
images: [1]

According toAlbum 2000 [pay00], 1:1 white flag with red border and thecoat of arms in the middle. The border is shown as wide 1/10 of the hoist (cf.1/6 inFlaggenbuch [neu39]). The height of the emblem is about 1/3 of hoist (cf.Flaggenbuch [neu39] about1/2).
Željko Heimer, 31 Oct 2002

As of 1939 and 1917

Old jack
image byŽeljko Heimer, 05 Nov 2002

Same asthe one on theAlbum 2000 [pay00] but for the measures of the border, being 1/6 of the hoist, and the height of theemblem, being 1/2 of the hoist.
Željko Heimer, 05 Nov 2002

National Geographic 1917 Flag Number [gmc17] #672 shows the jack as same asFlaggenbuch.
byŽeljko Heimer, 08 Nov 2002

Masthead Pennant

Masthead Pennant
image byŽeljko Heimer, 01 Nov 2002

Album 2000 [pay00] says ratio is ≅2:9 and shows a white triangular pennant with wide red border around all edges and in the middle a black horizontally set anchor. This is totally didferent to any otherprevious source, and therefore probably rather new.
Željko Heimer, 31 Oct 2002

As of 1995

Masthead Pennant 1995
image byŽeljko Heimer, 04 Nov 2002

Album 1995 [pie95] shows a ≅1:7 triangular pennant vertically divided in red-white-red with a black horizontal anchor in the middle. This is a “transitional version” between the1917 and 1939 on one side and2000 on the other. There is at least small question of validity.
byŽeljko Heimer, 04 Nov 2002

As of 1939 and 1917

Masthead Pennant 1939
image byŽeljko Heimer, 05 Nov 2002

Flaggenbuch [neu39] shows a ≅1:20triangular pennant vertically divided in red-white-red. The hoist size of the pennant is given as 9, but no other unit is shown. Oddly. Maybe only the hoist size is prescribed and length might be different, but I don’t think that Neubecker means here 9 cm, since otherwise when he gives absolute units he always write "cm" beside the number.
byŽeljko Heimer, 05 Nov 2002

National Geographic 1917 Flag Number [gmc17] says:

669. Commision Pennant.

Same asFlaggenbuch (≅1:20).
byŽeljko Heimer, 08 Nov 2002

Symbols of the Naval Aviation
Fuerza de Aviación Naval del Peru

The Fuerza de Aviación Naval del Peru was formed on 24 July 1963.
Dov Gutterman, 22 Jun 2004

External links:

Navy Aircraft Marking

Fin flash of Peru
image byanon.

TheAlbum 2000 [pay00] says that the Navy Aircraft Marking is theCivil flag on fin. (Identical to theAirforce Aircraft Marking.)
Željko Heimer, 04 Nov 2002

Book [c2e98] shows this marking.
Dov Gutterman, 22 Jun 2004

Version with anchor

Naval fin flash of Peru
image byŽeljko Heimer andAntónio Martins, 20 Mar 2008

Book [whe86] shows aregular flash but charged with anchor on white stripe (as seen also atthis WAF page). (This photo at theScramble.NL website shows a fin flash but it too small for being charged with an anchor.)
Dov Gutterman, 22 Jun 2004

Navy Roundel

image byŽeljko Heimer, 04 Nov 2002

Red white red roundel with black anchor overall (but under two central disks), according to theAlbum 2000 [pay00]. (Based on theAirforce Aircraft roundel.)
Željko Heimer, 04 Nov 2002

Books [c2e98] and [whe86] show this marking.
Dov Gutterman, 22 Jun 2004

