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City Year

Our Impact, Our Champions. FY23.

Dear City Year Community,

The dedication of City Year AmeriCorps members and staff, and the support of our partners and champions like you across the country, helped make the 2022-2023 school year more engaging, more personalized and more successful for thousands of students, educators and communities.

City Year continues to be a powerful part of our school programming. They develop strong professional relationships with the students and for some students they are the reason that the students come to school. – City Year Principal Partner Survey

Thank you for your ongoing advocacy and investment in our students, corps and schools. Without you, this work would not be possible.

Our impact: Advancing our dual mission

City Year remains committed to expanding educational opportunity – helping all students, particularly those in under-resourced communities, grow and thrive – and developing the next generation of leaders through national service.

City Year AmeriCorps members serve as student success coaches—tutors and role models—in schools that need additional capacity the most. Through their partnership with classroom teachers, student success coaches are providing 1:1 academic support and mentoring that create a sense of belonging, contributing to better academic performance and keeping our young people in school.

The 2022-2023 school year was focused on providing students and teachers with additional support, consistency and resources as schools continued to grapple with the impacts of COVID and sought to stabilize and rebuild after significant disruptions to teaching and learning.

A few highlights of City Year’s continuing impact:

Your support: Making a life-changing difference

It is through the generous support of our champions—deeply committed private sector partners, families, individuals, corporate partners, foundations, school districts, AmeriCorps, and City Year alumni—that we continue to make significant progress in improving student and school success. We’ll be releasing our FY24 annual report later and will share more about the impact you helped make possible.

Building on the strength of our student success coach model and its impact, City Year is shaping a bold vision for the future that will expand our impact on students and schools and help more young people reach their potential. You’ll be hearing more about this in the year ahead.

Thank you for your steadfast commitment that gives young people opportunities to build their skills and thrive as our next generation of leaders, change makers and innovators.


Jim Balfanz Signature
Jim Balfanz
CEO, City Year
City Year Boston ’94
George Nichols III Signature
George Nichols III
Chair of the Board, City Year, Inc.
President & CEO, The American College of Financial Services

City Year FY23 Financials

Total Revenues: $188 million. Revenue breakdown by category:
School District & Other State & Local 29.9%
Foundation 20.8%
AmeriCorps 19.6%
Corporations 14.1%
Individual 7.7%
Other 7.9%
Total FY23 Expenses: $178 million. Expense breakdown by category:
Program: 78%
Organizational Support: 12%
Fundraising: 10%

We are grateful to those who partnered with us and supported our work.
Individuals and family foundations
Foundations and nonprofits
Corporations and corporate foundations
Team sponsors
In-kind sponsors

Individuals and family foundations

City Year offers many ways for individuals like you to make a difference. Find out how to support City Year in your local community, take part in our annual campaign and engage with our corps and members of our broader community through our donor networks.


Crimson Lion/ Lavine Family Foundation
The Edgerley Family Foundation


$500,000 – $999,999

George Kaiser Family Foundation
TOSA Foundation
Bronfman Hauptman Foundation
The Lovett-Woodsum Foundation
Marion and David Mussafer


$250,000 – $499,999

The Lozick Family Foundation
Coretz Family Foundation
The Michael Ward and Jennifer Glock Foundation
Len Hill Charitable Trust
Einhorn Collaborative
Laura Fox and Ben Van de Bunt


$100,000 – $249,999

The Green Family Foundation
Mr. Harvey Najim
Rosenthal Family Foundation
The Hunt Family Foundation
Julie & Kevin Callaghan
Compulink Business Systems
Julia A. Uihlein
David and Rhonda Cohen
Jennifer Eplett and Sean Reilly
Robin & Perry Traquina
The Huey & Angelina Wilson Foundation
Sandy and Jeff Teper
Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation
Tracy & Justin Ward
Ryan Cotton
Michele and Kevin Casey
Nancy and Gary Chartrand
Cocherl Family Foundation
Scott Collins & Gisele Defreitas
The Dianne T. and Charles E. Rice Family Foundation
Cindy and Daniel Edelman
Finnegan Family Foundation
Herb Kohl Philanthropies
Ashley and Marc Merrill
Jennifer Eplett and Sean Reilly Family Fund of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Rachel and Mark Rohr Foundation
J. Wayne Weaver and Delores Barr Weaver


$50,000 – $99,999

The 25th Century Foundation
The Najim Charitable Foundation
Octavia Spencer
Adam Galia
Anne and John Herrmann Jr.
Morris and Emma Woodhull Fund
Daniel Roitman
The Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation
Karen Daniel
Michelle and Ryan Kilkenney
Sarah and Jeremy Milken
Alvarez Family
The Holley Foundation
Impetus Foundation
Michael Ward
Brad & Cori Meltzer Charitable Trust
Arthur and Janice Block
Jim & Natalie Burtson
Buuck Family Foundation
Byrne Family Foundation
Diane and Neil Exter
Becky and Mike Goss
Greehey Family Foundation
Goodman Manilow Family
Mays Family Foundation
Anna Kovner and Seth Meisel
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Thomas W. Haas Fund
Dwight Poler
Schreiber Philanthropy
Zoma Foundation


$25,000 – $49,999

Dianne & Bill Ledingham
DuBow Family Foundation
Melanie & Stephen Hoffmeister
Monique and David Miller
O’Shea Family Foundation
Sanford and Irene Burnstein Foundation
Nancy and Brad Drummond
Maureen and Brian Dixon
Ellie & Philip Loughlin
Brenda and Rich Battista
Jon Neuhaus ’91
Susanna Felleman and Erik Feig
Dale and Max Berger
Sonal and Ravin Gandhi
Kate and John Gilligan
Robert McCall
The Phoenix Charitable Foundation
Jack Lew and Ruth Schwartz
Winnie Spar
Worthe Family Foundation
Kate and Bob Byrne
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s HBA Fund
Bob & Debbie Fleischman
Missy and Mike Young
Patti Jeanne & Kevin Barry
Terry and John Petersen
Hernan Lopez Family Foundation
Nkem & Angela Ogbechie
Alter Family
Cindy Sanborn and Beth Ann Andrews
Holly & Rich Bonomo
Mimi and James Brault
J.F. and Peggy Bryan IV
The Carter Fund at Rhode Island Foundation
Poppy and Robert Clements
Suzanne and Jeffrey Cohodes
Michelle Collins
Stephanie & John Connaughton
Ernst & Eleanore Conrad
The David Geffen Foundation
J. Dallas Dishman
Sally & David Dornaus
Sandhya & Craig Douglas
Emily Duncan
Edward John Noble Foundation
Linda Friedman
Patrick & Inger Geraghty
Gray Foundation
The Gray Family Foundation
Jennifer Grisamore
Hargroves Family Foundation
Barbara & Amos Hostetter
Julian A and Lois G Brodsky Foundation
Mary Beth & Adam Kirsch
David Klein
Michael Krasny
Leo and Yuki Graham Foundation
The M.R. and Evelyn Hudson Foundation
The Marc Haas Foundation
Kristin & Paul Marcus
Mariner Wealth Advisors
The Michelson Foundation
The Neircut Family
Christine & Joseph Popolo
Chris Reed
Danny and Manizeh Rimer
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Nicole and John Weeldreyer
Julia White
The Zients Family Foundation
Mary and Jeffrey Zients


$10,000 – $24,999

Stephen Flippin
Musci Family
Williams-Chadwick Charitable Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation (Barbara and George Williams)
Michelle & Robert Atchinson
Andi and Tom A Bernstein
Gertrude and General (Ret.) Wesley Clark
Dale and Max W. Berger Foundation
Mark and Marjorie Friedman
David Heinzmann
David Lincoln
The McCausland Foundation
Jack McGinnis
Erin & Matt Murphy
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Ballentine Family Charitable Fund
Ann and Bob Parker
The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation
Julie and C. Gregg Petersmeyer
Sharna and Irvin Frank Foundation
Theresa & Robert Wadsworth
Gary and Judy Clare
Betsy and Gerry Jackson
Kerri Strike-Stahller and Teri Stahller
Brad and Denise Brubaker
Vanessa & Vanessa Sussman
Susan Beverly
Lisa and Robert Markey
Linda and Dr. Fred Meyers
Cynthia Hester
Michael and Janice Miller
Erik Moreno
Noemie Tilghman
Kiva & Kiva Iscol & Family
Rachael Bradley
Brooke Brown
Jeffrey Katzenberg & Kendra Burns
Carson Foundation
Ambar & Mary Chowdhury
Elizabeth and Kent Dauten
Mary Beth Maines and Jim Downing
Emily Balz Smith Foundation
Jim & Tabitha Furyk
Jim & Tabitha Furyk Foundation
Richard Kim
Liz & Joe Marconi
Elin & Larry Neiterman
Gigi Pritzker & Michael Pucker
Robert C. Echele Charitable Foundation III
Pam Gerber and Suzanne Slonim
Kristin Olson Smith and Dustin Smith
Valero Energy
Keri Larkin and Brian Vollmer
Suzanne and Tom Werner
Jennifer and Steven Zandpour
Rick and Suzanne Cavender
M. Norman and Jaclyn Goldberger
Brook and Kevin Westcott
Allison and Jim Johnson
Rabia Zafar & Mohammed Anjarwala
Dana Locknistar and Christine Beck
Kyle Angelo and Cynthia Snyder
Diana and John Thomas Lewis
Adele and Michael Acheson
Ramona & Adam Nee
Rohini & Ravinder Sakhuja
Betsy & Will Shields
Hannah Minghella and Mitchell Larson
Jamie Woodruff
Deborah Kuhn and Lee Dobkin
Shaheen Family
Margaret Wilkinson
Kristine & Nevin Chitkara
Ana Hebra-Flaster & Andy Flaster
Lisa & Stephen Lebovitz
Rita and Charles Bronfman
Theodore and Wendy Kapnek
Jennifer Asplund
Mark and Dit Goldberg
Wendy and Jon Ralston
Terrie Pologianis
Allison Horne and Peter Riehl
Eyal Altman
Ken and Carolyn Barth
William Calvert
George Nichols III
Marsha and Steven Birchard
Beth and Gerard du Toit
Dionne Rousseau and John Pojman
Robert and Laura Thomas
John Hilferty
Acheson Family Foundation
Angelo Family Charitable Foundation
Anne and John Baker II
Joe and Helaine Banner
Kathrine and Ambassador Frank Baxter
Mrs. Susan Berger
Carol Lavin Bernick
Jenny and Gregory Brandes
The CAFE Group
The Callahan Family
Joshua Carpenter
Cavender Auto Family
Jay & Sandy Colvin
Jim Corcoran
Thomas and Patricia Castellanos-Cornish
Dr. Catherine Cushinberry
Bev and Larry Dale
Candace & John Darby
Deborah and Steve Barnes
Anne and Don Edwards
Edwardson Family Foundation
Barbara & Michael Eisenson
Walter Embrey
Paul English
Hylke Faber
Kristy and Steve Fercho
Michael Kane & Jaimee Field
Lauren and Phillip Wm Fisher
Chris and David Fullerton
Catherine and Ed Galante
Randi Hedin and Andy Gardner
Allie & Bob Glotfelty
Wyck Godfrey
Roger and Agi Graham
Robert Greenblatt
Jason Grosfeld
William Heard
Robert & Margaret
IF Hummingbird Foundation, Inc.
Jean Maier and Edward Inderrieden
Lesa Scott and Philip Jackson
Ralph & Janice James
Rich Gordet & Sonja Johanson
Suzette & David Johnson
Bruce & Martha Karsh
Pam & Arthur Kelleher
Bill Klesse
Barbara Kyse
Patricia and Robert Lane
Lavin Family Foundation
Lowell Milken Family Foundation
Barry Mandel
Mark Hekemian & Brittany Maslowsky
Lily & Paul Maxwell
Sarah Maynard
Paul & Sandra Montrone
Roland & Chante’ Moy
Antonia & Joe Nedder
Ruth Nelson
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Geoffrey E. Clark and Martha Fuller Clark Fund
Linda & John Nobles
Cathleen and William Osborn
Mr. Charles Pappis
Gary and Pennie Abramson Charitable Foundation
Curt and Rachel Petersen
David and Maggie Pleva
Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation
Deborah and Stephen Quazzo
Tom Raffio
Kristen & Paul Reeder
Winifred and Kevin Reilly
Jami Gertz and Tony Ressler
Janet Crown & Steve Robinson
Kelly and Joe Rogers
Jill Hai and Marc Rubenstein
Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation
Laurie and Hank Saurage
Ana Mari Ortega Schwarzberg & Marc Schwarzberg
Katrina Scott
Mona and Matthew Simoncini
Christine Olsen & Robert Small
Kelly and Erik Smith
Nancy and Warren Smith
The Sogg Foundation
Stephanie & Brian Spector
Polly and Bobby Stein
Stephen Barnes
Carol & Lee Tesconi
Anne & Brian Trinque
Charity and Stevan Jovanovic & Family
Suzanne and Andrew Viens
The Vitale Family Foundation Inc.
David & Marilyn Vitale & Family
Juanita and Bob Watt
Elaine and Alan Weiler
The Wender Family
Rebel and Mark Wilson
Ellen and Jim Wiss
Jean and Lewis Wolff
Dionne Rousseau and John Pojman
Laura and Jay Poché
Laurie and Hank Saurage
Winifred and Kevin Reilly


$5,000 – $9,999

Emily and Henry Ford III
Jordan Feld
Beth Straka
Jennifer Gautier
Brandee Tate
Dean & Anita Newton
Krystal Ross
Karli Ryan
Alice Kwan
Dan Coyle
Julia Lennox and Rick Rizzo
Jacqueline and Thomas Benedetti
Erin and Brian Berger
Tanya Crawford
Stacey Snider and Gary Jones
Ken Grouf & Jenny S Lorant
Mollie Zachry
Dinesh Indala
Katherine Feucht
Rocky & Dennis Granahan
Damon and Mazvita Rankin
Meg Sullivan and John Herrmann
Jit Singh
Shweta & Jason Bhardwaj
James Scola
Bizzy and Steve Darling
Sarah & Gabe Gomez
Jason Serlenga
Erin Brown Jones and Scott Jones
Cam & Robin McClearn
Grace and William Flatt
Christine Heineman & Ben W Heineman Jr.
Shannon Jurecka
Kam Ghassemieh and Mandi Malek
Ashley McGuinness
Nicole Solomon Mitchell and David Mitchell
Kevin Nagle
Alan & Joan Reische
Tonya Adair
Hallie Harris
Julia Cooney
Brian Sandy
Jeff & Nora Bernarducci
Julie Fisher Cummings & Peter Cummings
Michael Cvengros
Rick Hess
Emily Reiner
Paul Schultz
Susan West
Carolyn & John Hewson
Ian Reasor
Gloria Mitchell
Marlene Canter
John Crowley
Daniel Ghyczy
Glenn Gritzner
Ashanti Johnson
Tzarni & Leah Mangosong
Sam Park
Michelle Sobrino-Stearns & Mr. Brian Stearns
Antequera Family Foundation
Morris Price, Jr.
Neha Gandhi
The Henrich Family
Zach and Val Hensley
Chris Cowan
Mr. Garrick and Mrs. Sheila Francis
Wendy & James Abrams
The Katie McGrath & JJ Abrams Family Foundation
Jennifer Alter Abt
The Adi and Jerry Greenberg Foundation
Maria and Frank Angileri
Nicole Xu & Chris Anzivino
Kim and Joe Army
The Arnold & Jill Bellowe Family Foundation
Ambassador Colleen and Bradley Bell
Brian Berner
Pam & Bill Berutti
Rebecca Cooper Bhatt & Vinay Bhatt
Jennifer Blum
Jennifer Blum
Barry & Caryl Brensinger
Bobbe and Jonathan Bridge
Heide and Ken Buckman
Buckman Fun Filled Family Foundation
John & Jacolyn Bucksbaum
Thomas & Leslie Bullock
Susan Okie Bush
Rachel Cantor
Lisa Cawley
Charles Lamar Family Foundation
Ronnie & Reed Chisholm
Chris & Perry Comenos
David & Maryelyn Cousins
Joanne Furtek Cox
Cruz Family Foundation
Linda & Dan Cummings
Mary Darmstaetter
Deanna & Tony DiNovi
Brian Doty
Cheryl & James Duckworth
Linda and John Ehrlich
Eleven Eleven Foundation
ELMS Foundation, Merle & Stanley Goldstein
Alan Epstein
Opella Ernest
Ms. Emily Fisher
Richard & Shari Foos & Family
Gerson Family Foundation
Anne Helgen & Michael Gilligan
Chris Gordon
Maria Green
Richard Green
Sondra Friedman and Kirk Gregersen
Gregory and EJ Milken Foundation
Mike & Diane Gruber
Jane & Steven Hoch
Susan Hoff
HSJK Foundation, Inc.
Deborah and Peter Javier
John N. and Beverly A. Kratz Family Foundation
Blythe Jones
Ann Marie Viglione and Joseph Jutras
Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Kathryn Katz
Bob and Margot Keith
Mary and Ted Kellner
Louise & Phil Keoghan
Colleen Knupp
Sari and Mitchell Kovitz
Patti & Jonathan Kraft
Lance and Hillary Milken Foundation
Gail Ann and Howard Lanznar
Leshgold Family Fund
Wendy & Gary Leshgold
Ellen Guthrie & John Mankovich
Matthew Marchisotto
Tyra Mariani
Martin Richard Foundation
April McDaniel
Brad and Shannah Messinger
Peter Miller
Kimberley & David Monasterio
Michelle Moosally
Michael Morse
Jennifer and Jon Mosle
Susan Noyes
Anne and Steve Peacher
Pete and Jan Albert Family Foundation
Mason Phelps
Richard and KAren Pollock
Sylvia and Jonas Prising
Dave Rainer
Drew and Ross Reilly
The Robert P. and Arlene R. Kogod Family Foundation
D’Rita and Robbie Robinson
Roco Agape Charitable Foundation
John W. Rogers, Jr.
Nancy & Stephen Rogers
Brittany Morris Saunders
Schecter Family Charitable Gift Fund
Lyn Schoenfeld
Eric Sedler
Tim Hebert & Diana Sinina
Skadden Arps LLP
The Solomon and Sylvia Bronstein Foundation
Kathleen & Robert Stansky
Tom & Sheryl Stefaniak
Strauss Foundation
Kevin Turpin II
David Uihlein
Kristen Villers
Kenneth Walker
John & Patricia Walsh
Nancy Wang
Gail Warden
Len Wechsler
Weishaupt Family Foundation
Jill Wolowitz
Carol & Bill Yermal
Betsy Zeigler
Charles Lamar Family Foundation
Drew and Ross Reilly


$2,500 – $4,999

Lillian Bean
Michael and Julia Atalla
David Ball
Fahmi Karam
Jason McCree
Michelle & Adam Devoe
Iris Griffin
John Jackson
Stephen Bierline
Kelly Carpentier
Laura Dodge & David Chadbourne
Julie & Rolf Goetze
Mack & Jessica Lovvorn
John Hilferty
Pamela Sloan
Susan Stuart Seiler Family Foundation
Rob Nicewicz
Jonathan Paone
Alisha Bell-Campbell
JM Gibis
James Doyle
Carla & Tom D’Orsi
Rob and Kristy Edmund
Nancy and John Kirtley
Clay Richmond
Isaac Robledo
Michael Seda
Rabbi Samuel Stahl and Mrs. Lynn Stahl
Cory & Natalie Casey
Adam & Yonah Bottrill
Timothy & Aimee Miller
Mallory Mahan & Evan Serdensky
Ann Marie & Chris Bell
Bethany Jewel & Stephen Silver
Matthew and Cherie Cross
Margaret Rote
Christine & Reuben Ackerman
Daria Preston
Nora and Jeff Smith
Zachary Lehman
Beth and Ken Roos
Doug Cross
Dr. Ryan David
Bill Gerstein
Margaret & William Haskett
Sara Hazel
David Lauschke
Cara McCauley Lorion & Mark Lorion
The Robert Weiler Company
Richard & Annie Samuels
Marisa Sinboonyok
Adam Skilken
The Spencer Foundation
Loren and Heath Ward
John Weaver
Brad Thomas
Roya Stephens
Jeanne & Bill Shaheen
Vivian Myers
Gavin Sullivan and Shadia K’David
Renee Johnson
Derrick Wong
Darryl Bundrige
Molly Mitzner
Jody and Matt Wilhelm
Scott Tranchemontagne
David & Amanda Goldblatt
Pawn Nitichan & Paul McNamara
Timothy Gordon
Peter & Karen Giorgio
Bill Stelling & Bill Siroty
Dominique Leipzig
Christy and John Lindsay
Maria Meinen
Julie and Marc Platt
Thero & Sarah Mitchell
Sarah Grey
Nigel Ferguson
Jigisha Patel
Diane & Mike Muyskens
Jason M. Holton
Lisa & Eran Lobel
Josh Chaitin and Erin Galvin
Mergen Family
Laura and Joseph Atkinson
Abrego Family Foundation
Jeffrey Weissglass and Jeannie Affelder
Ross Ainley
Collin Bailey
Lynn Bopf
Susan & Andrew Brengle
Mikayla Brettelle
Martha Montag Brown
Bonnie and Arnold Caplan
Debra and Andrew Carlino
Arnold Buffum Chace Jr.
Charles Schwab & Co, Inc
Alpesh Patel & Angela Chaudhari
Tom Larson & Joy Chik
Maggie Chu
Josh and Niki Cochran
Jay Corrigan
Christian and Jaclyn Leibl-Cote
Carla & Christopher Crowshaw
Pavlos Dafnis
Dana & Stuart Davies
Kim & Jonathan Davis
Warren Higgins & Diane DiBonaventuro
Marie Sylla-Dixon
The Dozoretz Family Private Foundation
Beth Dozoretz
Christine and Chris Egan
Claudia Gilman & Harry Eisenbaum
Jana Ellis
Christopher Fletcher
Vicki Forward
Gordon and Patricia Fowler
Drew Fuller
Anne Gibson
Adam Goldman
Gordon Hartman Family Foundation
Suzanne & James Goudge
Michael & Mimi Greenly
Cara & Michael Hair
Jen & Desmond Havlicek
Ava and Cordell Haymon
Paul Hoskins
Jessica Greenfield & Paul Hummel
John and Ilene Kennedy Foundation
Macy Johnson
Maureen and Richard Johnson
Mark Jorgenson
Jennifer Kernan
Peter Kim
Laura Atler Klapman and Howard Klapman
Anna Sinaiko & Joshua Klevens
Sean & Angela Kouplen
Liam and Karen Krehbiel
Ferne Kuhn
Leif Family
Brenda and Marc Lhormer
Michael Lipsitz
Lockton Companies
Amanda and Blake Lovelace
Lisa McGrath
Alexander and Eleanor McLane
Tracey and Ty McMains
Christopher Melling
Loiuse Melling
Julie Chen Moonves
Carla Moynihan
NBC Sports Next
Tait & Laura Nielsen
Brian Nolan
Jay Pattin
Jeff Poe
Ginny & Steve Provost
Brett and Jessica Rafuse
Stuart Schlossberg and Bonnie Reed
Nathan Rexroth
Corinna Richter
Robert Cushman Woods Van Nostrand Fund
Barclay & Frank Ross
Entrice and Marcus Rowe
Michael Saei
Kathy Scherer
Meenal Sethna
Heidi and Sean Shadid
Kala and Gary Sharp
Mark & Stacey Sprecker
Jennifer & Seth Stier
Kara Stoecklin
Jared Levine & Lucy Stutz
April Ancira & Jason Thompson
Andrea & Thomas Ward
Matthew Warren
Darren Whitehurst
Chris Brady Wolfe
Terrance Woodbury
Jeffrey Wright
Nicole Zatlyn
Ava and Cordell Haymon


$1,000 – $2,499

James Barshop
Susan Napier and Alex Berger
Jennifer Gonring and Family
Kirk Bradshaw
David Lipman
Elsa Barshop
Karen Keating Mara & Neil Mara
John Roberts
Robert Churchill
Katie Mendel
Daniel Rainer
Risa Shames & Neil Silverston
Joe and Sandra Wisniewski
Molly and Ken Kimble
Susan Brubaker
Matthew Calligaro
Patricia Ford
Nora Crowley and Daniel McGowan
Sarah & Stephen Monk
Benjamin Shobert
Aaron & Teresa von Staats
Phil Long
Steve Sanger and Karen Mazzari
Michael Derrico
James Thomas & Ronald Rae
Keola Harrington
Alexa & Drew Haley
Molly Hill
Ms. Jennifer Swize
Frank Grossman
Scott Addis
Barbara and Bruce Akers
Alan Alhadeff
Caroline Bartman
Shanuah Beamon
Teri Berliner
Betsy and Bryan Ross Fund of the Lurie Family
Marcia & Don Blenko
Mary Burns
Thomas Christie
Community Foundation of New Jersey
Stacey & Mark Cornforth
Betty and Stuart Cotton
Lori and Chris Didier
Sharif El-Mekki
Carrie Bridges Feliz and Ruben Feliz
Patricia Fersch
Fiduciary Trust International
Larry & Jenna Flanagan
The Foster Family Private Foundation Inc.
Abby and Brett Gordon
Peter Hammond
Carrie Ambo & Dominic Harkness
David Hirsch
Kerry Robinson and Steven Holmes
AJ & Keisha Jordan
James Karr
Ellen Milgrim and Andy Keiser
Christopher Keogh
John Kilgallon
Joel Krikston
Teri and Gordon LeBlanc
Teri and Gordon LeBlanc
Meredith Talbot & David Litvak
Barbara Luberoff
Paul Mahan
Marissa Melnick
Anne Esbenshade & Mike Miele
Helen Mills
Amy and Marc Morgenstern
Barbara O’Connor
The Olivieri Johnston Family Foundation
Shoreen Maghame and Philip Paccione
Mark Plunkey
Lara Price
Gretchen Schaffner & Alex Reid
Suzanne E. Schreiber
Jocelyn Selig
Elisabeth Dutton & Daniel Shader
Kevin Shannon
Kate & Raleigh Shoemaker
Dan Sievers
Robert Sievers
Peter & Lindsey Sowden
Silda Wall-Spitzer
Jefferie Spychala
Ivana Sreckov
Erik Stangvik
Rashad D. Thomas
Gillian Thomson
Sarah Wood and Brian Utter
Alyson Villano
Adam and Karen Waalkes
Maurice Watson
Sue and David Woodsum
Alison Zelenko
Joan & Howard Brodsky
Mary Jane Stevenson & Alex Ricciardulli
Katie Helock
Richard McFarland
Sandra and James Corry
Dean Farrar & Lisa Rudi
Grace Wu
Thomas & Dede Sullivan
Melissa and Ted Long
Celeste Merriweather
John Dillard
Alice & Todd Markson
Merrill Puopolo
Trish & Ken Atha
Howard Gleicher
Bari and Alan Harlam
Suzanne & Isaac Selkow
Laura Powers
Bethany Housman & Arlene McCann
Mary & Peter Skipper
Dr. Zee Ali
Cal St. Denis & Remy Tetrault
Andrew Tauber
Maureen & Michael Sparks
Garret Weston
Judy and John Mazzotta
Michael Kelly
Keshav Mallidi
Prasad Sulur
Karin and Werner Baron
Mary & Scott Wells
Gwenn and Dave Rosener
Jim and Pam Balfanz
Ian Ruiz Carlile
Jon Song
Sharmane Andrews
Alex Batson
Bonnie Berger
Carol Biondi
Michael Lonetto & Pam Blittersdorf
Nancy and Alan Brodovsky
Beth and Barry Broome
Peter Bull
Darrell & Manasses Campbell
Tim & Christina Deane
Gary Anthony Douglas
Heather and Josh Edelman
Phyllis & Howard Fischer
Victor Frasher
Amanda & Campe Goodman
Heather & Ben Grimmett
Carol Hallquist
Sally and Peter Hanley
David Kall
Ms. Beth Kramer
Gess & Pamela LeBlanc
Karine and Chris Linneman
Laura Lynam
Dan Burnstein and Martin Martinez
Christine and Christos Patrinos
Paula Perry
Patricia & Thomas Quinlan
Julie Quinn
Jennifer Hoos Rothberg & Jonathan Rothberg
Katie Roush
Elizabeth and Kenneth Shimberg
Virginia Mackay-Smith
Cara Stein
Michael Walsh
Jason Williams
Courtney Worcester
Michael F. Connolly
Ron Roveda
Dr. Susan Steinman
Blake Udelson
Allyson & Jon Hile
Brenda Seagrave-Whittle
Christopher Mann
Rodney Harrelson
Katie Hanna
Rezarta Haxhillari
Alexandra Callam and Andrew Horwitz
Todd Swidler
Andrew & Emily Treaster
Marjorie & Brian Morris
Alex & Jimmy Allen
Monica Roberts
Isabel Barros
Candace Boschard & James Albert
Sherisse Butler
Kerry and Douglas Marshall
Karima Porter
Daniel & Sindiso Weeks
Andrea Eaton
Kathy and Brad Cook
Stephen Davenport
Jennifer and Clay Holk
Amy Caplan and Geoffrey Lewis
Shane Nelson
Meena and John Pisan
Poinsette Foundation
Nina and Sundeep Rawal
Jack & Gayle Sanders
Christine & David Smoragiewicz
Nolan & Elaina Tully
Kevin Fish
Neil & Kelly Batiancila
Arthur Block
Edward Suarez
Paul Silva
Deb Briceland-Betts
Lauren Berret
Chantee Angus
Ms. Allyson Baker
Robert Burleson
Sabah & Asim Cambrelen
Timothy A. Cunningham
Elizabeth and William Faust
Amy and Anthony Kistka
Matthew Mallory
Roberta Meacham
Thomas & Patricia O’Brien
Ms. Carey Oven
Megyn & Patrick Robertson
Joe Stokes
Wendell Harvey & Wendy Green-Harvey
Kristen & Jerry Wik
Marge Jackson
Joshua & Natalia Puskar
Melanie Rue
Monica & Tim Williams
Rebecca Kitchens
Douglas Shafer
DaBrian Jones
Debbie and Jody Carreiro
Jay Barth & Chuck Cliett
Synettra Coleman
David Jennings
Loree Jones
Victoria Morter
Arianna Neromiliotis
Julie Joyal & Paul Reville
Heather Svetek
Joseph & Rose Marie Andolina
Arlin & Paula Green
John T. Broderick, Jr. & Patti Broderick
Shannon & Jason Sutherland
Waller Perez
Kashif Smiley
Liz & Tim Galaz
Katherine Cannan
Ariel Hurley
Monica and Stephen Jennings
Vicky & Tucker Levy
Kathleen McMorrow
Wendy and Eric Miller
Mary and Thomas Scotten
Rayford Blankeney
Gary & Jean Bodenstab
Nicole and Tariq Chaudhri
Brian & Jacquelyn Dosal
Brianna Dusseault
Nate Ellis
Mica Strother and Greg Hale
Terence Janericco
Teri Kerrigan
Marya Khalil
Lyn & Doug Lee
Sally Otten and Tom Neir
Heather Nesle
Natalie Reid
Richard Riley
Diane & Michael Sapir
Pamela & Stan Stewart
Athena Mak & Arjun Subramaniam
Whei Wong
Kristi LaRose
Elizabeth Gawlik
Toby Haselberger
Ali El Husseini
Margie Painter
Allison Saxe
Chris White
Jennifer Goff-Wright
Torreyana & Leroy Tripette
Elisa Bolton & Michael Michaels
Fred Snitzer
Morris Amiri
Susan Kim and Dan Williams
John Zaya
Rachel and John Roberts
Ryan Schmiesing
Elizabeth Bazley
Charlie Hansen
Melisa Ashrafy
Joel-lyn & Joseph McCormick
Kenneth Ackerman
Pete Agnes
Abby & Joseph Andrietsch
Dale and Roland Anglin
Nancy Aossey
Raquel Arredondo
Jami & Matthew Axelrod
Bob Bailey
Sam Bailey
Gavaskar Balasingam
Mr. James Barker
Richard Baron
Jacqueline Beer
Michael Bellamy
Leora Benami
Martie Bernicker
David Berten
Andy Biesterveld
Craig Berkowitch and Barb Bikoff
Allison Blais
Stanford & Roselyn Blanck
Buck and Janelle Blessing
Alan Blumenfeld
Kate Boege
David & Cassie Bordeau
Camille Bowman
Danielle Holliday Boysen
Ben & Coleen Brady
Nan Leonard & Cesar Brea
Jill Smilow & Howard Brick
Matthew Brill
Patricia & William Brilliant
Hannah Brock
C.J. Brucato
Bruce R. McCaw Family Foundation
James & Elinor Buck
Nilesh and Anita Buddhdeo
Mary Helen Burns
Christopher Butler
Megan Calhoun
Patricia & David Cameron
Thomas Campbell
Amy and JC Cangilla
Michael Cantor
Richard Carrigan
Stephen Casey
Michele Causey
Laura Charecky
Linda Chin
Fully & Gloria Clingman
Evan Cohen
Kristi Coker
David Coleman
David Colli
Francisca and Rudy Comeaux
Francisca and Rudy Comeaux
Ann Connelly Fine Art, LLC
John Connor
David Cooper
David & Judith Corbit
Mary Courtney-O’Sullivan
Zachary Cox
Laura Coyne
Joyce Craig & Michael Craig
Susan Crenshaw
Bob and Sheri Curry
Barbara and John Darby
Jennifer Davis
Karen and Jeffrey Davis
Julie and Paul Davis
Debra and Matt Dawson
David Dechman
Kenann Mckenzie-Defranza & Andrew DeFranza
Kevin & Jennifer Demoff & Family
Mary and Jim Diacon
Leonard Dick
Itai & Lauren Dinour
Mike Drennon
William Bayers & Mary Ann Drinkwater
Karen Royster Dukes and David E. Dukes
Tanika Epps
Stephanie Streett and Don Erbach
Diane Esslinger
Raquel Leder & Benjamin Esty
Scott & Tamsin Fast
Joanne & Scott Faust
Megan & Rob Fellinger
Joseph & Mary Fenkel
Mila Fields-Zayas & Matthew Mugo Fields
Barbara Shapiro & Daniel Fleishman
Cristina and Paco Flores
Michelle Flores
Arthur and Susan Fogel
Sarah & Charlie Forbes
Kim Ford
Janet Foutty
Adam Fox
Jeff Franco
Adam Berger & Stephen Frank
Steve & Jennifer Franke
Ian Fried
Florence Frucher
Alan Gallo
Peni Garber
Geoffrey Garin
Jenine Garrelick
The Gelfand Family Foundation
Matthew Gentile
Randy Getz
Julie Gibson
Lynn and Mike Giffhorn
Bill & Hansi Glahn
Andrew Glazier
Todd Glenham
Kori Glore
Jilly Gokalgandhi
Brian Griffin & Lisa Esquivel-Griffin
Howard Grill
Pam Grossman
Frank Guinta
Michael Guzman
Darrel Hackett
Cathy Coates and Brain Hales
Cathy Coates and Brian Hales
Jeff and Holly Hall
Amy and Andy Hamilton
Jason Handal
Matt Hannon
Sarah Harkinson
Maureen & Maureen Harper
Jane Hart
Joe Harzich
Senator Maggie Hassan & Tom Hassan
Dale Hawk
Matt Heimsoth
Shelli Herman
Anna Hess
Sharon Hessney
Justin Heyman
Abigail Hildebrand
Marshall Hill
David Hiller
Sarah Hogan
Traci & Jan Hogrefe
Benjamin Howard
Olivia Howard
Angela Howell
Richard Howell
Dr. Darienne Hudson
Chevy Humphrey
Mongchour Chau & Thomas Huynh
James & Melissa Irvin
Chris Isom
JA Edwards of America, Inc.
Pamela Jardine
Philip Javellana
Gretchen and Corey Jennings
Gareth Jeyes
Noel Johnson
Michael Josephson
Alexandra Moosally Jutkowitz
Kian and Lathen Kamas
Daniel and Suzanne Kanter
David Kaplan
Pamela Kaplan
Dennis Karbach
Stephen & Susan Kay
Lauren Kayola
Katherine Winkler Keating & Ryan Keating
Elizabeth Kelley
Sean Kenney
Solon Kentas
Shaheena Khan
Christina King
Danan Kirby
James Klein
Stephanie Kluft
Jessica Knight
Kevin Knobloch
James Knowles
Lisa Koetter
Gary Kosman
Darren Kozik
Deborah Gross & Chuck Kurtz
Lunetta Kwan
Nirva & Nyree-Simone Lafortune
Keith Langenberg
Sarah and Matt Lapides
Amy Larkin
Elizabeth & William Laskin
Ruth Hodges & John LeClaire
Joseph Ledbetter
Rita & Gennaro Ledonne
Ellen & Bruce Leicher
Cissy Leung
Brian Levy
Janis Lewis
Lisa Lewis
Wiley and Thomas Lewis
Melanie Little
Joan & Kenneth Lloyd
Sarah Losinger
Garrick Loveria
Felix Lu
Joseph Mahady
Joel Maiola
Alexi Maltas
Theresa Mao
Jerry & Ivy Marcus
Amy and Chad Mariska
Claudia Mathis
Gary & Leshelle May
Patricia May
McAdams Charitable Foundation
Trevor & Nancy Mccall
Matt Mcdonald
Alicia Mcglinchey
Beverly McHugh
Beth & Peter Mckeon
Margaret McLaughlin
Zeb McLaurin
John McMahon
The McMains Family Fund of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Cathy and Mark McRae
Kate & Warren Mead
Max Meckstroth
Dr. Shelley Canright & Mr. Michael Medsker
Mervis Family Foundation
Sybil Mervis
Paul Meyer
George Michalopulos
Jack Middleton
Justin Miller
Matthew Miller
Reid Miller
Shontelle Mixon
Don Mobley
Adrienne and Jim Moore
Adrienne and Jim Moore
Kevin Morin
Dan Nash & Sarah Moser
Michael Moss
Raymond Murphy
Connie and Tim Myers
Jennifer Navarro
Steve Neff
Matthew Neiger
Lauren Neustadter
Stephanie Nicolas
Michelle & Ted Noon
Chris Norman
Debra Whitby-Norman
Gianira Obregon
Matthew O’Brien
Bryan & Jean Olson
Erik & Gina O’Neill
Devin O’Reilly
Heidi Fieldston and Howard Ostroff
Nicolle Pangis
Andrew Paone
Rebecca & David Paresky
Greg Parker
Jody Parker
Michelle Parmelee & Reji Pollard
Eric Popien
Maureen Dizon & Marc Popkin
Suzanne Priebatsch
Gil Quiniones
Eduardo Quintana
Oren Raffi
Valerie Read
Brian Reshefsky
Natalie Ardeel & Christopher Rich
Rick and Tina Malnati Charitable Foundation Inc.
Adam Caplan & Amisha Rigia
Mark Robinson
Hannah and Joe Robson
Joanne Rodgers
Gary Rodkin
Caroline Rogers
Lori and Jon Roop
Catherine Rose
SarahVictoria Rosemann
Aimee Rosenbaum
Larry Rosenberg
Emily Lavine & Nathan Rosin
Edward and Sally Rust
Victoria VanCura-Rutland
Diane Ryan
Lois Sachs
Heidi & Jason Saghir
Salem Shuchman & Barbara Klock Family Foundation
Cary Saurage
The Alma Lee, Norman and Cary Saurage Fund of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Philip Scheurman
David & Cheryl Schiappa
Dov Schlein
Cindy & Peter Schliemann
Travis & Sara Schram
Elizabeth Hunt & Benn Schreiber
Martha Seeligson
Dick & Shelly Seesel
Marsha Sehler
Peter Serating
Paula Shannon
Peggy Boyd Sharpe
Greg & Michelle Shell
Don & Lynda Shillito
Dave Shirley
John and Colleen Sirek
James Wade – Sky
Gerald Slusher
Edwin and Katharine Smith
Ralph Smith
Sherley Smith
Susan Smith
Alix & Joseph Smullin
Paul Snitzer
Eric & Araceli Solis
Susan Lubar Solvang & Oyvind Solvang
Molly Maxwell & Ryan Sprott
Katie St. Peters
Allan Stalvey
Mary Ellen and Scott Stanek
Marjorie & Paul Stanzler
Justin Starrantino
Alison & Henry Stebbins
Damon Stetling & Tamar Stelting
Susan & Jeffery Stern
David & Joanna Stokkink
Jason Stuhldreher
Beth and Brian Swanson
Phyllis Yale & Tucker Taft
Stacy Tager
Richard Tagle
Colleen Taylor
David Taylor
Gordon Taylor
David Tepperman
Andrew Terris
Nikki Toney
Matthew Ben & Celesta Tow
Ann Trainor
US Bank
Jon Underkofler
Jonathan Valenti
Jimmy & Jimmy Valentine
Peter Van Buren
Timothy Vatterott
Shoshana and Kevin Vernick
Tutta and Cyril Vetter
Shiva Viswanathan
Karen & Joseph Walsh
Timothy Walsh
Natasha Walth
Melissa Washington
Joan Waters
Joshua Weisbrod
Lana Griffin & David Westgor
Jon-Michael Wheat
Dan And Lauren White
Nate and Kaitlyn Whittier
Shelley and Greg Why
Lindie Lou and Bob Wightman
Todd & Abby Williams
Jane Brock-Wilson
Danette and Stephen Wineberg
Barbara and Greg Wipf
Melissa and John Wisniewski
Natalie & Rod Wright
Scott & Jean Wrobbel
Ramalee and Cristian Wulf
Teri Wysor
The Zeelander Foundation
Susan Zeelander
Andrea Evans Zoia
Michelle & William Zorn
Avery Zuck

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Accessarchived annual reports.

Foundations and nonprofits

City Year and itsphilanthropic partners work together toward a common goal: ensuring all students have access to personalized learning environments that help them reach their full potential.


Ballmer Group
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
ECMC Foundation


$500,000 – $999,999

Oak Foundation USA
Windsong Trust


$250,000 – $499,999

Caerus Foundation, Inc
The Robin Hood Foundation
Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies
Community Foundation of Greater Memphis
SchoolSmart KC
Crown Family Philanthropies
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
The Rhode Island Foundation
Fox Family Foundation
Learning League A Gary Community Venture
Cullen Foundation
Hall Family Foundation


$100,000 – $249,999

Sobrato Family Foundation
Vera R. Campbell Foundation
United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County
The Cleveland Foundation
Schultz Family Foundation
The Carmel Fund
Pinkerton Foundation
Foundation for Orange County Public Schools
Booth Ferris Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Lincoln Financial Foundation
Emerson Collective
Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation
Michigan Department of Labor
Steans Family Foundation
United Way of Northeast Florida
The Miami Foundation
California Community Foundation
The Smidt Foundation
The Addy Foundation
Baptist Community Ministries
The Baupost Group, LLC
The Ellison Foundation
The Fred A. Lennon Charitable Trust
Goldring Family Foundation
Heart of Florida United Way
The Horning Family Fund
Papitto Opportunity Connection
The Rose Hills Foundation
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc.


$50,000 – $99,999

The Manton Foundation
The New York Community Trust
The Meadows Foundation
United Way of Southeast Louisiana
The Annenberg Foundation
The Anschutz Foundation
Herzfeld Foundation
Leo M Shortino Family Foundation
Lois G. Roy Dickerman Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Pathways Foundation
Polk Bros. Foundation
The Price Family Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The George Gund Foundation
Pincus Family Foundation
Milwaukee Public Schools Foundation
United Way of Miami-Dade
The Booth-Bricker Fund
David V. Uihlein Sr Foundation
Foundation 214
Joseph Drown Foundation
The Moody Foundation
Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
New Schools for Baton Rouge
Orlando Magic Youth Foundation
Otis Booth Foundation
Peacock Foundation
PPL Foundation
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
Rose Community Foundation
Woldenberg Foundation
Taco Bell Foundation


$25,000 – $49,999

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey
Lohengrin Foundation
United Way of Greater Kansas City
United Way of the National Capital Area
Inspiring Service
Saint Luke’s Foundation
The Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Foundation
King’s Trust USA
Columbus Blue Jackets Foundation
Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation
The Carol & James Collins Foundation
Flint Family Foundation
Johnny Carson Foundation
The Philadelphia Foundation
The Phoenix Charitable Foundation
Sacramento Municipal Utilities District
Lyda Hill Foundation
Bader Philanthropies
The Batchelor Foundation
Cavaliers Youth Fund
Edward F. Swinney Trust
The Fine and Greenwald Foundation
Gorman Family Holdings
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Infinite Legacy, Inc.
Leonard and Hilda Kaplan Charitable Foundation
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
The Siemer Family Foundation
Harold Simmons Foundation/Simmons Sisters Fund


$10,000 – $24,999

Community First Foundation
Southern New Hampshire University
The Abington Foundation
The Children’s Foundation
The Corps Network
Denver Post Community Foundation
The Reinberger Foundation
Discuren Charitable Foundation
Eva L. & Joseph M. Bruening Foundation
Granite United Way
The Louise H. and David S. Ingalls Foundation
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Roy and Christine Sturgis Charitable and Educational Trust
UC Davis
Bookstock Fund
Alice I. Sullivan Charitable Foundation
America’s Service Commissions
The Baird Foundation
The Beck Foundation
California Volunteers
Child Abuse Prevention Center
The Clinton Foundation
College Possible
Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
Community Foundation for Northeast Florida
Conservation Legacy
The Denver Foundation
Dobles Foundation
Dorothy D Smith Foundation
Dr. Scholl Foundation
FoodCorps, Inc
Great Oaks Foundation
Habitat for Humanity International
The Harry C. Moores Foundation
The Hekemian Foundation
Hollywood Foreign Press Association
Jumpstart for Young Children, Inc.
June Rockwell Levy Foundation Inc
Lead For America
Literacy Lab
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Massachusetts Service Alliance
My Good Deed
Partners for Education
The PNC Charitable Trust
Points of Light Foundation
Pro Bono Publico Foundation
Public Allies
Reading Partners
The Rosewood Foundation
San Diego Foundation
SBP National Headquarters
School District of Philadelphia
The Seattle Foundation
Service Year Alliance
Seymour H. Knox Foundation
Teach for America – Headquarters
With Honor Action, Inc.


$5,000 – $9,999

Ralph Evinrude Foundation Inc
Tulsa Foundation
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
EMERITUS Institute of Management
Sacramento Literacy Foundation
Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI)
Alamo District Colleges
Bert L. and Patricia S. Steigleder Charitable Trust
California State University, Sacramento
The Callahan Foundation
The Chicago Community Trust
David and Inez Myers Foundation
The Grey Rocks Foundation, Inc.
The Harry K. & Emma R. Fox Charitable Foundation
J. M. McDonald Foundation
The Johns Hopkins University
Kelly Foundation
The Lynch Foundation
Make It Better Foundation
Miss Wallace M. Leonard Foundation
National Partnership for Student Success
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Nellie Mae Education Foundation
The Sam J. Frankino Foundation
Stone Foundation of Michigan
Three Sisters Foundation
The Tioga Foundation
University of Central Florida
University of New Hampshire
University of Pennsylvania – Graduate School of Education
Venable Foundation Inc
Voorhees University EPI Center


$2,500 – $4,999

Joseph Kennard Skilling Trust
Greater Houston Community Foundation
City of Providence
Rotary Club of San Antonio Foundation
Baltimore Corps
Cuesta Foundation
Grizzlies Foundation
Teichert Foundation
AHS Foundation
Alice C. Holton Foundation Inc.
Alverno College
Arizona State University
Arkansas Municipal League
Cal Fulenwider
Carmen High School of Science and Technology
Children’s Medical Charities Association
The Colorado Trust
Cymaron Foundation
DPS Foundation
Graduate! Philadelphia
John Newman Family Charitable Fund
Rebsamen Fund
SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
Virginia Mason Franciscan Health


$1,000 – $2,499

Give716 Day
Jacksonville Public Education Fund
Manchester School District
AmazonSmile Foundation
Brodovsky Foundation
Dexter Donation
Drusilla Farwell Foundation
OneStar Foundation
American YouthWorks
Citizen Schools, Inc.
Columbus City Schools
Communities In Schools
Great Basin Institute
Michigan Nonprofit Association
Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)
Rebuilding Together, Inc.
Relay Graduate School of Education
Repair The World, Inc.
Saga Education
Student Conservation Association, Inc.
University School of Milwaukee
Arkansas Children’s Hospital
Campus Compact
Concilio CDS, Inc.
Connecticut Commission on Community Service
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
Entertainment Industry Foundation
Financial Communications Society
The Health Federation of Philadelphia
Hunger Free America
Independence Foundation
Maria M. Love Convalescent Fund
Mike & Candis Lochmann Charitable Fund
Northwest Youth Corps
The S.K. Wellman Foundation
Southern University Law Center
University of Oklahoma
The Urban League of the State of Arkansas
Volunteer Florida

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Corporations and corporate foundations

Ourcorporate partners play a critical role in City Year’s effort to create learning environments that support student achievement at systemically under-resourced schools across the country. We are proud to say that many leading businesses, including 45% of Fortune 100 companies, recognize that partnering with City Year is good for their local communities—and good for business.


Red Nose Day Fund at Comic Relief USA
New York Life Foundation
Truist Financial
Comcast NBCUniversal


$500,000 – $999,999

Deloitte LLP
Taco Bell Foundation
NBA Foundation
Santander Consumer USA Foundation
CSX Transportation
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Vertex Foundation, Inc.


$250,000 – $499,999

Starbucks Foundation
Aramark Charitable Fund
Danaher Corporation
Bain Capital Community Partnership
Valero Energy
T-Mobile USA
MFS Investment Management®
Tiger Global Management
Wells Fargo


$100,000 – $249,999

Wawa Foundation
Snap Inc
National Grid
Universal Orlando Foundation
The Alter Group
BCW Global
Wellington Management Foundation
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Rockwell Automation
Compulink Business Systems
Detroit Pistons Foundation
J.P. Morgan Private Bank
Fidelity Investments
Los Angeles Rams
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Riot Games
USAA Foundation
Third Federal Foundation
CommunityAmerica Credit Union
Detroit Lions Charities
San Francisco Forty Niners Foundation
Santander Bank
CIM Group
Apple, Inc.
Ballard Spahr LLP
BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois
Edelman Financial Engines
Hot Topic
Kansas City Royals Foundation
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Public Consulting Group, Inc.
Synopsys Foundation


$50,000 – $99,999

State Street Foundation, Inc
Nationwide Foundation
Bain and Company
Advent International
Sutter Health
DePuy Synthes Companies of Johnson and Johnson
Boeing Company
Macy’s Foundation
Schneider Electric
Weil, Gotshal and Manges Foundation
Ropes and Gray LLP
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath
H-E-B Grocery Company
BMO Harris Bank
United Therapeutics Corporation
Bread Financial
Firstrust Bank
Kennedy Wilson Company
Capital Group
AEP Foundation
Johnson Controls, Inc.
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Berkadia Commercial Mortgage
KeyBank Foundation
Greenlight Capital
Applied Materials Foundation
Celanese Foundation
UBS Financial Services Inc.
Bain and Company
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld
AT&T Inc
County of Santa Clara
Goldman Sachs and Co.
Hasbro Children’s Fund
New Schools for Baton Rouge
Northern Trust
Northrop Grumman/Grogan Family Fund
Orlando Magic Youth Foundation
PTC Foundation, Inc.
Rhode Island Energy
SAP America Inc
Sea Best Seafood
Wasserman Foundation


$25,000 – $49,000

Safeco Insurance Fund
Lemonade Insurance Agency
Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
LLR Partners
National Football League
A&E Television Networks
Kirkland & Ellis
ACE American Insurance Co.
Amazon Studios
Davis Polk and Wardwell LLP
Bank of America
MarVista Entertainment
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Nike, Inc.
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
We Energies Foundation
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Worthe Real Estate Group
Danahaer Foundation
Bank of America
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Wintrust Financial Corporation
Massachusetts Project 351 Inc
Athena Global Advisors
Baker & Hostetler LLP
Banner and Witcoff Ltd
Bath & Body Works Foundation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina
Chicago White Sox
Comerica Bank
Discover Financial Services
Entergy Louisiana
FactSet Research
Fifth Third Bank
Florida Blue
Golden 1 Credit Union
GCM Grosvenor
Henry Crown and Company
Hyatt Hotels Foundation
Hy-Vee, Inc.
Ingram-White Castle Foundation
Jackson Health System
Jacksonville Jaguars Foundation
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Los Angeles Football Club
Universal Orlando Resort/NBC Universal
Orit Entertainment
Piston Group
Premera Blue Cross
RPM International Inc
Valero Energy Foundation
Wireless Vision


$10,000 – $24,999

Assurant Foundation
U.S. Bank Foundation
Alaska Airlines
Ariel Investments
Big Lots, Inc.
Brewers Community Foundation
CLA Foundation
Huntington Foundation
Textron Charitable Trust
Slingshot Memphis
Perkins Coie Trust Company
Best Buy Foundation
Unum Insurance Company of America
Beacon Capital Partners
BNY Mellon
Booz Allen Hamilton
Capital One Bank
Capital One Bank
Cozen O’Connor
GPP Capital Resources LLC
Morgan Stanley
Morgan, Lewis and Bockius
Nordson Corporation Foundation
Nuveen Investments
Oppenstein Brothers Foundation
Reed Smith LLP
Russell Investments
Safra National Bank of New York
United Talent Agency
Bank of America
Frost National Bank
Cavender Auto Family
Clark Construction Group LLC
Starbucks Coffee Company
Duane Morris
Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers
Silicon Valley Bank
PEMCO Insurance
Haverford Trust Company
Bank of Oklahoma
Revel Consulting
Abrams Capital Management, LLC
Cleveland Cavaliers
Independence Blue Cross
Fifth Third Bank
TD Ameritrade Clearing
BNY Mellon Trust of Delaware
ABRY Partners, LLC
Amblin Partners
Amica Companies Foundation
Arthur D. Little Consulting Firm
Arvest Bank
Assurant Inc.
Atlantic Global Risk Group (Boston)
Bank of America
Bank of America
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Bay Area Community Resources
BNSF Railway
Brown and Connery LLP
CAA Foundation
Caliber Collision Centers
Costco Wholesale Corporation
Edison Electric Institute
Fabletics (owned by TechStyle)
Fairwinds Credit Union
First Credit Bank
First Republic Bank
Frederic Dorwart, Lawyers PLLC
Gravestar Foundation
Grifols USA Inc.
Groom Law Group Chartered
H & W Drug store
Hasbro, Inc.
Holland & Knight, LLP
Huntington National Bank
IMA Foundation
Jenner and Block LLP
Keker and Van Nest LLP
Lawler, Metzger, Keeney & Logan LLC
Loeb and Loeb LLP
Loop Capital Markets
M33 Growth
Microsoft Corporation
Moelis and Company
New Profit, Inc.
Northeast Delta Dental
Notre Dame Mission Volunteers
Origlio Beverage
Philadelphia Insurance Companies Foundation
Puget Sound Energy
Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers
Schoff Family Charitable Fund
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
TD Bank
TD Charitable Foundation
UMB Bank
US Trust Bank of America Private Bank/Wealth Management
Whittier Trust Company
Wright-Patt Credit Union
YouthBuild USA
Zausmer, August and Caldwell, P.C.


$5,000 – $9,999

William Blair & Company Foundation
Louisiana Workforce Commission
Louisiana Workforce Commission
Bank United
Comcast Financial Agency Corporation
American Red Cross National Headquarters
Fidelity Brokerage Services
Cliffs Foundation
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Scarinci and Hollenbeck LLC
Sidley Austin LLP
Muckleshoot Tribe
McLane Middleton
Moneta Group
Baird Foundation Inc
Keating Mara & Associates LLC
Silver Eagle Beverages
Lamar Advertising Company
Atlantic Pearl Investments, Inc.
Lamar Advertising Company
Tango Card, Inc
Baptist Memorial Healthcare
Capital Area United Way
Morgan Stanley
Snap, Inc.
Jones Walker LLP
3 Arts Entertainment
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and Feld LLP
Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc.
Arnold & Porter
Ash, Anos, Freedman and Logan, LLC.
Associated Bank
AT&T Inc
Bank of America
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma
BNY Mellon
BR+A Consulting Engineers
Burns and McDonnell
Carlino Commercial Development
Chapman & Spingola, LLP
Chicago Blackhawks
Comerica Bank
Corewell Health
Dade-County Federal Credit Union
Delfino, Madden, O’Malley Coyle and Koewler, LLP
Delta Dental
Duberstein Group, Inc.
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Elkus Manfredi Architects
Essential Utilities
EY (Ernst & Young) – Seattle
First Interstate Bank
Fox Sports
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health Systems
Galley Hatch Restaurant
Gesa Credit Union
Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher LLP
Gilbane Building Company
Global Callcenter Solutions, Inc.
Global Prairie
Global Telesourcing
Godfrey and Kahn S.C.
Grandview LA
Great Range Capital
Hall Estill
Hancock Whitney Bank
Hancock Whitney Bank
Henry Ford Health System
Hillcrest Country Club
Hogan Lovells
Hunt Family Foundation/Chiefs
IGT Global Solutions
Impact Trial Consulting, LLC
JE Dunn Construction
John Toates Architecture and Design LLC
Jones Walker LLP
Jones Day
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Kaulig Foundation
Klasko Immigration Law Partners, LLP
Latham and Watkins
Latham and Watkins LLP
Lavallee/Brensinger Architects Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Levenfeld Pearlstein, LLC
McCombs Enterprises
McCownGordon Construction
Mesirow Financial
Needham Bank
Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island
Nexus Louisiana (Research Park Corporation
North Road Company
Orlando Health
Orlando Magic
Our Lady of the Lake University and Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University
Paramount Pictures
PECO Energy
PNC Foundation
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Putnam Investments
Raine Group
Regions Bank
Republic Bank
Research Park Corporation
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Saul Ewing LLP
Seattle Seahawks
SEI Investments
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher and Flom LLP
Spencer Fane LLP
Stone Manor Property Partners
Stradley Ronon Stevens and Young LLP
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Texas Capital Bank
Smith-Free Group LLC
TTCU Federal Credit Union
Turner Construction Company
U.S. Bank
USI Insurance Services, LLC
VanTrust Real Estate, LLC
White and Case LLP
Wilson Meany


$2,500 – $4,999

Fifth Third Bank
Foley & Lardner LLP
Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corp
Park Square Executive Search
Arthur J. Gallagher and Co/Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc.
LPL Financial
One View Consulting, Inc.
Flour Bakery and Cafe
Grange Insurance Companies
Cardinal Health Foundation
GDH Inc.
AMG Charitable Foundation
Walters and Mason Retail, Inc.
Denver Beer Company
Bad Robot Productions, Inc.
Bird and Bear Management Co., INC.
California Bank of Commerce
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Baton Rouge Coca-Cola Bottling Company
County of Milwaukee
Franklin Templeton Investments
Gilbane Building Company
Legacy Termite & Pest Control
Milwaukee Bucks Foundation
Stantec Consulting Services
Law Offices of Katherine E. Blackmon
Public Service Company of Oklahoma
Archer IMS
Bama Companies, Inc.
Blue Sky Bank
Bowditch & Dewey LLP
Broadway Bank
Brown Harris Stevens Residential Sales, LLC
Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd
Clif Douglass
Country Club Bank
Creative Planning Benefits, LLC
Credit Human
DeVoe Law
Dominion Foundation
Evergy, Inc.
First Arkansas Bank & Trust
Fisher and Phillips
Five Star Bank
Foster Graham Milstein & Calisher, LLP
Generation Growth Capital, Inc.
Hamilton, Miller & Birthisel, LLP
Hank’s Heroes
HNTB Corporation
Holland & Knight LLP
Holt Cat
Hornberger Fuller Garza & Cohen Incorporated
Impact Assets, Inc.
JP Morgan Chase
Liskow & Lewis
Louisiana Lottery Corporation
Louisiana Lottery Corporation
Mark Motors
Melton Truck Lines
Mission Valley Bank
New Balance
Newton Associated I, LTD (Clay Richmond/Pizza Hut)
Oklahoma City Thunder
O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Orlando Utilities Commission
Parkhill’s Liquor & Wine South
Port San Antonio
PwC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers, LLP)
Quench Water
Regions Bank
Regions Bank
Regions Bank
Resolute PR
Richardson Commercial Properties
Rubin Brown LLP
Security Bank
Shaheen & Gordon, PA
Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green, PA
Sherin & Lodgen LLP
Sunstein LLP
Talking Rain
Texas Automobile Dealers Association
Twenty Twenty Eye Care
UBS Financial Services Inc.
Virtus LLC
Webco Industries, Inc.
Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, PC


$1,000 – $2,499

Pitchbook Data
Bonterra Tech
Zarwin Baum
Sunset West Advisors LLC
Addis Intellectual Capital, LLC
Bittenbender Construction
Data You Can Use
First Eagle Investment Management Foundation
Five Below, Inc.
Health Partners Plans Inc
Invariant GR
LPL Financial
NSM Insurance Group
Philadelphia Housing Authority
Ranieri & Kerns Associates, LLC
Togo Logistics
Trinity Health
Wallside Windows
White and Williams
America’s Charities
Whole Foods
Buckeye Interactive
Johnson & Johnson Foundation
Avante Capital Partners
BancFirst Insurance Services, Inc.
Brixey & Meyer
Campbell Consulting Group
Charter Properties
Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority
Crown and Conquer
Educators Credit Union
Fidelity Investments
Five Points Association Inc
Heartland Bank
Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service
PG&E Sacramento
Playworks Education Energized
PNC Bank
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co
City National Bank of Florida
City of Orlando
Nash & Kromash, LLP
Affiliated Managers Group
Abacus Planning Group, Inc.
AfterSchool Alliance
America Learns
AmeriHealth Caritas New Hampshire
Amoskeag Beverages
Anagnost Investments, Inc
Angel’s Club Child Development Center
Ann Connelly Fine Art
Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield
AT&T Inc
BELFOR USA Group, Inc.
Caesars Foundation
Capitol Communications Group
CGI Business Solutions
Chicago Sinfonietta
Citizens For Jordan Harris
Cliff House Maine
Continental Development Corporation
Delta Dental of Rhode Island
Electric Cooperative of South Carolina, Inc.
Elevation Financial Group
Fannie Hillman and Associates
First Citizens Bank
Franchise World Headquarters, LLC
Gill Ragon Owen, P.A.
GrayRobinson Orlando
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Hire Alliance
Hodgson Russ LLP
Insurance Advantage LLC
Iron Mountain
Jam City
KeyFetch LLC
KKT Architects
Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce
Markham Group
McDaniels Auto Group
Montagne Powers
Mount Carmel Health System
Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP
Orlando Brokers Insurance
Persimmon Group
PJH Associates
Price Family Properties
RevGen Partners
ReVision Energy
Samet Corporation
Schnake Turnbo Frank, PR
Scott and Company LLC
Simmons Bank
Southern Bancorp
Southern University Law Center
Stream Realty Partners
Sutherland Asbill and Brennan LLP
Tegna Foundation
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
United Community
Way & Way Investments LLC
Wilmington Trust, N.A.

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Team sponsors

Team and program sponsorships provide a unique opportunity for companies to engage with City Year’s work in their local communities.


Bain & Company
Comcast NBCUniversal
Lamar Advertising Company
Len Hill Charitable Trust
MFS Investment Management®
National Grid
New Schools for Baton Rouge
Red Nose Fund/Comic Relief
Santander Consumer USA Foundation
Taco Bell Foundation
Universal Orlando Foundation
Vera R. Campbell Foundation
Vertex Foundation
Wellington Management Foundation
Wells Fargo



Advent International
Bain Capital Children’s Charity
Ballard Spahr LLP
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Baptist Community Ministries
BNY Mellon
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
Caerus Foundation
Capital Area Transit System
Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies
Chicago Sky
CIM Group
Citigroup, Inc.
City of Little Rock
CommunityAmerica Credit Union
DePuy Synthes Companies of Johnson & Johnson
Detroit Lions Foundation
DTE Energy Foundation
Edelman Family Fund
Edelman Financial Engines
Ethel & James Flinn Foundation
Exelon Corporation
Fidelity Investments
General Motors
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Greater Washington Community Foundation
Harbor Freight Tools/Smidt Foundation
Hasbro Children’s Fund
Hot Topic Foundation
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
J. Wayne Weaver Fund
Julia A. Uihlein
Kaiser Permanente
Kansas City Royals Charities
Lamar Advertising Company
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Lincoln Financial Foundation
Lindsay Goldberg LLC
Los Angeles Rams
Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation
Najim Charitable Foundation
Nationwide Foundation
New Schools for Baton Rouge
Northrop Grumman – Baltimore
Orlando Magic Youth Foundation
Ortega Foundation
Public Consulting Group
Riot Games
Rocket Community Fund
Rockwell Automation
San Francisco 49ers Foundation
Schneider Electric
Steans Family Foundation
Stellantis Foundation
Summit Partners
Sutter Health
Synopsys, Inc.
T&J Ward Family Foundation
The Alter Family
The Blackstone Group L.P.
The Detroit Pistons Foundation
The Dianne T. and Charles E. Rice Family Foundation
The Goldring & Woldenberg Family Foundations
The Huey & Angelina Wilson Foundation
The Hunt Family Foundation / Kansas City Chiefs
The Levine Family Foundation
The Michael Ward and Jennifer Glock Foundation
The State Street Foundation
The Walt Disney Company
The Wawa Foundation
TowerBrook Foundation
Trinity Health
United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas
United Way of Southeast Louisiana
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz

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In-Kind Donors

1487 Brewery
88Nine Radio Milwaukee
AESalazar Group LLC
Aladdins Eatery – Grandview, OH
Brandi Alfiero
Bank of Oklahoma
Derek Bergman
Teri Berliner
Barry Brensinger
Bruce Leider Photography
Buffalo Bisons
Burchfield Penney Art Center
Capital Area Transit System
Cinncinnati Reds
Columbus Blue Jackets
Columbus Clippers
Columbus Museum of Art
Combustion Brewing
Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurant- Columbus
Christopher Cranford
Cranford & Co
Crumbl – Dublin, OH
Crumbl – Reynoldsburg, OH
Candace & John Darby
Paul & Julie Davis
Delaware North Companies, Inc.
Matthew Deptola
Dewey’s Pizza
Dos Hermanos Taco Truck
Anaydia Catherine & Cletis Earle
Shonda & Curtis Fisher
Timothy Gordon
Gramercy Books
Charlie Hansen
High Bank Distillery
Hostel Memphis
Institute for Nonprofit Practice
Integrity Group Foundation
John Jackson
Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams
Fatima Rodriguez Johnson
Katzinger’s Delicatessen
Judy & Emily Kemp
Teri Kerrigan
Land-Grant Brewing Company
Garrick Loveria
Miller Boat Ferry
Jake Morse
Susan Steinman & Larry Moses
National Football League
Nocterra Brewing Co.
Nothing Bundt Cakes – Dublin, OH
Nothing Bundt Cakes – Upper Arlington, OH
Open Sky Day Spa
Orginal Goodie Shop
Paramount’s Kings Island
Paula’s Donuts
Boris Penchion
Pickle & Chill
Pies and Pints
Matthew Pitts
Posh Pics
Publix Super Markets, Inc.
Alex Ryan
Peter Sahasrabudhe
Scene 75
Shadowbox Live
Skate Zone 71
Kashif Smiley
Snow Trails
The Club at Tartan
The Nest Theatre
Tulsa Community Foundation
Watershed Distillery LLC
Watkinson Miller PLLC
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Woodhouse Spas
Yoga on High

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City Year is available to all, without regard to race, color, origin, gender, political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, or religion. City Year is a US tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID Number: 22-2882549). Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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