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side effect


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  • chemical injuries
    • The routine monitoring of blood pressure levels is an important part of assessing an individual's health. Blood pressure provides information about the amount of blood in circulation and about heart function and thus is an important indicator of disease.
      Inhuman disease: Drugs

      …used today that have no side effects (i.e., effects unintended when the drug is administered). Although these side effects may be harmless and inconsequential, certain drugs have side effects that are potent. Similarly, a drug may be useful in a certain dose range but harmful when larger doses are taken.…

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  • clinical trials
    • clinical trial
      Inclinical trial: Clinical trials design

      …small groups of participants until side effects are noted. The trial is terminated when either the highest dose that can be given to humans with acceptable side effects has been reached or, in the absence of side effects, an effective dose has been achieved.

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  • psychotropic drugs
    • Prozac
      Intherapeutics: Antianxiety agents

      …morning hangover effect and other side effects. The distinction between antianxiety drugs and hypnotics is not clear, because many can serve both functions. Small doses of hypnotic benzodiazepines are effective antianxiety agents, and in many persons, especially the elderly, antianxiety benzodiazepines can induce sleep.

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radiation and chemotherapy

  • precancerous growth in a human colon
    Incancer: Radiation therapy

    The undesirable effects of radiation therapy are divided into acute and late effects. Acute effects occur in rapidly renewing tissues, such as the linings of the oral cavity, the pharynx, the intestine, the urinary bladder, and the vagina. Late effects, which are related to the total dose…

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  • precancerous growth in a human colon
    Incancer: Chemotherapy

    The side effects of chemotherapy vary greatly among individuals and among drug combinations. Side effects arise because many chemotherapeutic agents kill healthy cells as well as cancer cells. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, anemia, loss of ability to fight infection, and a greater propensity to bleed…

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  • anticancer drugs
    • Gleevec; imatinib
      Inanticancer drug

      …in reducing the severity of side effects associated with the drugs’ use. Indeed, because cancer cells are similar to normal human cells, anticancer agents are generally toxic to normal cells and can cause numerous side effects, some of which are life-threatening. Such side effects include hair loss, sores in the…

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  • bladder cancer
  • brain cancer
    • brain cancer; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
      Inbrain cancer: Treatment

      …localized, however, radiotherapy can cause side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, or skin irritation. Radiation to the brain may cause scar tissue to form and potentially cause future problems. Memory loss may also occur.

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  • breast cancer
    • mammography
      Inbreast cancer: Treatment

      Side effects of radiation include swelling or thickening of the breast, vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea, or skin irritations resembling sunburn. Chemotherapy, the use of chemicals to destroy cancerous cells, is commonly employed. Chemotherapeutic agents also attack normal cells to some degree, causing side effects that include…

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  • cervical cancer
    • Incervical cancer: Treatment

      In addition to the side effects normally associated with radiation treatment, pelvic radiation therapy may also cause premature menopause, bladder irritation, or a narrowing of the vagina due to scar tissue buildup.

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  • esophageal cancer
    • esophageal stent
      Inesophageal cancer: Treatment

      The side effects of radiation treatment include vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and esophageal irritation. Chemotherapy is also used for some esophageal cancers. It is not curative, but it can relieve some symptoms and may be able to shrink tumours prior to surgery. Side effects resemble those of…

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  • lung cancer
    • Inlung cancer: Treatment

      Side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, or additional damage to the lungs. Chemotherapy uses chemicals to destroy cancerous cells, but these chemicals also attack normal cells to varying degrees, causing side effects that are similar to radiation therapy. An experimental technology that has shown promise…

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therapeutic drugs

  • Prozac
    Intherapeutics: Cough

    …almost equal effectiveness but fewer side effects. Most cough preparations containing dextromethorphan also contain a decongestant and an expectorant. Because coughing is an important defense mechanism in clearing secretions from blocked airways, a productive cough (one that produces secretions) should not be suppressed.

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  • Prozac
    Intherapeutics: Principles of drug uptake and distribution

    …average doses, and they experience side effects when others do not.

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  • antihistamines
    • antihistamines, including Benadryl
      Inantihistamine: Side effects of antihistamines

      Used in sufficiently large doses, nearly all antihistamines produce undesirable side effects; the incidence and severity of the side effects depend both on the patient and on the properties of the specific drug. The most common side effect in adults is…

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  • antimicrobial agents
    • iodine
      Inantimicrobial agent: Side effects and drug resistance

      A number of antimicrobial compounds produce significant toxic effects in humans, but they are used because they have a favourable chemotherapeutic index; that is, the amount required for a therapeutic effect is below the amount that causes a toxic effect.…

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  • therapeutic index
    • Intherapeutic index

      …produces unwanted and possibly dangerous side effects. This relationship is defined as the ratio LD50:ED50, where LD50 is the dose at which a drug kills 50 percent of a test group of animals and ED50 is the dose at which the desired effect is produced in 50 percent of a…

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  • vaccines
    • vaccine
      Invaccine: Adverse reactions

      …some risk of reaction, though adverse effects typically are very rare and very mild. The most common reactions to vaccines include redness and soreness around the vaccination site. More severe adverse reactions, such as vomiting, high fever, seizure, brain damage, or death, are possible for some vaccines. Such reactions are…

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