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Cooperation and Partnerships

Cooperation and Partnerships
Friday // 3.10.2023

Cooperation and Partnerships


Achieving the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its Protocols requires the cooperation and coordination with a wide range of other conventions, institutions and processes.

Since its first meeting in 1994, the Conference of the Parties has recognized the importance of the Convention’s relationship with biodiversity-related conventions, other international agreements, institutions and processes of relevance and has adopted decisions on cooperation at each of its meetings.

A core function of the Convention’s Secretariat is to coordinate with other relevant international bodies (Article 24). The COP has requested the Executive Secretary, on behalf of the COP, to consider matters of liaison, cooperation and collaboration a key responsibility (decision IV/15, para 4).

To strengthen relationships and provide frameworks for cooperation, the Secretariat has signedMemoranda of Cooperation with numerous entities, outlining formally agreed activities or targets.

The Secretariat has also established liaison groups with the secretariats of the Rio Conventions (Joint Liaison Group) and those of the biodiversity-related conventions (Liaison Group of Biodiversity-related Conventions), as well as for thematic areas, such as theInter-agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species.

The Conference of the Parties has frequently requested the Executive Secretary to examine options for enhancing implementation through improved cooperation, including by enhancing synergies in the implementation of biodiversity-related conventions (see, for example,decision XIII/24) and establishing a cooperation framework among all relevant actors, such as a global partnership on biodiversity (decision VII/26, paragraph 3).

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