


ComicBookBin ComicBookBin



   Blog by Comic Book Bin staff and other prolific writers about, of course, comic books, popular culture, technology, sports and politics! Get your own blog @ The Comic Book Bin - contact the editors for more info  

Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:14
  • There are (96) Blog Articles

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    ComicBookBin 21st Anniversary

    August 12, 2023 - 07:54

    ComicBookBin is 21 years-old.  

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    ComicBookBin is 20 Years Old!

    July 3, 2022 - 20:15

    ComicBookBin is 20 years old.  

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    No More Google Ads

    September 10, 2021 - 08:52

    I have removed all the Google ads from ComicBookBin.  

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    Updated 2021 ComicBookBin Logo

    April 29, 2021 - 00:53

    My life goal today was to change the Bin’s logo.  

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    Blog: New Artist & Breakdonws Category

    February 14, 2017 - 09:54

    New fields for comic reviews.  

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    Streamlined Bin

    June 11, 2015 - 07:03

    Revamped information architecture at ComicBookBin  

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    Latest Comic Fix

    March 25, 2015 - 12:55

    Links to latest comic pages are common features in Web comic platform that helps usability.  

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    Reminder to Publishers and Comics Creators

    February 19, 2015 - 11:20

    Avoid sending large files by emails. Use cloud-based download services instead  

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    Happy New Year - More Site Tinkering!

    January 1, 2015 - 08:35

    Hello and Happy New Year  

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    ComicBookBin App Support Update

    December 22, 2014 - 12:09

    What's happening with the ComicBookBin apps  

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    Information Architecture Cleanup

    December 7, 2014 - 16:32

    I did a few changes at the Bin today.  

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    Thank You Leroy for Your Donation to ComicBookBin

    August 29, 2014 - 11:15

    Thank you to longtime ComicBookBin writer and contributor for his generous donation  

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    A Few Tweaks to ComicBookBin

    August 22, 2014 - 09:30

    I've made a few changes to ComicBookBin this week  

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    ComicBookBin Turns 10 on Wednesday August 8 2012!

    August 7, 2012 - 11:25

    Can we party now?  

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    Don’t Send Big Files to the Media

    July 16, 2012 - 16:32

    This may sound harsh but really it is not. Do not send big attachments within email to the media and specifically comic book media.  

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    ComicBookBin Lives in Toronto Now!

    June 26, 2012 - 17:43

    You've probably noticed a lack of updates in June and if you sent us emails and news, lack of responses. That usually happens when I go AWOL. I moved in late May from Calgary to Toronto, but it took me a while to get my mojo back and being able to focus on ComicBookBin again. Shit like that happens.  

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    ComicBookBin vs The Comic Book Bin vs The Bin

    May 11, 2012 - 18:52

    So it's now ComicBookBin, instead of The Comic Book Bin. It's been "The" since way back in 2002 but in 2010, a few things made me change how we had always been called. The first was related to our iPhone app.  

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    New ComicBookBin look Phase 2 Complete

    April 26, 2012 - 08:47

    Phase 2 of the new ComicBookBin redesign is now complete. All category pages have been changed and optimized to our new design. It makes a majority of the site easier to use and more consistent visually.  

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    About the Upcoming ComicBookBin App update for iOS

    April 15, 2012 - 11:06

    After many delays due to some having to upgrade to iOS 5, ComicBookBin for iPhones and iPod Touch was finally uploaded over a week ago to be reviewed before it's available for the public  

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    New ComicBookBin Digs!

    April 5, 2012 - 10:40

    I've been tinkering with for months trying to figure out how to fix our image for our 10th anniversary. I think I finally nailed it. In preceding weeks, I was testing different designs and interfaces but was never pleased. If you visit the Bin often, you may have noticed some pretty chaotic looks that never stayed too long.  

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    Just testing crazy Wickedness!

    March 16, 2012 - 23:50

    It's a crazy weekend. Just doing some crazy testing and learning new skills.  

  • The Bin May Shutdown in Protest of SOPA on January 18th 2012

    January 15, 2012 - 08:44

    Not sure how to do this, mostly what to replace our home page with, but I'm seriously thinking about shutting Comic Book Bin on January 18th 2012 in protest of SOPA. There's some mechanics involved to figure out what to put instead. Will keep you posted.  

  • Short URL Screw Up After Moving From Go Daddy

    January 8, 2012 - 22:46

    If you were on Twitter recently, trying to click on one of our links featuring a Comic Book Bin article, you may have ended up with a broken link. Yeah, that's my fault and I'm in the process of fixing things.  

  • The Passionate Pariah and Leadership

    December 28, 2011 - 19:55

    I wanted to follow up on my leadership article. At the Bin we are pariahs of the comic book industry, even if we give so much and have done so much work to help it thrive. But that's ok. One day, our work will be recognize and people who like to hate us will have to change their tune. In 2012, for our 10th anniversary we are more than ever compelled to help this industry thrive and grow, as well as seek out solutions to problems and help you the reader connect with this hobby. We only do it because we like comics. There are no other reasons other than passion for this site to exist. Some may think we're idiots, but then again passion is what leads to changes and breakthroughs. There's so much work ahead of us.  

  • Down Time in Comics Coming Up

    October 19, 2011 - 20:19

    No, I'm not about to write about doom and gloom in comics today. What I'm referring to is the slow season in the world of comics just after the big summer push and fall launches. It happens every year. Comics going into Christmas seem to slow down with fewer launches and crazy projects on the horizon.  

  • That Logo!

    August 28, 2011 - 22:02

    I've been showing the Comic Book Bin logo to a lot of people and explaining it to them. You see, I own tons of Comic Book Bin gear. That's what I practically wear all the time. People that may or may not be into comics just love the logo. The one comment about it that comes up frequently about it is how clever it is.  

  • More Website Thinkering

    August 27, 2011 - 17:09

    If you've visited the Bin all month, you've noticed constant changes to the site on almost a daily basis. Maybe you've stumble on when we were trying something wacky and buggy only to refresh the page and see it gone in mere minutes.  

  • We're Unusual

    August 5, 2011 - 00:13

    There's a lot of work ahead for the team at The Comic Book Bin and I'm so busy (as usual) that I can barely keep up. You'll notice that we have less press release news. I'm rethinking that for now and so we're cutting down on those for a while. The intent is to focus on stuff we can really cover and call that news. Which means yous should still send us your press releases, but we,ll pick what,s relevant and do a real story out of it instead of just copy and pasting a press release. As readers, we know you prefer real news to press releases so enough corner cutting.  

  • Where Have I Been?

    July 19, 2011 - 21:16

    The guys from the Shuster Awards whom think the Bin is too controversial said it best when they saw me at the last Calgary ComicCon in June. I'm so busy I can't get into any trouble.To be honest, these days I haven't a clue about what's going on with the world of comic books. I've been off the grid busy with life all all over the world. I'm so busy that I missed my own convocation for my Master's thesis. While I was supposed to convocate, I was somewhere in Silicon Valley, working on the future of The Comic Book Bin and personal stuff too.  

  • Testing New Interface on Front Page

    May 23, 2011 - 22:38

    When I get days off, I thinker. So today I've fixed our commenting system and then, worked on the home page. What you see here is by no means the final design. It's just a test to see what happens. I can put everything back in minutes, so I'm not worried much.  

  • Bin Clean Up

    March 29, 2011 - 00:23

    If you poke around, you'll notice a few interface change at the Bin.  

  • Coolstreak Cartoons Is No More - Now It's Toon Doctor

    March 27, 2011 - 22:28

    So today March 15, 2011, Coolstreak Cartoons Inc. the parent company that owns The Comic Book Bin officially changed its name to Toon Doctor Inc.The story behind Coolstreak Cartoons Inc. is simple. The first registered business I had way back in 1999 was called Coolstreak Media. I originally wanted to call it Blue Streak new Media after my favourite Transformer character, Blue Streak, the super fast Autobot gunner with a big mouth. Well, as you can guess the name Bluestreak is quite popular even outside of the world of the Transformers and the name just wasn't available for registration. So I settled for Coolstreak. Over the years, people have confused the name and called it all kinds of things, like Cool Steak ouch.  

  • What Does It Mean to Be the Voice of a Website?

    March 12, 2011 - 22:20

    I read about the departure of the editor in chief of one of my favourite Website today and that has made me think about the situation at The Bin - no, I'm not quitting anytime soon!See, editor in chief and popular columnists are the voices, the heart and soul of popular sites. They set the tone. If you've been following the Bin for years, you saw us come out of our shelf and take many stances and write about issues affecting comics that no one dared. If you just started following the Bin a few months ago, you'll probably wonder about what I'm writing about? Where are the controversies, the debates and the passionate articles that I'm alluding to? None of that here.  

  • Comic Book Bin Gets it's own Short URL

    February 1, 2011 - 23:51

    The Bin is going social with its own shortened URL for links on social networks.  

  • Yaoi Series on Twitter

    January 31, 2011 - 20:09

    The Comic Book Bin will published a series of post on Twitter starting February 1st at around midnight. There will be one post per hour on our Twitter feed about Yaoi. We'll post a compiled article of the post later this week.  

  • 2011 Ahead

    January 7, 2011 - 06:10

    I decided to start the year with a bang. I successfully defended my Masters' thesis this week at the University of Calgary on cyber security. It was stressful and I didn't stop working on the thesis during the holidays. I still have revisions to do, so I'm not out of the woods yet. The Bin, the last few months has been neglected by me and I won't apologize. As much as I love the work I do here, my Master's thesis, as most of you can understand was the priority in my life. You can only get it right once. And the contribution to existing knowledge was too important. I've done a crazy amount of work and developed research methods that are completely novel, when faced with a new analytic challenge.  

  • Related Articles Now In App Articles

    December 29, 2010 - 13:32

    It's been a rough time for me, because I was so busy with the school work and work proper. Was completely exhausted. First thing I did, instead of taking a week off to Mexico, like normal people was plunge back directly in the Bin. I've been doing tests to bring the best solutions for comments within the articles on the apps.  

  • ComicBookBin Apps Roadmap

    October 31, 2010 - 09:57

    Of course, more versions of ComicBookBin apps will come forward. The most pressing one for me is the first update to the Android app to fix many of the bugs that have plagued that app. I know better than anyone what has to be improved in the Android app. It's not all bad. It's actually a decent app, but there's no coverflow and because of Google, adding events to your Gmail calendar app doesn't work for Android devices running 2.2 and up.I'm also planning an update for ComicBookBin for webOS to enhance the parts of the browser that stops links from working. That one is tough to fix and is related to how the articles are published through the Webkit webOS browser.Another feature that should make its way sooner rather than later are comments within the articles posted in the app. It's been requested by many users and it's one fix that can be done rather quickly on all platforms without having me thinker with too much code.  

  • Conferences in Quebec City

    October 14, 2010 - 21:29

    I've been very busy to say the least. If you've asked me to review a book through email or Twitter, sorry for the late replies. I'm in my last crunch for my thesis and very busy overall. Here in Canada, it was our Thanksgiving weekend which matches the US' Columbus Day. It was a hell of a weekend.The guys at Cape and Kimono, a new comic book convention in Quebec City invited me as one of their guest to deliver a few conferences. I did three in all on Saturday alone. I couldn't stay for Sunday because of family obligations in Montreal.  

  • ComicBookBin 1.0 For Andoid Is Coming!!!

    September 19, 2010 - 21:11

    I'm glad to report that ComicBookBin 1.0 for Android is around the door  

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