


Aircel Publishing

1985 - 1988
Publishing Began:
Comics Publishing Began:
Publishing Ended:
Comics Publishing Ended:
Indicia / Colophon Publishers:
Publisher's Brand Groups:
Publisher's Brand Emblems in Use:
Total Number of Series:
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Creator Checklist:
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Aircel was originally a Canadian manufacturer of foam insulation. When the company was forced to shut down, Aircel employee Barry Blair convinced the board to shift its resources to publishing. Aircel became a division of Malibu in the early fall of 1988.

Publisher addresses:
(1986) 2185 Ogilvie Road, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada K1J8Y7
(1987) 2660 Southvale Cres., G2, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1B4W5
(1988) 298 Elgin Street, Suite 102, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2P1M3
The Adventurers [m]19862 issues (2 indexed)Gallery1986 - [1986]
Bloodlines [m]19873 issues (1 indexed)Gallery1987 - 1987
Darkewood [m]19875 issues (5 indexed)Gallery[December] 1987 - [July] 1988
Dragonforce [m]19884 issues (4 indexed)Gallery[May] 1988 - [August] 1988
Dragonring [m]19866 issues (6 indexed)Gallery[May] 1986 - [October] 1986
Dragonring [m]198615 issues (15 indexed)Gallery[November] 1986 - [February] 1988
Elflord [m]19866 issues (6 indexed)Gallery[February] 1986 - [August] 1986
Elflord [m]198623 issues (23 indexed)Gallery[September] 1986 - [September] 1988
Elflord [m]19871 issues (1 indexed)Gallery1987
Greenhaven [m]19883 issues (3 indexed)Gallery[March] 1988 - [May] 1988
Icarus [m]19876 issues (6 indexed)Gallery[April] 1987 - [September] 1987
Jake Thrash [m]19882 issues (0 indexed)Gallery? - 1988
Maelstrom [m]198711 issues (11 indexed)Gallery[July] 1987 - [May] 1988
Samurai [m]198524 issues (24 indexed)Have 24 (Need 2)[September] 1985 - [September] 1987
Samurai Compilation [m]19872 issues (0 indexed)Gallery1987 - 1987
Samurai: The Splinter and the Sword [m]19883 issues (3 indexed)GalleryJanuary 1988 - [March] 1988
Shadowalker [m]19881 issues (1 indexed)Gallery[September] 1988
Stark: Future [m]198617 issues (17 indexed)Gallery[May] 1986 - [November] 1987
Starstone [m]19873 issues (3 indexed)Gallery[October] 1987 - [December] 1987
The Tale of Mya Rom [m]19881 issues (1 indexed)Gallery1988
Underground [m]19871 issues (0 indexed)Gallery1987
Warlock 5 [m]198615 issues (15 indexed)Gallery[November] 1986 - [July] 1988
Warlock 5 Book One19881 issues (0 indexed)GalleryMarch 1988
Warlocks [m]19881 issues (1 indexed)Gallery[September] 1988

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