Mariame Kaba Papers

Dates:1989-2016, bulk dates: 2003-2016
Size:18 linear feet in 28 boxes, (2 oversize folders, 34 artifacts, 8 VHS recordings, 5 DVDs, 68 physical photographs, 26.1 GB of born digital material including 4795 digital photographs)
Repository:Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center, Special Collections, 400 S. State Street, Chicago, IL 60605
Collection Number:spe-c00034
Immediate Source of Acquisition:Donated by Mariame Kaba, 2016. Photograph accrual, donated by Sarah-Ji, 2017.
Conditions Governing Access:Materials are open without restrictions. Artifacts are stored offsite and advance notice is required for use. Please request materials at least 24-hours prior to your research visit to coordinate access with these materials.
Conditions Governing Use:Please consult staff to determine ability to reuse materials from collection.
Preferred Citation:When quoting material from this collection the preferred citation is: Mariame Kaba Papers, [Box #, Folder #, Photograph #, Artifact #], Special Collections, Chicago Public Library.
Finding Aid Author:Accessioned by Michelle McCoy, 2016. Grant-funded processing by Erin Glasco, 2021. Updated and ingested into ArchivesSpace by Michelle McCoy, 2021


Mariame Kaba works as a community-based organizer and educator with a focus on violence against women and girls, the prison system and youth leadership development. During her time in the Chicago area, Kaba actively worked with Chicago Alliance to Free Marissa Alexander (CAFMA), Chicago Freedom School (CFS), Chicago Taskforce on Violence Against Girls and Young Women, Girl Talk, Project NIA, Rogers Park Young Women's Action Team (RP YWAT) and We Charge Genocide. Her papers contain documents, photographs and video of programs and initiatives undertaken by these organizations.


Mariame Kaba (1971-) is an author, community organizer, curator, educator and librarian. The focus of her social justice work includes the abolition of police and prisons, the prison industrial complex, transformative justice, violence against women and girls, and youth-led organizing and leadership development.

Originally from New York City, Kaba studied sociology at McGill University in Montreal, Canada; the City College of New York; and Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. In 1995, Kaba moved to Chicago where she was instrumental in the formation of several organizations. Among the earliest initiatives was the Rogers Park Young Women’s Action Team (YWAT) that began in 1995. This youth-led and adult-supported social change project empowered young women to take action on issues such as street harassment and violence against women.

Kaba also participated in the development of several other projects between 1990 and 2010. The Chicago Freedom School (CFS) opened in 2007 as a training ground for young people based on the model of the Freedom School that operated in Mississippi during the Civil Rights Movement. The Chicago Taskforce on Violence Against Girls and Young Women (Taskforce) was founded in 2009 to develop approaches to ending violence against girls and young women through public policy, education, and media advocacy. Kaba launched her organization, Project NIA, in 2009. In Swahili, “nia” means “with purpose,” and the purpose of this grassroots organization is to end the arrest, detention, and incarceration of children and young adults by promoting restorative and transformative justice practices. In 2010, Kaba became involved with efforts to relaunch Girl Talk, a volunteer collaboration between the Children and Family Justice Center at Northwestern University School of Law and the Chicago Women’s Health Center that originated in 1993. The organization supported programs for girls, ages 12-17, who were detained in the Cook County Temporary Juvenile Detention Center (JTDC). In 2003, the program was extended to alternative schools with at-risk young people.

In September 2013, Project NIA held a teach-in about Marissa Alexander, a Black woman who was incarcerated for protecting her family from her abusive husband. As a result of the session, several attendees of that teach-in, launched the Chicago Alliance to Free Marissa Alexander (CAFMA). For the next three years, CAFMA worked to call attention to Alexander’s situation and to demand her release from prison.

By 2014, the call to address other voices of those most affected by police violence in Chicago led to the formation of We Charge Genocide (WCG), an inter-generational group of Chicago residents that included Kaba. WCG actions targeted racial profiling, police shootings and reparations for cases of police abuse.

In addition to her organizational activities, Kaba worked as a program officer for education and youth development at the Steans Family Foundation; taught high school and college students in New York and Chicago; and developed and facilitated workshops on violence against women and girls, transformative justice and youth leadership. In 2016, Kaba moved back to New York City.

Kaba has received several honors and awards for her work, including the 2016 SOROS Justice Fellowship, 2017 Peace Award by War Resisters League, Essence Magazine 2018 #Woke100, 2019 Morton Deutsch Awards for Social Justice, and the 2020 Lannan Cultural Freedom Fellowship.

Kaba authored and co-authored several books:Lifting as They Climbed: Mapping the Histories of Black Women on Chicago’s South Side with Essence McDowell (2017),Missing Daddy, illustrated by bria royal (2018),Fumbling Towards Repair: A Workbook for Community Accountability Facilitators,with Shira Hassan (2019), andWe Do This ‘Til We Free Us(2021).


Sarah-Ji, fellow activist and close associate of Mariame Kaba, created the bulk of the photography that accompanies the actions and events in this collection. In her own words:

Sarah-Ji is a queer Korean mama, organizer, and photographer who has been documenting freedom struggles in Chicago since 2010. She is a member of Love & Protect, an abolitionist collective that supports women and gender non-conforming/non-binary people of color who have been criminalized or harmed by state or interpersonal violence. Sarah-Ji intentionally focuses her documentation work on everyday people imagining and building a world rooted in love and justice and care, a world where we don't need prisons and police. She hopes that these images of resistance and reimagination will plant seeds in others to join in the work towards an abolitionist horizon and collective liberation.

Scope and Contents

Mariame Kaba’s papers offer a comprehensive picture of Kaba’s work in activism and grassroots organizing during her time in Chicago from 1995-2016. This collection documents the initiatives, political actions, protests, and programs undertaken by the organizations in which she participated. The collection contains a wide range of materials related to the administration, planning, and activities of the organizations documented including artwork, correspondence, meeting minutes and agendas, grant proposals, research files, curriculums, news clippings, reports, programs, and various audiovisual formats, including CD-ROMs, DVDs, VHS tapes and MP3s. Kaba’s activities are enhanced by the physical and born-digital photographs taken by Sarah-Ji and others.


Kaba’s papers are arranged alphabetically by organization and by material type into the following nine series:

  • Series 1: Biographical Materials, 1989-2016
  • Series 2: Chicago Alliance to Free Marissa Alexander (CAFMA), 2013-2016
  • Series 3: Chicago Freedom School (CFS), 1991-2016, undated
  • Series 4: Chicago Taskforce on Violence Against Girls and Young Women (Taskforce), 1989-2012
  • Series 5: Girl Talk, 2001-2006, undated
  • Series 6: Project NIA, 1999-2016, undated
  • Series 7: Rogers Park Young Women’s Action Team, 1995-2013, undated
  • Series 8: We Charge Genocide, 2013-2016
  • Series 9: Social Justice Projects, 2012-2016


The Mariame Kaba Papers included three book publications. These have been cataloged and are available for use in the Special Collections Reading Room.

  • Art Against the Law, edited by Rebecca Zorach, Chicago Social Practice History Series, Chicago: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2014. (Mariame Kaba’s chapter, pp. 141-143) N72.S6 A7193 2014
  • The Feminist Utopia Project: Fifty-seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future, edited by Alexandra Brodsky and Rachel Kauder Nalebuff, New York: The Feminist Press, 2015. (Mariame Kaba’s chapter, pp. 81-89) HQ 1155 F4488 2015
  • Tenderheaded: A Comb-Bending Collection of Hair Stories, edited by Juliette Harris and Pamela Johnson, New York: Pocket Books, 2001. (Mariame Kaba’s chapter, pp. 102-108) PS509.H28 T46 2001

Subject Headings

Related Collections

Women and Girls Collective Action Network (WGCAN)

Collection Inventory

Series 1: Biographical Materials, 1989-2016

Scope and Contents

Mariame Kaba worked as a community organizer, speaker, and educator in Chicago from 1995 until she returned to her hometown of New York City in 2016. Series 1 includes her awards, the community events and conferences she attended or helped to organize, meeting records, research, publications, speaking engagements and writings. This series also includes her 1994 master’s thesis,The Significance of Hair in the African-American Community in Box 3, Folder 3.


Series 1 is arranged alphabetically by subject or type of activity.

Box 23Artifact 2020.51AMI Infinity School of Chicago – North, plaque, 2003
Box 25Folder 1Atkinson, Kristen, Mariame Kaba, Jacob Klippenstein, Eva Nagao, and Mary Scott-Boria, “C is for Civil Rights” Children’s Book Club,Area Chicago #14,2014
Box 1Folder 1Awards and recognitions, various, 2005-2014
Box 1Folder 7The $2 Billion Question: Can Illinois Improve Public Safety and Spend Less on Incarceration? conference materials, 2014 March 31
Box 1Folder 13Catone, Keith, “Education for Liberation,”Voices in Urban Education,2012
Box 23Artifact 2020.53Chicago Foundation for Women Impact Award, plaque, 2014
Box 3Folder 1Children and Domestic Violence, workshop materials, 2002 August 21
Box 1Folder 8Continuing education and certifications, 2001-2015
Box 2Folder 2Domestic violence, 2003-2007
Box 2Folder 6Emerging Issues in Teen Dating Violence, training materials, 2002 October 16
Box 1Folder 17For The People Artists Collective and The Chicago Childcare Collective, Color Me Rising: A 2015 Radical Coloring Book, 2015
Box 1Folder 14Hereth, Jane and Mariame Kaba, Erica R. Meiners, and Lewis Wallace “Restorative Justice is Not Enough: School-Based Interventions in The Carceral State,”Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline, 2012
Box 1Folder 6Illinois Juvenile Justice Research Consortium Forum, conference materials, 2014 February 28
Box 1Folder 9Johnson, Pamela, “Tenderheaded: A Comb Bending Hair Story,”Ms. Magazine, 2000
Box 1Folder 5Joining Hands, Healing Hearts, conference materials, 2012 October 10
Box 3Folder 4Kaba, Mariame Adventures in Youth Work, zine, 2004
Box 3Folder 5Kaba, Mariame, Laura Scott, Negress, San Quentin Prisoner #23187, zine, 2012
Box 3Folder 6Kaba, Mariame, Prison Culture Blog, excerpts, 2015
Box 3Folder 3Kaba, Mariame, “The Significance of Hair in the African-American Community,” master’s thesis, 1994 November 22
Box 1Folder 16Kaba, Mariame, “Still Not Free; Working with Girls in Conflict with the Law,”Girls in Justice by Richard Ross, 2015
Box 1Folder 15Kaba, Mariame and Erica R. Meiners, “Arresting the Carceral State,”Class Action: An Activist Teacher’s Handbook, 2014
Box 1Folder 12Kaba, Mariame, Melissa Spatz and Michelle VanNatta,Status of Girls in Illinois, 2009
Box 1Folder 10Kaba, Mariame and Michelle VanNatta,Violence Against Women, 2007
Box 1Folder 3Organizing for Liberation: Training Students for Change, conference materials, 1993 October 9
Box 1Folder 11Payne, Charles and Mariame Kaba, “So Much Reform, So Little Change,”Social Policy, 2007
Box 1Folder 18Published articles and opinions, 1989-2000
Box 25Folder 1Published articles and opinions, 1991-1995
Box 2Folder 5Race Matters, training materials, circa 2002
Box 26Folder 1Recess in Schools Task Force Member, 2011 September 27
Box 3Folder 2Reconnecting to Our Communities in the 21st Century, workshop guide, circa 2004
Box 23Artifact 2020.52Sheer Change: Sexuality Health Education to End Rape, plaque, 2012 March 29
Box 2Folder 3Speaking engagements, programs, 1996-2016
Box 2Folder 4Stearns Family Foundation, brochure, 2007-2008
Box 1Folder 4Umoja University, conference materials and CD-ROM, 2009 July 27
Box 2Folder 8United Congress of Community and Religious Organizations Collective Advocacy Team, training materials, 2012
Box 2Folder 7Violence Against Women of Color, training materials, 2003 February 4
Box 2Folder 1Violence and teen dating, research files, 2000-2005
Box 3Folder 7Workshop notes and facilitation guide, circa 2004
Box 3Folder 8Young Women’s Empowerment Project, board of director’s meeting materials, 2004

Series 2: Chicago Alliance to Free Marissa Alexander (CAFMA), 2013-2016


Marissa Alexander, a Black woman who was a victim of domestic violence, was convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon when attempting to defend herself from her abuser in May 2012. In September 2013, Kaba’s Project NIA held a teach-in about Alexander’s case and several of the attendees of that teach-in subsequently launched the Chicago Alliance to Free Marissa Alexander (CAFMA). CAFMA was a volunteer-run grassroots effort to raise awareness and funds to support Alexander’s legal defense. In 2015, Marissa Alexander took a plea deal, and was ultimately released from confinement a few years later. After Alexander’s plea deal, CAFMA transitioned to another organization called Love & Protect. The mission of Love & Protect is to support women and gender non-conforming/non-binary people of color who are criminalized or harmed by state and interpersonal violence.

Scope and Contents

Series 2 includes administrative files, photographs, research and zines related to advocacy for Marisa Alexander, domestic violence and the criminal justice system.


Series 2 is organized into 4 subseries:

  • Subseries A: Administrative Files, 2013-2015
  • Subseries B: Events and Programs, 2013-2016
  • Subseries C: Promotional Materials and Zines, 2013-2015
  • Subseries D: Photographs, 2013-2015

Subseries A: Administrative Files, 2013-2015

Scope and Contents

Subseries A contains meeting agendas, meeting minutes, meeting attendance rosters and press releases. Subseries A contains electronic files.


Subseries A is arranged alphabetically.

Electronic FilesFolder 1Chicago Marissa Alexander Defense Committee, member lists, 2013-2014
Electronic FilesFolder 2Meeting materials, 2014-2015
Electronic FilesFolder 3Press releases, 2013

Series 2: Chicago Alliance to Free Marissa Alexander (CAFMA), 2013-2016

Subseries B: Events and Programs, 2013-2016

Scope and Contents

Subseries B contains information sheets, flyers and pamphlets that detail some of the programs and events associated with CAFMA. This subseries also contains programs and marketing materials for an exhibit co-organized by CAFMA titled, No Selves to Defend. Subseries B contains physical and electronic files. Photographs for the exhibit can be found in Subseries D.


Subseries B is arranged alphabetically action name.

Electronic FilesFolder 3Campaigns for Marissa Alexander, event materials, 2014-2016
Electronic FilesFolder 2Campaigns for Marissa Alexander, fundraising materials and flyers, 2013-2015
Electronic FilesFolder 4Campaigns for Marissa Alexander, rally flyers, 2014
Electronic FilesFolder 1No Selves to Defend, call for art, interviews, posters, teach-in materials and zines for exhibition, 2014
Box 3Folder 9No Selves to Defend, flyer and 3 photographs, 2014
Box 3Folder 10No Selves to Defend, poetry zine, 2014
Box 3Folder 12No Selves to Defend, teach-in materials, 2013 September 14
Box 3Folder 11No Selves to Defend, zine, 2014

Series 2: Chicago Alliance to Free Marissa Alexander (CAFMA), 2013-2016

Subseries C: Promotional Materials and Zines, 2013-2015

Scope and Contents

Subseries C contains visual artwork made in support of Alexander including a banner, patches, buttons, a t-shirt, and zines. The subseries also contains promotional materials used by CAFMA. Subseries C contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries C is arranged alphabetically by topic or name.

Box 3Folder 15“A Support Zine for Marissa Alexander,” zine, 2013
Electronic FilesFolder 2“A Support Zine for Marissa Alexander,” zine, 2013
Box 26Folder 3Affiliated campaign posters (9), circa 2013-2014
Electronic FilesFolder 1Art and flyers associated with the campaign, 2013-2015
Oversize Folder 1 Free Marissa Alexander, banner, circa 2013-2014
Box 26Artifacts 2020.57-2020.59#Free Marissa, 3 buttons, circa 2014
Box 27Artifact 2020.60#FreeMarissa, t-shirt, circa 2014
Box 26Folder 2I Am Marissa, patches, circa 2013-2014
Box 3Folder 13“Praise for Black Women,” poem by Malcolm London, 2013
Box 3Folder 14Promotional materials, 2013-2015

Series 2: Chicago Alliance to Free Marissa Alexander (CAFMA), 2013-2016

Subseries D: Photographs, 2013-2015

Scope and Contents

Subseries D contains born digital photographs of various CAFMA events including potlucks, teach-ins, fundraisers and exhibitions. Subseries D contains physical and electronic files. The bulk of the photographs were taken by Sarah-Ji.


Subseries D is arranged alphabetically by action or event.

Electronic FilesFolder 2Chicago Alliance to Free Marissa Alexander (CAFMA), 19 photographs, 2013-2015
Electronic FilesFolder 13Criminalization of Self Defense Panel at INCITE’s Color of Violence 4 Conference, 21 photographs, 2015 March 26
Electronic FilesFolder 1How Much Longer? – A Dance Party Fundraiser for Marissa Alexander, 43 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2013 December 14
Electronic FilesFolder 11A Long Walk Home’s 2nd Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Month Walk, 71 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 October 18
Electronic FilesFolder 3No Selves to Defend, exhibit opening, 48 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 July 18
Electronic FilesFolder 4No Selves to Defend, exhibit opening with community members holding Prison is Not Feminist sign, 79 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 July 18
Electronic FilesFolder 7No Selves to Defend, No Rights to Respect, discussions and Marissa Alexander birthday event, 12 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 September 14
Electronic FilesFolder 8No Selves to Defend, No Rights to Respect, discussions, 15 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 September 14
Electronic FilesFolder 10No Selves to Defend, closing reception, 28 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 September 26
Electronic FilesFolder 9No Selves to Defend, closing reception photo booth, 22 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 September 26
Electronic FilesFolder 5Pre-trial rally for Marissa Alexander, 56 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 July 26
Electronic FilesFolder 6Selfies for Self Defense, community gathering in support of Marissa Alexander, 41 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 July 26
Electronic FilesFolder 12Where Do We Go From Here? discussion, 20 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 December 12

Series 3: Chicago Freedom School (CFS), 1991-2016, undated


Founded in 2007, the mission of the Chicago Freedom School (CFS) is to create new generations of critical and independent-thinking young people through training, educational, and leadership opportunities. The original freedom schools that operated in Mississippi in the 1960s inspired the formation and planning of the Chicago Freedom School.

Scope and Contents

Series 3 includes administrative and planning materials, curriculums, photographs and research related to the creation of Chicago Freedom School and its programs.


Series 3 is organized into 3 subseries:

  • Subseries A: Administrative Files, 1991-2014
  • Subseries B: Curriculums and Programs, 2004-2016
  • Subseries C: Artifacts, Audiovisual Materials and Photographs, 2006-2014, undated

Subseries A: Administrative Files, 1991-2014

Scope and Contents

Subseries A contains director’s files, research files, grant proposals, general administrative information, and financial records. Subseries A contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries A is arranged alphabetically by topic or name.

Box 3Folder 16Alumni Evaluation Project, summary, 2014
Electronic FilesFolder 1Annual report, 2008
Electronic FilesFolder 2Assessments, evaluations and surveys, 2006-2011
Electronic FilesFolder 3Board of Directors, biographies, board manual, e-mails, meeting agendas and minutes, and revenue and budget plans, 2005-2009
Box 3Folder 17Board of Directors, meeting packet, 2009
Box 3Folder 18Board of Directors, meeting packet, 2010 April 14
Box 3Folder 19Board of Directors, meeting packet, 2011 January 18
Box 3Folder 20Board of Directors, retreat, 2010 January 24
Electronic FilesFolder 4Budget reports, disbursement information, income statements and invoices, 2005-2010
Electronic FilesFolder 23Building Multiracial/Multi-Ethic Social Justice Movements, training biographies and questionnaire, 2008 May 30
Electronic FilesFolder 5Calendars and timelines, 2005-2007
Box 1Folder 2Correspondence and fundraiser information, 2008-2013
Electronic FilesFolder 6Databases and organizational assessments, 2007-2010
Electronic FilesFolder 7Logistical information, 2005-2007
Electronic FilesFolder 8Committee agendas and notes, includes the Advisory, Board Development, Logistics, Fundraising, Finance, Marketing, Program, Research Evaluation, Library and Archives (REAL), and Youth committees, 2005-2009
Electronic FilesFolder 9Concept papers and reports, 2005-2009
Electronic FilesFolder 10Correspondence, 2005-2009
Electronic FilesFolder 11Development plans, 2008
Box 4Folder 1Evaluation instruments, reports and CD-ROM, 2007
Electronic FilesFolder 12Forms, administrative, 2005-2007
Box 4Folder 2Fundraiser, Dessert-A-Palooza, correspondence and flyer, 2010 May 15
Electronic FilesFolder 13Fundraising and grant materials, 2006-2010
Electronic FilesFolder 14Goals and strategic planning materials, 2005-2011
Box 4Folder 3Initial planning materials, 2004-2007
Electronic FilesFolder 15Marketing and planning materials, 2005-2007
Electronic FilesFolder 16Meeting agendas and notes, general, 2004-2009
Box 4Folder 4Newsletters, 2006-2007
Electronic FilesFolder 17Newsletters, 2006-2007
Box 25Folder 2News clippings, 2006-2007
Box 4Folder 5News clippings, 2007-2009
Electronic FilesFolder 18News clippings, 2007-2009
Electronic FilesFolder 19Organizational materials, 2004-2010
Electronic FilesFolder 20Planning materials, 2005-2011
Electronic FilesFolder 21Planning resources, 2006-2010
Box 4Folder 10Program Committee, meeting agendas and notes, 2006-2007
Box 4Folder 11Promotional materials, circa 2007-2008
Box 4Folder 6Research, “Mississippi Freedom Schools”Radical Teacher, 1991
Box 4Folder 7Research, Freedom schools and youth organizing, circa 1995-2005
Box 4Folder 8Research, Organizational structures, circa 2004-2007
Box 4Folder 9Research, Evaluation, Archives and Library (REAL) committee meeting agendas and resources, 2009-2010
Electronic FilesFolder 22Staffing materials and job descriptions, 2006-2008
Electronic FilesFolder 24Work plans, 2005-2007

Series 3: Chicago Freedom School (CFS), 1991-2016, undated

Subseries B: Curriculums and Programs, 2004-2016

Scope and Contents

Subseries B contains materials from programs and events held by Chicago Freedom School (CFS) as well as curriculum, training, and workshop materials used by CFS personnel. Subseries B contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries B is arranged alphabetically by program name or topic.

Box 5Folder 5Adultism, evaluations and attendance, training, 2008-2009
Electronic FolderFolder 5Anti-Oppression Institute, training materials and questions, 2007
Electronic FolderFolder 2Civil Rights Institute, curriculum resources and job descriptions, 2006-2007
Electronic FilesFolder 1Events, planning materials and press releases, 2005-2008
Box 5Folder 3Events, programs and brochures, 2007-2015
Electronic FilesFolder 6Freedom Fellowship, program applications and overview, 2008-2009
Box 5Folder 4Freedom Fellowship, program brochures and application, 2007-2016
Box 4Folder 12The Freedom School Curriculum: Freedom Summer, Mississippi, 1964, curriculum, 2004
Box 5Folder 1People Make Movements: Lessons from Freedom Summer, curriculum, 2006
Electronic FilesFolder 3Social Justice Mentors, program planning, 2006-2007
Electronic FilesFolder 4Summer programming, course descriptions and planning, 2006-2007
Box 5Folder 2Teaching About the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Schools, curriculum, circa 2006
Box 5Folder 7Youth Leaders for Justice, roster, testimonies and workshop agenda, 2015 May 30
Box 5Folder 6Youth Workshop with Kathy Emery, workshop, 2006 June 16

Series 3: Chicago Freedom School (CFS), 1991-2016, undated

Subseries C: Artifacts, Audiovisual Materials and Photographs, 2006-2014, undated

Scope and Contents

Subseries C contains photographs from various events, including programs, fundraisers, and celebrations. The subseries also contains small number of physical photographs. The subseries also includes audiovisual materials and photographs in electronic format as well as ephemera related to CFS. Subseries C contains physical and electronic files. Sarah-Ji and Warren Frank took the bulk of the photographs.


Subseries C is arranged alphabetically.

Electronic FilesFolder 3Chicago Freedom School, 6th Anniversary Celebration, 55 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2013 June 6
Electronic FilesFolder 4Chicago Freedom School, Annual Moments of Justice benefit, 33 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2013 November 15
Electronic FilesFolder 5Chicago Freedom School, Annual Moments of Justice benefit, 36 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 November 6
Box 26Artifacts 2020.62-2020.63Chicago Freedom School, buttons, undated
Electronic FilesFolder 2Chicago Freedom School, opening event, 122 photographs by Warren Frank, 2007
Box 5Folder 8Chicago Freedom School, 2 photographs, undated
Electronic FilesFolder 1Chicago Freedom School, promotional video, 2006
Box 27Artifact 2020.61Chicago Freedom School, t-shirt, undated
Electronic FilesFolder 1Cries of the Youth video, 2008

Series 4: Chicago Taskforce on Violence Against Girls and Young Women (Taskforce), 1989-2012


Founded in 2009, the Taskforce worked with a coalition of diverse organizations to develop approaches to ending violence against girls and young women through public policy, education, and media advocacy.

Scope and Contents

Series 4 contains planning and administrative files, research files, roundtable information, and documentation related to the Center for Emerging Leadership, a project dedicated to the development of youth-led and intergenerational progressive social justice project and organizations.


Series 4 is arranged alphabetically by name or topic.

Box 5Folder 29American Association of University Women, grant application and correspondence, 2011
Box 5Folder 15Center for Emerging Leadership, budgeting workshop roster, circa 2011
Box 5Folder 12Center for Emerging Leadership, concept papers, 2010-2011
Box 5Folder 10Center for Emerging Leadership, funding research, 2010
Box 5Folder 14Center for Emerging Leadership, funding workshop materials, 2011 September 22
Box 5Folder 11Center for Emerging Leadership, organizational chart, circa 2010
Box 5Folder 9Center for Emerging Leadership, research articles, 1989-2002
Box 5Folder 13Center for Emerging Leadership, survey results and financial statement, 2011
Box 5Folder 25Chicago Foundation for Women, grant application and correspondence, 2010-2011
Box 6Folder 2City of Chicago Domestic Violence Advocacy Coordinating Council, meeting, 2011 February 10
Box 5Folder 16Community ally response sheet, 2011
Box 5Folder 19Cook County Commission on Women’s Issues, meeting information and occasional paper, 2006-2010
Box 6Folder 13Crime and Incarceration Among Girls and Young Women in Illinois and Chicago, roundtable, 2010
Box 5Folder 23Cudahy Fund, grant correspondence, 2010
Box 6Folder 9Domestic violence prevention, research files, 2003-2009
Box 5Folder 17Domestic Violence Summit Series, conference, 2009 November 19
Box 5Folder 30Dreihaus Foundation, grant correspondence, 2011
Box 5Folder 26Field Foundation, grant application and correspondence, 2010-2011
Box 5Folder 20Financial statements, 2010
Box 5Folder 21Fiscal sponsorship letter, 2010 January 13
Box 5Folder 24Fry Foundation, grant application and correspondence, 2010
Box 5Folder 22Girls’ Thinktank, circa 2012
Box 6Folder 3Human Trafficking: Strategies and Solutions, program, 2011 April 14
Box 6Folder 5Kaba, Mariame, Melissa Spatz and Michelle VanNatta,Status of Girls in Illinois, 2009
Box 6Folder 1Meeting and planning materials, 2009-2011
Box 5Folder 31Michael Reese Health Trust, grant correspondence, 2011
Box 5Folder 27Open Meadows Foundation, grant application and correspondence 2010-2011
Box 6Folder 4Program planning, 2012
Box 6Folder 14Reproductive Justice and Violence Against Girls, roundtable, 2010
Box 6Folder 10Sexual violence, research files, 2010
Box 6Folder 11Sexual Violence in the Lives of Girls and Young Women, roundtable, 2010 January 19
Box 5Folder 28TJX Foundation, grant application and correspondence 2010-2011
Box 6Folder 6Truth About Violence Against Girls meeting, agenda, attendance roster and surveys, 2009 October 22
Box 5Folder 32Verizon Foundation, grant correspondence, 2011
Box 6Folder 12Violence and Education, roundtable, 2010 May 19
Box 5Folder 18Women and Girls and Sexuality: Health and Harms, conference, 2010 October 21
Box 6Folder 7Women and violence, research files, circa 1996-circa mid-2000s
Box 6Folder 8Young women, research files, circa 2000-2008

Series 5: Girl Talk, 2001-2006, undated


Girl Talk began in 1993 as a volunteer collaboration between the Children and Family Justice Center at Northwestern University School of Law and the Chicago Women’s Health Center. Girl Talk was a volunteer-supported program for girls, ages 12-17, who were detained in the Cook County Temporary Juvenile Detention Center (JTDC). Girl Talk began as an 8-week pilot program and quickly grew into a weekly, year-round program. In 2003, the program was extended to alternative schools with at-risk young people, including the Healy School, a Chicago Public School specifically targeted to formerly incarcerated students. Girl Talk ended in 2005.

Scope and Contents

Series 5 includes grant proposals and financial reports, and materials from programs and events held by Girl Talk. Efforts were made to revive Girl Talk in 2010-2011. Kaba filed the later Girl Talk files with Project NIA and these can be found in Subseries B: Affiliated Organizations and Initiatives.


Series 5 is arranged alphabetically by topic or name.

Box 6Folder 15Advertising and outreach, 2004-2005
Box 6Folder 16Center for Young Women’s Development, handbook, 2002
Box 8Folder 7Chicago Foundation for Women, grant correspondence and proposals, 2002-2004
Box 8Folder 9Crossroads Fund, grant correspondence and reports 2003-2004
Box 7Folder 3Director’s files (1 of 2), 2001-2004
Box 7Folder 4Director’s files (2 of 2), 2004-2005
Box 8Folder 3Employment Program, proposal, 2005
Box 7Folder 5Evaluation forms, 2003-2004
Box 7Folder 8Financial reports, (1 of 2), 2003-2006
Box 8Folder 1Financial reports, (2 of 2), 2003-2006
Box 8Folder 8Funding Exchange, grant application and correspondence, 2002-2004
Box 8Folder 15Girl Talk and Chicago Women’s Health Center, newsletters, 2005
Box 8Folder 11Girls Best Friend Foundation, grant correspondence and reports, 2005-2006
Box 9Folder 1Healy School, Girls’ program, (1 of 2), 2003-2004
Box 9Folder 2Healy School, Girls’ program, (2 of 2), 2003-2004
Box 7Folder 1If the Caterpillar Only Knew, conference materials, 2004
Box 8Folder 12Illinois Arts Council, grant materials, undated
Box 8Folder 13Job descriptions, circa 2003-circa 2005
Box 8Folder 4Leadership Group, writings, 2004 November 12
Box 7Folder 6March for Women’s Lives, articles, planning materials and photographs, 2004
Box 8Folder 10MacArthur Foundation, grant proposal, and reports, 2003-2006
Box 8Folder 14Meeting agendas and minutes, 2003-2005
Box 8Folder 5Partner meetings, notes, 2003-2005
Box 9Folder 3Programs, various, 2003-2004
Box 8Folder 6Retreat, agendas and reports, 2003-2004
Box 7Folder 2Roundtable for Women in Prison Conference, program materials, 2004
Box 8Folder 2Statistics and youth incarceration information, circa 2003
Box 7Folder 7Talk-Out – Outside my Window, program and flyer, 2004 December 17
Box 9Folder 5Tides Center, administrative files, 2003-2006
Box 9Folder 4Top of the Pyramid, programs, 2004 February 25
Box 9Folder 6Youth incarceration, articles and resources, 2003-2004

Series 6: Project NIA, 1999-2016, undated


Mariame Kaba founded Project NIA in 2009 with the goal of ending youth incarceration through transformative justice. In Swahili, “nia” means “with purpose,” and the purpose of this grassroots organization is to end the arrest, detention, and incarceration of children and young adults by promoting restorative and transformative justice practices. Project NIA participated in and held a wide array of action, events and workshops focused on police and prison abolition, and the end of all forms of carceral violence.

While based in Chicago, Project NIA served as a catalyst and incubator for programs that addressed juvenile justice issues by helping local activists, building their leadership skills and influencing policy. Initiatives included the Gale Peace Room, Circles and Ciphers, Families in Touch and Liberation Library. The organization moved to New York City in 2016 once Kaba relocated there.

Scope and Contents

Series 6 contains administrative files, curriculums, photographs, reports, research and zines related to multiple workshops and projects including Gale Peace Room, Circles and Ciphers, Families in Touch and Liberation Library.

Please note that Project NIA often collaborated with the Rogers Park Young Women’s Action Team and We Charge Genocide. More information can be found on these organizations in Series 7 and Series 8, respectively. A 2010-2011 revival of Series 5: Girl Talk joins the initiatives in Subseries B.


Project NIA is organized into 6 subseries:

  • Subseries A: Administrative Files, 1999-circa 2016, undated
  • Subseries B: Affiliated Organizations and Initiatives, 2009-2015
  • Subseries C: Curriculums and Workshops, 2009-2015
  • Subseries D: Campaigns and Events, 2009-2016
  • Subseries E: Exhibitions and Zines, 2008-2016, undated
  • Subseries F: Audiovisual Materials and Photographs, 2008-2016, undated

Series 6: Project NIA, 1999-2016, undated

Subseries A: Administrative Files, 1999-circa 2016, undated

Scope and Contents

Subseries A includes Project NIA administrative records, reports, grant proposals and financial records. Subseries A contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries A is arranged alphabetically by topic or name.

Electronic FilesFolder 7Administrative materials, 2009-2012
Box 10Folder 1After School Matters, contract, 2011
Electronic FilesFolder 13Arrest and prison documentation, research materials, 2009-2012
Box 10Folder 2Awards, correspondence and program, 2013-2015
Electronic FilesFolder 2Budget and financial materials, 2009-2011
Box 10Folder 3Chicago Police Department, research and reports, 2009-2014
Electronic FilesFolder 3Correspondence, 2009-2011
Electronic FilesFolder 14Criminalization, prison industrial complex, restorative justice, resources, 2009-2012
Electronic FilesFolder 4Evaluations, 2011
Electronic FilesFolder 5Event and project planning materials, 2009-2011
Box 10Folder 4Fundraisers, programs and flyer, 2015
Electronic FilesFolder 6Fundraising and grant materials, 2009-2011
Box 10Folder 6Goals, frameworks and values documentation, 2009
Electronic FilesFolder 8Goals, mission and strategic planning documentation, 2009-2011
Box 10Folder 7Goodcity, fiscal agent correspondence, 2014 January 17
Box 10Folder 8Illinois Juvenile Justice Leadership Council, meeting notes and correspondence, 2012-2014
Box 10Folder 9Just and Fair Schools Fund, letter of intent, circa 2010
Box 10Folder 10Juvenile incarceration research, magazines and reports, 1999-2014
Box 11Folder 1Juvenile incarceration research, pamphlets and reports, 2004-2015
Box 10Folder 11Juvenile incarceration research, reports, 2004-2013
Box 10Folder 12Juvenile incarceration research, reports, 2009-2013
Box 11Folder 2Juvenile justice, reports, 2009-2014
Box 11Folder 9Kaba, Mariame, speaking events, flyers and programs, 2010-2015
Electronic FilesFolder 9Kaba, Mariame, task documentation and notes, 2009-2011
Box 11Folder 3MacArthur Foundation, grant correspondence and agreement, 2014 August 5
Electronic FilesFolder 10Meeting agendas and minutes, 2010-2011
Box 26Folder 6News clippings, 2009-2015
Box 10Folder 5Organizational materials and flyers, 2009-2011
Box 11Folder 4Partnerships, pamphlets and documentation, circa 2009-circa 2016
Electronic FilesFolder 11Press releases, 2010-2011
Electronic FilesFolder 1Program application forms, 2009-2010
Electronic FilesFolder 12Reports and concept papers, 2009-2011
Box 11Folder 5Resource lists, 2012-2014
Box 11Folder 6Restorative Justice, research and resources, 2009-2014
Box 11Folder 7Rogers Park Community Council, fiscal agent agreement and correspondence, 2009 August 19
Box 11Folder 8School-to-prison pipeline, conference materials and resources, 2005-2014
Electronic FilesFolder 15Staffing, job descriptions, 2009-2011
Box 11Folder 10Stearns Family Foundation, grant correspondence and agreements, 2009-2012
Box 24Artifact 2020.54Thomas C. Hood Award for Social Action, plaque, 2015
Box 11Folder 11Woods Fund of Chicago, grant application and letter of inquiry, 2011-2014
Electronic FilesFolder 16Work plans, organizational and staff, 2009-2011

Series 6: Project NIA, 1999-2016, undated

Subseries B: Affiliated Organizations and Initiatives, 2009-2015

Scope and Contents

Subseries B contains organizational materials about several initiatives incubated by Project NIA including Liberations Library, Circles and Ciphers, Families in Touch, the Chicago Peace Room and the revived version of Girl Talk. Subseries B contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries B is arranged alphabetically by affiliated organization or initiative.

Box 12Folder 530-hour Juvenile Justice Advocacy Training Program, information sheet and training schedule, 2011
Box 26Artifact 2020.79Black Lives Matter, button, circa 2014
Electronic FilesFolder 5Buy Choice, budget, concept paper and general information, 2010
Box 12Folder 6Chicago Prison Industrial Complex Teaching Collective, administrative information, 2011
Box 12Folder 9Chicago Prison Industrial Complex Teaching Collective, Chain Reaction project information, 2012
Box 12Folder 10Chicago Prison Industrial Complex Teaching Collective, evaluations and training sheets, 2013-2014
Electronic FilesFolder 1Chicago Prison Industrial Complex Teaching Collective, teaching resources, 2009-2011
Box 12Folder 7Chicago Prison Industrial Complex Teaching Collective, timeline activity, 2011
Electronic FilesFolder 6Chicago Youth Justice Advocacy and Training Center, activities and general information, 2010
Box 12Folder 1Circles and Ciphers, booklet and planning materials, 2011-2013
Electronic FilesFolder 7Family Visits to Juvenile Prisons, general information and visitation parameters, 2010
Box 12Folder 8Family Visits to Juvenile Prisons, general information, 2011
Box 12Folder 11Families in Touch, pamphlet, circa 2012
Electronic FilesFolder 2Gale Peace Room, concept papers, discipline reports, flyers and proposals, 2009-2011
Box 12Folder 3Gale Peace Room, intern training guide, circa 2010
Electronic FilesFolder 9Girl Talk, curriculum, flyers, manifestos and meeting materials, 2010-2011
Box 12Folder 4Girl Talk, facilitator guide and meeting materials, 2010-2011
Electronic FilesFolder 8Juvenile Justice Advocacy Training Program, meeting and planning materials, 2010-2011
Box 12Folder 2Liberation Library, flyers, pamphlets and meeting agenda, 2015
Electronic FilesFolder 10NIA Wellness Space, flyers and general information, 2010-2011
Electronic FilesFolder 4Peacemaking Circles, guidelines and training materials, 2009-2011
Electronic FilesFolder 3Rogers Park Transformative Justice Center, service information, 2009-2010
Electronic FilesFolder 11Various initiatives and general planning documentation, 2009-2010

Series 6: Project NIA, 1999-2016, undated

Subseries C: Curriculums and Workshops, 2009-2015

Scope and Contents

Subseries C includes programs, agendas and curriculum used or authored by Project NIA or one of their affiliated organizations. This subseries also contains materials about conferences and workshops at which Project NIA personnel presented or attended. Subseries C contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries C is arranged alphabetically by presentation.

Box 26Folder 4The ABCs of the PIC, workshop materials, 2013
Box 13Folder 9Attica Prison Uprising 101: A Short Primer, curriculum, 2011
Box 13Folder 6Conferences, notes and programs, 2010-2015
Electronic FilesFolder 1Conferences, various flyers and materials, 2010-2011
Box 14Folder 5Criminalizing Black Girls, workshop materials, 2014 February 14
Electronic FilesFolder 2Curriculum, various, 2010-2012
Box 12Folder 12Dignity in Schools National Campaign Conference, A Collective Voice for Dignity in Schools, conference materials, 2009 June 5
Box 13Folder 3Freedom Dreams Now Conference, factsheets and speaker notes, 2014
Box 13Folder 7Giving Name to the Nameless: Using Poetry as an Anti-Violence Intervention with Girls and Young Women, curriculum and survey, 2010
Electronic FilesFolder 2Giving Name to the Nameless: Using Poetry as an Anti-Violence Intervention with Girls and Young Women, curriculum planning materials, 2010
Box 13Folder 2Grassroots Black Women Think Tank, conference planning documents, 2013
Box 14Folder 6How to Engage Young Men as Allies to End Violence Against Girls, workshop materials, 2014 June 10
Box 26Folder 4Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Comic Workshop, posters, 2010
Box 13Folder 11The Missing Project, curriculum, 2012
Box 14Folder 1Plantation to Penitentiaries: The Prison Industrial Complex, workshop materials, circa 2010
Box 13Folder 4Re-Connecting the Pathways, conference biographies, 2014
Box 12Folder 13Restorative Justice in Schools, conference materials, 2009 October 15
Box 13Folder 13Rogers Park Community Walking Tour Lesson Plan, curriculum, 2013
Box 13Folder 5School to Prison or Cradle to Career: Imagining a Different Pipeline, conference materials, 2015 May 18
Electronic FilesFolder 2Something is Wrong: Exploring the Roots of Youth Violence, curriculum planning materials, 2009-2010
Box 13Folder 8Something is Wrong: Exploring the Roots of Youth Violence, curriculum planning materials, 2010
Box 13Folder 14Teaching about the Prison Industrial Complex and Criminal Legal System, curriculum by Michelle VanNatta, 2015
Box 13Folder 10Talking About Policing and Violence with Youth: An Activity and Resource Guide, curriculum, circa 2011
Box 14Folder 2Train the Trainer: Local Juvenile Justice Data Snapshots, training guide, 2011 October 22
Box 14Folder 4Trayvon Martin, workshop materials and participant notes, circa 2013
Box 14Folder 3Understanding the Criminalization of Youth, workshop materials, 2013
Box 13Folder 12We Don’t Want This to Look Like a Massacre: The Danzinger Bridge Shootings, curriculum, 2012
Electronic FilesFolder 2We Don’t Want This to Look Like a Massacre: The Danzinger Bridge Shootings, curriculum, 2012
Electronic FilesFolder 3Workshops, materials and notes, 2010-2013
Box 13Folder 1YWCA Racial Justice Summit, conference program, 2011 October 5

Series 6: Project NIA, 1999-2016, undated

Subseries D: Campaigns and Events, 2009-2016, undated

Scope and Contents

Subseries D contains posters, flyers and ephemera connected to various actions, campaigns and events sponsored or co-sponsored by Project NIA. Subseries D contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries D is arranged alphabetically by type of activity.

Box 14Folder 8April 1st Day of Action, agenda, chant sheet and sticker, 2016 April 1
Box 14Folder 14Campaigns, postcards, undated
Box 14Folder 11Chicago Student Safety Act, campaign materials, 2012
Box 15Folder 2Chiraq and Its Meaning(s), community contributions and zine, 2014
Box 14Folder 10Closing Illinois Youth Prisons, meeting agenda and postcard, 2012 February 16
Electronic FilesFolder 2Closing Illinois Youth Prisons, poster, 2012 July 14
Box 14Folder 15Events, marketing materials and CD-ROM, 2009-2016
Electronic FilesFolder 3Events, marketing materials, 2009-2011
Box 26Artifacts 2020.66National Week of Action Against School Pushout, button, undated
Box 14Folder 7National Week of Action Against School Pushout, grant information and postcards, 2014
Electronic FilesFolder 1National Week of Action Against School Pushout, marketing materials, 2010-2011
Box 26Folder 4National Week of Action Against School Pushout, posters, 2010-2014
Box 27Artifacts 2020.64- 2020.65National Week of Action Against School Pushout, t-shirts, 2014
Box 14Folder 13No to HB2265, campaign flyers and information sheets, 2013-2014
Box 26Artifact 2020.55Project NIA, banner, undated
Box 14Folder 12Reparations NOW, campaign materials and 15 photographs, 2012-2015
Box 26Folder 5Reparations NOW, campaign poster and news clipping, 2015
Electronic FilesFolder 2Stop the School to Prison Pipeline, campaign planning materials, 2010-2011
Box 26Artifact 2020.68Un-Marked Campaign, button, circa 2010
Box 14Folder 9Un-Marked Campaign, campaign materials, 2010-2014
Electronic FilesFolder 2Un-Marked Campaign, planning and marketing materials, 2009-2011
Box 26Folder 4Un-Marked Campaign, poster, circa 2010
Box 15Folder 1Uproar Chicago, event flyer and transcript, 2013 April 24

Series 6: Project NIA, 1999-2016, undated

Subseries E: Exhibitions and Zines, 2008-2016, undated

Scope and Contents

Subseries E contains artwork as well as flyers, postcards and press about several exhibitions Project NIA curated or co-curated. The subseries also includes zines produced or used by Project NIA. Subseries E contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries E is arranged alphabetically by project title with the zines arranged alphabetically at the end.

Box 26Folder 4Art Against Incarceration, exhibit posters, 2010 August 28
Box 15Folder 5Black and Blue, exhibit art, 2013
Electronic FilesFolder 2Black/Inside: A History of Captivity and Confinement in the Unites States, exhibit flyers and posters, 2011-2013
Box 15Folder 3Black/Inside: A History of Captivity and Confinement in the Unites States, exhibit information and CD-ROM, 2012
Box 26Folder 7Black/Inside: A History of Captivity and Confinement in the Unites States, exhibit posters, 2012
Box 15Folder 7Blood at the Root: Unearthing the Stories of State Violence Against Black Women, exhibit information and memorial cards, 2015
Box 26Folder 7Blood at the Root: Unearthing the Stories of State Violence Against Black Women, exhibit posters, 2015
Box 27Artifact 2020.67Blood at the Root: Unearthing the Stories of State Violence Against Black Women, Stop Killing Black Women and Girls, t-shirt, 2015
Box 26Folder 4Criminalizing Black Girls, poster by Bianca Diaz, undated
Box 15Folder 4Juvenile-in-Justice, exhibit poster, 2012
Box 15Folder 8Making N*****s: Demonizing and Distorting Blackness Through Racist Postcard and Images, exhibit information [Caution: examination of racist language], 2015-2016
Box 15Folder 6No Selves to Defend, exhibit information, 4 photographs and CD-ROM, 2014
Box 26Folder 7Picturing A World Without Prisons: An Inside/Outside Exhibition, poster and postcard, 2013
Electronic FilesFolder 1Project NIA, campaign artwork, 2008-2013
Box 16Folder 6Zines -1968 Democratic Convention by Emily Pineda, circa 2012
Box 16Folder 7Zines -An (Abridged) History of Resisting Police Violence in Harlem by Mariame Kaba, circa 2012
Box 16Folder 13Zines -Assata is Welcome Here (partial) by Rachel Marie-Crane Williams, 2013
Box 16Folder 5Zines -Blue and Black: Stories of Policing and Violence by Rachel Marie-Crane Williams, 2012
Box 16Folder 8Zines -Chicago’s Red Summer of 1919 by Elizabeth Dadabo, circa 2012
Box 16Folder 15Zines -Community Safety Looks Like…, 2015
Box 16Folder 16Zines -The Dante Servin Trial: An Analysis of the Verdict, circa 2015
Box 15Folder 10Zines -Girls in the System: A Story About Young Women and the Juvenile Justice System by Rachel Marie-Crane Williams, 2011
Box 16Folder 1Zines -A Graphic History of Juvenile Justice in Illinois by Rachel Marie-Crane Williams, 2011
Box 16Folder 9Zines -Jon Burge and Chicago Police Torture, circa 2012
Box 16Folder 10Zines -The Local Government of Crete, IL is Considering Building a Private Immigrant Detention Facility, circa 2012
Box 16Folder 11Zines -The Memorial Day Massacre, May 30, 1937, Chicago, IL by Samuel Barnett, circa 2012
Box 16Folder 2Zines -Miklat Miklat: A Transformative Justice Zine by Lewis Wallace and Micah Bazant, 2011
Box 16Folder 12Zines -The Mississippi Black Papers: Testimonials of Police Violence in the South, edited by Mariame Kaba, circa 2012
Box 15Folder 9Zines -The Prison Industrial Complex Is…, illustrated by Billy Dee, 2010
Box 16Folder 14Zines -The Princess Who Went Quiet by Bianca Diaz, 2014
Box 16Folder 3Zines -The School to Prison Pipeline by Rachel Marie-Crane Williams, 2011
Box 16Folder 17Zines -Ten Things You Hate About Anita, 2016
Box 16Folder 4Zines -Youth Stories by Elgin Smith, 2011
Electronic FilesFolder 3Zines - various, 2011-2013

Series 6: Project NIA, 1999-2016, undated

Subseries F: Photographs and Audiovisual Materials, 2008-2016, undated

Scope and Contents

Subseries F contains photographs of exhibitions, programs and events held or co-sponsored by Project NIA. The subseries also includes audiovisual materials associated with Project NIA. Subseries F contains electronic files. Sarah-Ji took the bulk of the photographs.


Subseries F is arranged alphabetically by action or event.

Electronic FilesFolder 64th Annual Dignity in Schools, National Week of Action on School Pushout panel and town hall [Stand Up, Speak Out], 32 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2013 September 30
Electronic FilesFolder 5Black & Blue exhibit opening, 61 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2013 March 19
Electronic FilesFolder 4Black Inside, exhibit opening, 47 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2012 October 22
Electronic FilesFolder 23Blood at the Root, exhibit opening, 32 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 August 14
Electronic FilesFolder 24Blood at the Root, exhibit opening photo booth, 27 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 August 14
Electronic FilesFolder 27Blood at the Root, exhibit closing, 86 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 October 30
Electronic FilesFolder 31Chicago Torture Justice Survivors, event, 55 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2016 February 13
Electronic FilesFolder 12Chiraq & Its Meaning(s), publication release party, 38 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 October 30
Electronic FilesFolder 1Cradle to College Pipeline, summit video, 2010 October 16
Electronic FilesFolder 9Community Safety Looks Like, Project NIA/Mariame Kaba and Sarah-Ji of Love & Struggle, community comments, 100 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2013-2015
Electronic FilesFolder 22Community Safety Looks Like, booklet release, 18 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 July 22
Electronic FilesFolder 25#DistortedBLK: Making N*****s: Demonizing & Distorting Blackness, exhibit opening, 119 photographs by Sarah-Ji [Caution: examination of racist language], 2015 October 3
Electronic FilesFolder 30Making #BlackLivesMatter panel, closing reception for #DistortedBLK: Making N*****s [Caution: examination of racist language], 19 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2016 January 31
Electronic FilesFolder 10Monument Quilt: Public Healing Space for Survivors of Rape and Abuse, 33 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 August 19
Electronic FilesFolder 2National Occupy Day in Solidarity with Prisoners, card writing event, 32 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2012 February 21
Electronic FilesFolder 1No Place for Kids, mp4 video, 2012
Electronic FilesFolder 28A Play-In for Tamir Rice, 75 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 November 23
Electronic FilesFolder 7Picturing a World Without Prisons, project, 27 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2013
Electronic FilesFolder 18#PopUpJustice Art Exhibit at City Hall for #ReparationsNOW, 92 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 March 18
Electronic FilesFolder 1Project NIA, news conference, 2008
Electronic FilesFolder 3Project NIA, unidentified events, 3 photographs, 2012 July 7
Electronic FilesFolder 1Project NIA and Dignity Schools, 3 audio files [damaged], 2011-2012
Electronic FilesFolder 16#RahmRepNow, [Reparations NOW] train takeover, 62 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 February 21
Electronic FilesFolder 15Rally for Reparations: A People’s Hearing, 73 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 February 14
Electronic FilesFolder 17Reparations Not Black Sites: Rally for the Run-Off, 30 photographs by Sarah Ji, 2015 March 2
Electronic FilesFolder 13#ReparationsNOW, march, 24 photographs by Page May, 2014 December 16
Electronic FilesFolder 19#ReparationsWON Historic City Council Vote, 77 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 May 6
Electronic FilesFolder 20#ReparationsWON Party, 88 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 May 6
Electronic FilesFolder 21#ReparationsWON Party, Radical Imaginings, 55 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 May 15
Electronic FilesFolder 11Re-Thinking and Re-Imagining Community Safety: An Intergenerational and Interactive Discussion, 63 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 August 20
Electronic FilesFolder 8#SB1342 opposition action, 30 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2013 December 2
Electronic FilesFolder 32Schools Not Jails, protest, 107 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2016 April 1
Electronic FilesFolder 14Sing-In for Reparations, 27 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 January 15
Electronic FilesFolder 29Sounds Like Now, a sound performance in response to the Making N*****s exhibit, 24 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 December 20
Electronic FilesFolder 26Vigil for Ronnieman, 51 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 October 12
Electronic FilesFolder 33Youth Led Think Tank, 3 photographs, undated

Series 7: Rogers Park Young Women’s Action Team (YWAT), 1995-2013, undated


The Rogers Park Young Women Action Team (YWAT) was a youth-led, adult-supported social change project that empowered young women to take action on issues such as street harassment and violence against women. YWAT was founded in 2003 and launched several campaigns including Stop Street Harassment, Engaging Young Men as Allies and Girls for Safe Transit. YWAT disbanded in 2011.

Scope and Contents

Series 7 contains administrative files, reports and research related to their workshops and initiatives, including Stop Street Harassment, Engaging Young Men as Allies and Girls for Safe Transit


Series 7 is organized into 5 subseries:

  • Subseries A: Administrative Files, 2003-2013, undated
  • Subseries B: Reports and Research, 1995-2012, undated
  • Subseries C: Education, 2003-2010, undated
  • Subseries D: Campaigns and Events, 2003-2012
  • Subseries E: Photographs and Audiovisual Materials, 1998-2011, undated

Subseries A: Administrative Files, 2003-2013, undated

Scope and Contents

Subseries A contains grant proposals, financial records and meeting agendas and minutes and various administrative materials. Subseries A contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries A is arranged alphabetically by topic or name.

Box 16Folder 18Anniversary party invitation, 2008 September 19
Box 16Folder 19Annual reports and invoice, 2006-2008
Box 16Folder 20Avon Foundation, grant application, 2006
Box 16Folder 21Ben and Jerry’s Foundation, grant application, 2007 July 15
Box 16Folder 22Between Friends, award correspondence, 2011 April 7
Box 23Artifact 2020.50Between Friends, 25 Forces of Change Award – Young Women’s Action Team, plaque, 2011 October 11
Box 16Folder 24Chicago Foundation for Women, award program, 2010 March 24
Box 16Folder 25City of Chicago, proclamation, 2005 June 28
Box 16Folder 26Correspondence, 2007-2009
Box 16Folder 27Crossroads Fund, grant applications and correspondence, 2007-2008
Box 16Folder 28Something is Wrong: Exploring the Roots of Youth Violence, curriculum, 2010
Box 16Folder 29Donation documentation, 2008
Box 16Folder 30Ellen Dougherty Activist Fund for Young Women, grant application, 2006 August 10
Box 16Folder 31Executive summary, 2008
Box 16Folder 32Financial reports, 2008-2010
Box 17Folder 1Fiscal year report, 2005
Box 17Folder 2Friend of Battered Women and Their Children, budget, 2005
Electronic FilesFolder 1General organizational information, 2003-2012
Box 17Folder 3General organizational information, 2006-2007
Box 17Folder 4Illinois Violence Prevention Authority, grant applications, 2006-2008
Box 17Folder 5Leo S. Guthman Fund, grant applications and correspondence, 2007-2008
Box 17Folder 6Letters of recommendation, 2006-2013
Box 17Folder 7Logos, by Jane Ball, undated
Box 17Folder 8Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family Foundation, grant applications, 2006-2008
Oversize Folder 2 Meeting notes and research posters, undated
Box 17Folder 9Ms. Foundation for Women, grant applications, 2007-2008
Box 17Folder 10News clippings and article, 2004-2009
Box 25Folder 3News clippings, 2005-2009
Box 17Folder 11Rogers Park Community Council, fiscal sponsorship agreement and organizational information, 2006
Box 17Folder 12Speh Family Foundation, grant application and correspondence, 2007-2008
Box 17Folder 13Unsung Heroine Award, resolution and printed picture, 2006
Box 17Folder 14Violent Crime Victims Assistance Program, grant application, 2006
Box 17Folder 15Workshop offerings and meeting agenda, circa 2009
Box 26Artifact 2020.56Young Women’s Action Team (YWAT), banner, undated

Series 7: Rogers Park Young Women’s Action Team (RP YWAT), 1995-2013, undated

Subseries B: Reports and Research, 1995-2012, undated

Scope and Contents

Subseries B includes reports based on research conducted by YWAT members as well as the resource files used by the organization. Subseries B contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries B is arranged alphabetically by topic or name.

Box 19Folder 4Chicago Girls’ Coalition Resource Directory, 2008
Box 17Folder 18CTA Sexual Harassment and Assault: A Study by the Rogers Park Young Women’s Action Team, reports, 2009
Electronic FilesFolder 2Curriculum and training resources, 2011
Box 19Folder 5“Getting Played: African-American Girls, Urban Inequality, and Gendered Violence,” undated
Box 17Folder 16Hey Cutie, Can I Get Your Digits?: A Report about the Street Harassment of Girls in Rogers Park, 2003
Box 19Folder 1“Inclusion of Youth with Disabilities,” by Susan Nussbaum and Ana Mercado, circa mid-2000s
Box 18Folder 1Intimate partner violence, research files, 1995-2009
Box 18Folder 2Leadership 101: Developing Leadership Skills for Resilient Youth – Facilitator’s Guide, 2000
Box 19Folder 2National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week, toolkit, circa mid-2000s
Box 19Folder 6“Participatory Evaluation with Young Women,” undated
Box 18Folder 5Popular media, research files, 2003-2006
Box 18Folder 4A Practical Guide to Implementing a Program that Engages and Empowers Young People in a High School Setting, 2002
Box 17Folder 19Reading Circle Facilitation Training Report, 2009
Electronic FilesFolder 1Real Talk: Engaging Young Men and Boys about Violence Against Women and Girls, report, 2011
Box 17Folder 17Reports, various, 2006-2012
Box 18Folder 3Sexual abuse and violence prevention, research files, 2002-2004
Box 19Folder 7Sisters in Action: Political Education: Essential Pieces, undated
Box 19Folder 8Transgender ally ship, research files, undated
Box 19Folder 3“What Will It Take? Building the Safest State for All Women and Girls,” 2007
Box 18Folder 6Youth organizing and research models, research files, circa 2004-2007
Box 18Folder 7Youth organizing in the Midwest, research files, 2005

Series 7: Rogers Park Young Women’s Action Team (YWAT), 1995-2013, undated

Subseries C: Education, 2003-2010, undated

Scope and Contents

Subseries C contains programs, packets, flyers and postcards related to conference, workshops and trainings attended by or coordinated by YWAT members. Subseries C contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries C is arranged alphabetically by title or event.

Box 19Folder 9The Color of Violence III: Stopping the War on Women of Color, conference call for presenters and workshops, 2005
Box 19Folder 13Cradle to College Pipeline Summit, conference materials, 2010 October 16
Box 19Folder 24Effective Presentation Skills for Youth, workshop flyer, 2006 November 18
Box 19Folder 11Ella’s Daughters: Second Annual National Gathering, conference materials, 2009 May 3
Box 19Folder 22From the Margins to the Center: How Community-Based Organizations can Support and Foster Youth Participatory Research and Activism, workshop materials, 2005 June 1
Box 19Folder 10Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault, conference materials, 2006 May 2
Box 19Folder 21An Introduction to Youth in Decision Making, training packet, undated
Box 19Folder 25Mobilizing Youth for Social Change: A Youth Led Workshop, workshop materials, 2006-2009
Box 19Folder 26Mobilizing Youth for Social Change: Fostering Leadership in the Anti-Gender Violence Movement, workshop materials, 2007 January 27
Box 19Folder 27Reading Circle Facilitation Training, workshop materials, 2009 January 17
Box 19Folder 20Research Training – Phase I, agenda and tip sheet, 2003 August 28
Box 19Folder 23Transformative Justice Gathering and Teach-In, workshop materials, circa 2005
Box 19Folder 12The Truth About Violence Against Girls, conference materials, 2009 October 22
Electronic FilesFolder 1Workshops, various, 2005-2006

Series 7: Rogers Park Young Women’s Action Team (RP YWAT), 1995-2013, undated

Subseries D: Campaigns and Events, 2003-2012

Scope and Contents

Subseries D contains documentation related to campaigns and events held or attended by YWAT members. This subseries contains information about YWAT’s Stop Street Harassment campaign, which received national press coverage. Subseries D contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries D is arranged alphabetically by title or activity.

Electronic FilesFolder 1Campaigns, various, 2003-2009
Box 20Folder 3Engaging Young Men as Allies, campaign materials and resource guide, 2006-2007
Electronic FilesFolder 2Events, various, flyers and general information, 2003-2007
Box 21Folder 3Events, various, flyers and programs, 2004-2010
Box 20Folder 4Girls Leadership U, campaign materials, 2007-2008
Electronic FilesFolder 1Girls Leadership U, executive summary report and surveys, 2008
Box 26Artifacts 2020.72-2020.74Girls for Safe Transit, buttons, 2008-2009
Box 21Folder 1Girls for Safe Transit, campaign materials, 2008-2009
 Artifact 2016.8Girls for Safe Transit, CTA poster, “If it’s Unwanted, It’s harassment,” circa 2009
Box 28Artifact 2020.80Respect Me, t-shirt, undated
Box 26Artifacts 2020.69-2020.71Stop Street Harassment, buttons, 2003-2006
Box 20,Folder 1Stop Street Harassment, campaigns and curriculum, 2003-2006
Box 21Folder 2Suspension Stories: Challenging The School to Prison Pipeline in Your Own Words, campaign materials and press coverage, 2010-2012
Box 25Folder 4Suspension Stories: Challenging The School to Prison Pipeline in Your Own Words, posters, 2010-2012
Box 20Folder 2Teen Dating Violence, campaign materials, circa mid-2000s
Box 25Folder 4When Violence Against Women and Girls Ends I Will…, campaign flyers and poster, circa mid-2000s

Series 7: Rogers Park Young Women’s Action Team (RP YWAT), 1995-2013, undated

Subseries E: Photographs and Audiovisual Materials, 1998-2011, undated

Scope and Contents

Subseries E includes physical and electronic audiovisual materials and photographs of YWAT events and campaigns. Subseries E contains physical and electronic files.


Subseries E is arranged alphabetically by title or organization.

Electronic FilesFolder 1Monet, Daphne, interview, audio file, 2011
Box 22DVD 3Real Talk: Engaging Young Men As Allies to End Violence Against Women: A Collaboration Between BeyondMedia and the Young Women’s Action Team, DVD, circa 2007
Box 22DVD 4Real Talk Screener, 28:35, circa 2007
Box 21Folder 4Santa’s Sistahs, event, 20 photographs and 11 negatives and 1 CD-ROM, 2007
Electronic FilesFolder 1Suspension Stories, video file, 2010
Box 22VHS 7Teen Sexual Assault, CAN-TX – Hey Cuties Forum, VHS, undated
Electronic FilesFolder 2Unidentified photographs, 2 photographs, 2011
Box 21Folder 5Unidentified photographs, 24 photographs and 8 negatives and 1 CD-ROM, undated
Box 22VHS 1Wolf Whistling, Street Level Youth Media, VHS, 1998
Box 22VHS 2Young Women’s Action Team, The Boy is Mine, film, VHS, 2003 November 17
Box 22VHS 3Young Women’s Action Team, The Boy is Mine, film, VHS, 2003 November 17
Box 22DVD 1Young Women’s Action Team, The Boy is Mine, film, DVD, 2003 November 17
Box 22VHS 6Young Women’s Action Team, CBS news clip, 2009
Box 22VHS 4Young Women’s Action Team, Community Forum, VHS, 2004 October 28
Box 22DVD 2Young Women’s Action Team, Day of Action Against Street Harassment, DVD, 2006
Box 22VHS 5Young Women’s Action Team, Day of Action Against Street Harassment, VHS, 2006
Box 22VHS 8Young Women’s Action Team, documentary, VHS music videos, undated
Box 22DVD 5Young Women’s Action Team, DVD, undated

Series 8: We Charge Genocide (WCG), 2013-2016


We Charge Genocide (WCG), which launched in 2014, was an inter-generational group of Chicago residents whose goal was to uplift the voices of those most effected by police violence in Chicago. The group took their name from the original We Charge Genocide petition filed to the United Nations in 1951. In November 2014, a delegation of young Chicagoans in WCG went to Geneva, Switzerland to present their report on the Chicago Police Department to the United Nations.

Scope and Contents

Series 8 includes several Chicago campaigns and grassroots actions by We Charge Genocide including #ChiStops, a campaign against racial profiling by the police and #ChiCopWatch, a team that responded to police shootings by documenting them as well as connecting families and loved ones affected with resources. We Charge Genocide, along with Project NIA and several other organizations, was active in the Reparations NOW campaign, a fight to gain reparations for the people tortured by Chicago Police Commander, Jon Burge. The organization disbanded in 2016.

Series 8 includes artwork, meeting minutes, flyers, program, and electronic photographs.


Series 8 is organized into 2 subseries:

  • Subseries A: Documents, 2013-2016
  • Subseries B: Photographs, 2014-2016

Subseries A: Documents and Artifacts, 2013-2015


Subseries A is arranged alphabetically by topic or name.

Box 21Folder 8#ChiCopWatch, flyers and sign, 2014
Box 25Folder 6#ChiCopWatch, flyers and sign, 2014
Box 21Folder 9#ChiStops and STOP Act, campaign materials, 2015
Box 28Artifact 2020.76#ChiStops and STOP Act, t-shirt, 2015
Box 21Folder 15Chicago Police Department, research, circa 2014
 Artifact 2016.7Crossroads Fund, Donald F. Erickson Synapses Award, 2015 March 13
Box 21Folder 6Disrupt CAPS, flyer, circa 2015
Box 21Folder 10Do I Fit The Description, Youth Hearings on Police Violence, event materials and poster, 2014
Box 21Folder 11Events, marketing materials, 2015
 Artifact 2016.6Mayor Rahm Emanuel budget proposal action, hand-painted banner, [See Subseries B: Photographs, Folder 13], 2015 September 22
Box 21Folder 12Meeting agendas, notes and rosters, 2014
Box 25Folder 5News clipping, 2015
Box 21Folder 13Notes from one year anniversary, 2015
Box 21Folder 14“Police Violence Against Chicago Youth of Color,” 2014
Box 21Folder 7Reparations for the Chicago Police Torture Survivors, coloring book, fact sheets, and postcard, 2013-2015
Box 26Artifact 2020.75We Charge Genocide, button, undated

Series 8: We Charge Genocide, 2013-2016

Subseries B: Photographs, 2014-2016

Scope and Contents

Subseries B includes photographs that document the #ChiStops initiatives, the Geneva Delegation, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s budget proposals actions and other events. Subseries B contains electronic files. Sarah-Ji took the bulk of the photographs.


Subseries B is arranged alphabetically by event.

Electronic FilesFolder 12#ChiStops: A Speakout Against Stop & Frisk and Police Violence, 117 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 August 9
Electronic FilesFolder 10#Damo Day, Day of Remembrance for Dominique “Damo” Franklin, 146 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 May 20
Electronic FilesFolder 1Do I Fit The Description, photo booth at the We Charge Genocide Hearing on Police Violence, 40 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 August 2
Electronic FilesFolder 3Fundraising dinner, 12 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 October 5
Electronic FilesFolder 6Geneva Delegation Send-Off Potluck, 33 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 November 7
Electronic FilesFolder 7Geneva Delegation Report Back, 69 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 December 11
Electronic FilesFolder 16#Justice4Pierre Vigil for Pierre L. Loury, 58 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2016 April 12
Electronic FilesFolder 13Mayor Rahm Emanuel budget proposal action, 34 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 September 22
Electronic FilesFolder 14Mayor Rahm Emanuel budget, train takeover, 41 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 October 6
Electronic FilesFolder 5#O22 Break Down the Wall of Silence: Protesting Police Brutality, 57 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 October 22
Electronic FilesFolder 11One Year Anniversary Celebration, 44 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 June 6
Electronic FilesFolder 4Shadow Report Release: CPD Violence Against Youth of Color, 10 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 October 22
Electronic FilesFolder 15#StopTheCops #FundBlackFutures action, 115 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 October 24
Electronic FilesFolder 8Vigil for Our Fallen, 40 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 December 17
Electronic FilesFolder 9Women and Femme to Celebrate, event, 85 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 March 11
Electronic FilesFolder 2Youth Hearing on Police Violence, 38 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 August 2

Series 9: Social Justice Projects, 2012-2016

Scope and Contents

The Social Justice series documents a variety of grassroots actions and campaigns in Chicago that Kaba co-organized or attended. Series 9 documents the Movement for Black Lives, better known as Black Lives Matter. The actions range from an Assanta Shakur teach-in to messages in support of Trayvon Martin to a vigil for Sandra Bland and Laquan McDonald, victims of neighborhood watch and police shootings. The series contains variety of materials such as flyers, artwork, buttons and t-shirts, and a large number of born-digital photographs. The series also contains photos from the Mariame Taught Me project, an outpouring of admiration and love for Kaba’s contribution to the Chicago organizing community created prior to her departure for New York.


Series 9 is organized into 2 subseries:

  • Subseries A: Documents and Artifacts, 2014-2016
  • Subseries B: Photographs, 2012-2016

Subseries A: Documents and Artifacts, 2014-2016


Subseries A is arranged alphabetically by subject or name, and then chronologically within subject or name.

Box 26Folder 8Fight for Funding, Shut It Down, Shut Down Police Violence, 2016 April 1
Box 28Artifact 2020.78I’m Young, Black and I Want $15! t-shirt, circa 2014
Box 25Folder 8Louder Than a Bomb, poster, 2016
Box 28Artifact 2020.77No Justice, No Peace, Don't Shoot, R.I.P. Michael Brown, Jr. t-shirt, circa 2014
Box 21Folder 16Social justice actions, campaign materials, events, flyers, and news clipping, 2015-2016
Box 25Folder 7Social justice actions, campaign materials, events, flyers, and news clipping, 2015-2016

Series 9: Social Justice Projects, 2012-2016

Subseries B: Photographs and Audiovisual Materials, 2012-2016

Scope and Contents

Subseries B contains electronic files. The bulk of the photographs were taken by Sarah-Ji.


Subseries B is arranged alphabetically by action or event.

Electronic FilesFolder 21Anita Alvarez is Gone party [Cook County State Attorney, Anita Alvarez], 4 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 March 15
Electronic FilesFolder 1Assata Shakur teach-in, 65 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2013 June 5
Electronic FilesFolder 20#ByeAnita light action [Cook County State Attorney, Anita Alvarez], 40 photographs and 2 mp4 files by Sarah-Ji, 2016 March 10
Electronic FilesFolder 25#ByeAnita video by Sarah-Ji, video of the campaign to defeat Cook County State Attorney, Anita Alvarez, 2016
Electronic FilesFolder 12#Chi2Baltimore Emergency Action in Solidarity with Baltimore, 113 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 April 28
Electronic FilesFolder 7#Chi2Ferguson and #FreeMarissa action, 92 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 November 24
Electronic FilesFolder 23Chicago Women and Femmes to Celebrate Awards Ceremony, 138 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2016 April 28
Electronic FilesFolder 19Free Black Women’s Library event, 46 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2012 February 20
Electronic FilesFolder 22From Oakland to Chicago: Responses to Police Violence Panel, 44 photographs, 2015 April 22
Electronic FilesFolder 10#Justice for Stephon vigil, 33 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 February 1
Electronic FilesFolder 11#JusticeforStephon: A Freedom Ride and Rally, 173 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 April 4
Electronic FilesFolder 18#LaquanMcDonald vigil and action, 39 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 November 24
Electronic FilesFolder 4Locked Up & Locked Out: Action and March Against Incarcerating Youth, 97 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 May 19
Electronic FilesFolder 17#March4BlackGirls in honor of Rekia Boyd, 136 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 October 17
Electronic FilesFolder 24Mariame [Kaba] Taught Me submissions, 109 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2016 May 12
Electronic FilesFolder 3Messages for Trayvon Martin, community members hold signs of support for Trayvon, 14 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 February 26
Electronic FilesFolder 13Mother’s Day vigil at Cook Country Jail, 50 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 May 9
Electronic FilesFolder 5No-Knock: An Artistic Speak-Out Against “The American Police State,” 17 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 June 7
Electronic FilesFolder 16Northside Solidarity with Ferguson gathering and vigil, 29 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 August 11
Electronic FilesFolder 8Reclaim MLK Day, 83 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 January 15
Electronic FilesFolder 6Roshad McKintosh rally and march, 37 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2014 September 1
Electronic FilesFolder 14#SayHerName / #BlackWomenMatter / #JusticeForRekia rally [Rekia Boyd], 62 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 May 21
Electronic FilesFolder 15#SayHerName: A Light Action for Sandra Bland, 36 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 July 28
Electronic FilesFolder 2Silent Witness Against Sexual Victimization of Incarcerated Youth protest, 55 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2013 July 30
Electronic FilesFolder 9Watching the Watchers Conference: Strategies to End Police Violence, 59 photographs by Sarah-Ji, 2015 January 24
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