- 764 MWTotal Installed Power
- 2,1 TWhAnnual Generation
- 1.000.000Meeting Annual Consumption of Households
- 1.300.000 ton CO2Annual Release Prevention
- 54.000.000Tree Capture Equivalent of Carbon Reduction
- 163 Million USD Annual Prevented Natural Gas Imports
While we directly add value to the sustainability of our planet with our clean energy generation, we closely monitor the impacts of every activity we conduct and take sustainability measures. As Borusan EnBW Enerji, we have determined our sustainability strategy in line with the approaches of our shareholders. Borusan Group comprehensively addresses its sustainability strategy in the focus areas of climate, people and innovation. EnBW AG, on the other hand, has an approach based on creating economic, environmental and social added value for customers, shareholders, workforce, business partners and society today and in the future.
We listen to the voice of our stakeholders. You can share all your questions, suggestions, requests and complaints about our renewable energy power plants and projects with us via the Stakeholder Contact Form.
Pürtelaş Hasan Efendi Mah.
Meclis-i Mebusan Cad. No: 35/37
Salıpazarı,34427 Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Türkiye
Kızılırmak Mah. 1450.Sok. No:3,
Ankara Ticaret Merkezi A Blok
Kat: 5 No:31 Çukurambar-
Çankaya Ankara / Türkiye