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- CORE - Epithelium
- PNAS - Epithelia: Not just physical barriers
- WebMD - Epithelium: What to Know
- The Embryo Project Encyclopedia - Epithelium
- Cleveland Clinic - Epithelium
- Oregon State University - Open Educational Resources - Epithelial Tissue
- Openstax - Anatomy and Physiology 2e - Epithelial Tissue
- University of Utah - Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education - Epithelium
epithelium, in anatomy, layer of cells closely bound to one another to formcontinuous sheets covering surfaces that may come into contact with foreign substances. Epithelium occurs in both plants and animals.
In animals, outgrowths or ingrowths from these surfaces form structures consisting largely or entirely of cells derived from the surface epithelium. In this way thecentral nervous system, the sensitive surfaces of special sense organs, glands, hair, nails, and other structures all originate. The epithelial cells possess typical microscopical characteristics: thecell outline is clearly marked, and the nucleus large and spherical or ellipsoidal. The cytoplasm of the cell is usually large in amount and often contains large numbers of granules.
Epithelium may be protective, absorptive, or secretory. It may produce special outgrowths (hairs, nails, horns on animals), and manufacture chemical material (e.g., keratin), in which case the whole cell becomes modified. In other instances it contains fat droplets, granules of various kinds, protein, mucin, watery granules, or glycogen. In a typical absorbing cell, granules of material are absorbed. Asecreting cell forming specific substances stores them until they are utilized—e.g., fat, in sebaceous and mammary glands; enzymes in salivary and gastric glands; and various excretory substances in the renal epithelium of the kidney.
The cells forming an epithelialmembrane are of various types: columnar, cubical, squamous (flattened), irregular, or ciliated (i.e., with hairlike projections). The membranes formed by these cells may be only one cell thick, as in the major part of thegastrointestinal tract, or consist of several layers, as in theepidermis of the skin.Columnar epithelium covers the intestinal tract from the end of the esophagus to the beginning of the rectum. It also lines the ducts of many glands. A typical form covers the villi (nipple-like projections) of thesmall intestine.Cubical epithelium is found in many glands and ducts (e.g., the kidney), the middle ear, and the brain.Squamous, or flattened, epithelial cells, very thin and irregular in outline, occur as the covering epithelium of the alveoli of thelung and of the glomeruli and capsule of the kidney.Ciliated epithelium lines the trachea, bronchi of the lungs, parts of the nasal cavities, the uterus andoviduct of the female, and thevas deferens and epididymis of the male. A singleprojection from the exposed surface of a cell, usually large and long, is called a flagellum. Flagellated cells are common on the surface of many simple animals.
When the cells of an epithelial surface are several layers deep, various epithelial types can be distinguished: stratified, stratified ciliated, and transitional epithelium. Instratified epithelium, which is found in the epithelium of the skin and of many mucous membranes (e.g., mouth, esophagus, rectum, conjunctiva, vagina), the surface cells are flattened, those of the middle layer are polyhedral, and those of the lowest layer are cubical or columnar. This type of epithelium covers surfaces exposed to friction. The surface cells are constantly being rubbed off and are replaced by new cells growing up from below. Hence, the deepest layer is formative, and successive stages upward reveal a gradualtransformation into scaly cells that no longer show any sign of being alive.
Instratified ciliated epithelium the superficial cells are ciliated and columnar. This epithelium lines parts of the respiratory passages, the vas deferens, and the epididymis.Transitional epithelium lines the urinary bladder; its appearance depends upon whether the bladder is contracted or distended.