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pi meson

subatomic particle
Also known as: pion

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Assorted References

  • annihilation
    • Inannihilation

      in turn, form mesons—including pi-mesons and K-mesons—which are classified within the hadron group of subatomic particles. Other annihilation reactions also occur. Nucleons (protons and neutrons), for example, annihilate antinucleons (antiprotons and antineutrons), and the energy is also carried away in the form of particles such as pi-mesons and K-mesons

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  • antimatter
    • Inantimatter

      …negative muons, positive and negative pi-mesons, and the K-meson and the anti-K-meson, plus a long list of baryons and antibaryons. Most of these newly discovered particles have too short a lifetime to be able to combine with electrons. The exception is the positive muon, which, together with an electron, has…

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  • betatrons
    • schematic diagram of a linear proton resonance accelerator
      Inparticle accelerator: Betatrons

      …300 MeV, sufficient to produce pi-mesons in its target; the energy loss by its electrons through radiation (a few percent) is compensated by changing the relation between the field on the orbit and the average field inside the orbit. At higher energies this compensation would not be feasible.

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  • classification of subatomic particles
    • Large Hadron Collider
      Insubatomic particle: Quarks and antiquarks

      The pi-meson, or pion, which is the lightest meson and an important component of cosmic rays, exists in three forms: with chargee (or 1), with charge 0, and with charge −e (or −1). In the positive state an up quark combines with a down antiquark;…

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    • Large Hadron Collider
      Insubatomic particle: Early theories

      …involving the decays of neutrons, pions, and muons showed that the weak force does indeed violate parity symmetry. Later that year Lee and Yang were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for their work.

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  • existence
    • Galileo experiment
      Inprinciples of physical science: Developments in particle physics

      …revealed the existence of the pi-meson (pion), a particle 273 times as massive as the electron, which disintegrates into the mu-meson (muon), 207 times as massive as the electron, and a neutrino. Each muon in turn disintegrates into an electron and two neutrinos. The pion has been identified with the…

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  • K meson decay
    • tunneling
      Inquantum mechanics: Decay of the kaon

      …K-short [K0S]) decays into two pi-mesons with a very short lifetime (about 9 × 10−11 second), whileK2 (called the K-long [K0L]) decays into three pi-mesons with a longer lifetime (about 5 × 10−8 second).

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  • mesons
    • Inmeson

      … with the discovery of the pi-meson (pion) in cosmic-ray particle interactions. More than 200 mesons have been produced and characterized in the intervening years, most in high-energy particle-accelerator experiments. All mesons are unstable, with lifetimes ranging from 10−8 second to less than 10−22 second. They also vary widely in mass,…

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  • nuclear photographic emulsion
    • Innuclear photographic emulsion

      …in the discovery of the pion in 1947. Emulsions continue to be useful in the study of the production and decay of short-lived particles produced in high-energy particle physics experiments.

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work of

    • Frank
      • InSir Charles Frank

        …to show traces of the pion, or pi-meson, a particle whose existence had been theorized since 1935. Frank sought an alternative explanation for Powell’s data, but eventually he concluded that the pion was the likeliest one (and indeed Powell went on to win a Nobel Prize in 1950 for his…

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    • Powell
      • Powell, Cecil Frank
        InCecil Frank Powell

        …the resulting discovery of the pion (pi-meson), a heavy subatomic particle. The pion proved to be the hypothetical particle proposed in 1935 by Yukawa Hideki of Japan in his theory of nuclear physics.

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