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gruiform, (order Gruiformes), any member of a rather loose assemblage of 12 families of birds that are generally agreed to be related but that differ widely in many aspects. Gruiforms are an ancient group with a richfossil history, but many families are now restricted in range and few in number. Members of the order occur on every continent, but the only family withworldwide distribution is theRallidae (rails,gallinules, andcoots), with 138 livingspecies.Cranes (Gruidae) are found on every continent exceptSouth America, but many of the 15 species have small populations, some on the verge of extinction. Thebustards (Otididae), a group of 26 species that includes theKori bustard (Ardeotis kori, the world’s heaviest flying animal) have a wide distribution, limited to the Old World, but hunting pressures and modern agricultural methods have greatly reduced their numbers. Themesites (Mesitornithidae), however, are confined to Madagascar and thekagu (Rhynochetus jubatus) to the island of New Caledonia. Other small families in the order, usually assigned to separate suborders, contain thehemipodes, orbutton quails (Turnicidae),limpkins (Aramidae),trumpeters (Psophiidae),finfoots (Heliornithidae),sun bitterns (Eurypygidae), andseriemas, or cariamas (Cariamidae). Theplains wanderer (Pedionomidae), formerly classified as a gruiform, is now assigned to the orderCharadriiformes.
Although the human impact on them is very great, gruiform birds, because of their scarcity, have anegligible impact on humans. With the possible exceptions of thesandhill crane (Grus canadensis), which descends on the grainfields of the Canadian prairies during the autumn migration, causing some crop damage, and the brolga, or Australian crane (G. rubicundus), which causes similar damage in Queensland, no gruiform can be considered harmful to human interests; some of the larger species, in fact, are hunted for food or sport.
General features
Gruiformbirds range in size from the tinybutton quails (Turnix) and miniaturerails, such as the North American black rail (Laterallus jamaicensis), which are barely 15 cm (about 6 inches) long, to the stately saruscrane (Grus antigone) of India, which stands nearly 1.6 metres (about 5 feet) high. The enormous koribustard (A. kori) and the Eurasian great bustard (O. tarda) may weigh up to 18 kg (about 40 pounds) and are the heaviest modern flying birds. Gruiforms vary widely in structure; some are adapted for life in or near water, others for life on land. Some gruiforms fly well, but a number of species are flightless.
As a group, the gruiforms are probably best known for their impressive and graceful courtship displays, the most famous of which, the dances of the cranes, are imitated and adapted by many native peoples. The Ainu of Japan have a crane dance in honour of the red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis), and many African peoples imitate the dance of thecrowned crane (Balearica pavonina). Less well known but no less spectacular are the strikingwing display of thesun bittern (Eurypyga helias) and the strutting and booming of the larger bustards.
Natural history
Gruiformbirds live in a variety of habitats, from water and marshes to arid plains. The most aquatic are thefinfoots andcoots (Fulica). The former live along slow-flowing streams where heavy overhanging vegetation affords them cover, the latter on more open water. Most rails live in saltwater or freshwater marshes. Thelimpkin (Aramus guarauna) is essentially a marsh bird; in Florida it inhabits the sawgrass marshes and cypress swamps of the Everglades. Cranes bridge the gap between marsh and dryland birds, nesting in marshes but occurring in open plains andcultivated fields on migration and in winter. The sun bittern prefers wooded muddy riverbanks but also occurs in woods well away from water.Trumpeters,mesites, thekagu, and some rails live in forest and dense brush. The remaining gruiform families inhabit more-open country: theseriemas (or cariamas) of South America favour grassland or hot dusty plains with scattered bushes; the Old Worldbustards,button quails, and theplains wanderer prefer open, grassy plains, although they will accept old pastures and cultivated fields.

Food habits
Corresponding to the wide variety of habitats utilized by the gruiforms is the greatdiversity of food taken by them. In general, moreanimal than vegetable food is taken, but the gruiforms as a group are omnivorous. Coots andgallinules consume much aquatic vegetation. Finfoots live largely on mollusks, frogs, and small fish. The limpkin has a more specialized diet, consisting chiefly of certain large snails, which are broken open at certain favourite feeding stations that contain telltale piles of broken shells. The limpkins’ near relatives, the cranes, eat almost any animal food, including rats, mice, moles, lemmings, lizards, snakes, frogs, tadpoles, snails, and a variety of insects. On its wintering grounds in Texas, thewhooping crane (Grus americana), anendangered species, lives largely on crustaceans. The sandhill crane includes berries and grass in its otherwise animal diet on the northern tundra andgleans some plant material from old potato and grain fields on its southern wintering grounds. The Asiatic cranes that winter in Japan (such as the hooded crane,Grus monacha, and the white-naped crane,G. vipio) glean grain in rice paddies, and Japanese cranes in Hokkaido are fed corn (maize) by the local farmers. Cranes use their powerful bills for digging in the ground to get at bulbs and roots below the surface, and a similar foraging action has been noted for the gray-necked woodrail (Aramides cajanea) of tropical America, which probes in ground debris, flicking it aside with the bill. Rails as a group, like cranes, are omnivorous, though the bulk of their diet consists of small marsh animals, such as snails, crustaceans, frogs, and water insects. The purple swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio), avegetarian, often has a feeding platform on which it stands and pulls up the surrounding water plants; it also climbs up reeds and eats the flower heads.
The other members of the order have a similar mixed animal-and-vegetable diet, though with the emphasis always on the animal side. Captive kagus can eat meat, whereas captive seriemas readily consume it. Bustards are fond of grasshoppers, and their varied diet also includes dung beetles, termites, centipedes, grass, clover, vegetable crops, and even, in Africa, the gum from the trunks ofAcacia trees. The sun bittern stalks insects as aheron stalks fish, stealthily approaching its prey with neck drawn in, then grabbing it with a sudden stabbing thrust of the bill.