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Information // Resources for Negotiators
Thursday // 5.26.2022

Resources for Negotiators

The CBD Secretariat is committed to assisting the Parties in achieving effective outcomes in the many meetings organized to support the implementation of the Convention. The publications provided on this page are offered as resources for negotiators.

A Guide for Presiding Officers

A Guide for Presiding Officers

Abstract:This guide is intended to serve as reference or source of information to Bureau members and other officers presiding over meetings in the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as the Cartagena and Nagoya Protocol processes (CBD process).

TheUNEP Division of Environmental Law and Conventions (DELC) developsonline tools and publications, such as reports, newsletters, manuals, and other public information material in support of awareness raising and capacity building activities related to environmental law and Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs).

DELC has recently released a series of publications to support not only those frequently engaged in negotiations under various multilateral environmental agreements, but also those involved in the daily implementation of such agreements and related decisions.

Glossary of Terms For Negotiators of Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Glossary of Terms For Negotiators of Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Abstract:This glossary of terms and acronyms aims to provide a support tool not only for those that are frequently engaged in negotiations under various MEAs, but also for those involved in the daily implementation of such agreements and related decisions.

Guide For Negotiators of Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Guide For Negotiators of Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Abstract:MEAs are a subset of the universe of international agreements.What distinguishes them from other agreements is their focus on environmental isues, their creation of binding International law, and there inclusion of multiple countries

MEAs Negotiator's Handbook

MEAs Negotiator's Handbook

Abstract:This handbook has been prepared as a solid introduction to negotiating or working on MEAs for those with little or no background, as well as a key reference tool for experienced negotiations.[English][French]

Negotiating and Implementing MEAs: A Manual for NGOs

Negotiating and Implementing MEAs: A Manual for NGOs

Abstract:This manual distills the knowledge of many leading NGO experts with a wealth of experience in high level negotiations. It identifies some of the key skills that could prove necessary to those who would consider being environmental lobbysits.

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