


Cloudflare Web3

Easily and securely access, maintain, and monitor Web3 infrastructure
Illustration of Ethereum distributed web

Create secure, fast, and reliable applications built on Web3 technology — including the Ethereum network and InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).

Illustration of Ethereum distributed web
Security shield protection orange
Secure access

Cloudflare enables you to securely access content from Web3 networks without installing or running any special software.

Orange icon of a globe
Faster performance

With data centers in hundreds of cities worldwide, Cloudflare delivers content requested through our gateways from the closest location to your end users.

Streamlined maintenance

Cloudflare — not your developers — maintains and monitors security, reliability, and performance for every gateway you create.


Host content via secure, serverless interfaces to Web3 networks

Cloudflare Ethereum Gateway

Cloudflare’sIPFS gateway provides a read-only, HTTP-accessible interface to the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) — enabling easy consumption for large customer bases that use traditional web clients.

Cloudflare’sEthereum gateway provides read and write access to the Ethereum network, so developers can use Ethereum in front-facing applications without any software installation.

Cloudflare Ethereum Gateway

What our customers are saying

“It's just nice to have a company like Cloudflare build a product that enables us to use IPFS and serve our front-end to our users. It's super important to us that our users feel secure using our product.”

Engineering Lead — Uniswap Labs

Applied Systems
Japan Airlines
JetBlue Travel Products
Werner Enterprises
Ziff Media
Top Cloudflare Web3 use cases

Cloudflare Web3 gateways allow you to retrieve and deliver content from the IPFS and Ethereum networks — without requiring you to set up or secure your own nodes first.

Platform apps icon
Launch distributed applications (DApps)

Easily deploy and access DApps without maintaining and monitoring your own nodes.

DNS analytics icon
Serve content through custom domain names

Deliver IPFS and Ethereum-hosted content from custom domain names via DNSLink protocols and JSON RPC queries over HTTP.

Cache content close to users

With the Cloudflare CDN, you can cache IPFS and Ethereum content as close to your end users as possible, helping improve performance and reliability.

Trusted by millions of Internet properties

Get Cloudflare Web3 for your enterprise

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