MeccaWorld has posted a list of what they feel aretheTop 25 Quake Modifications and Programsof all time, with #1 being GameSpy. ThanksProphet.
The proposed merger between MicroProse and GT Interactive will not take place, as detailedin thisNext-Generationarticle that contains the statement released today by MicroProse. According to thestory: "If the merger had gone through, GT Interactive would have become the secondlargest US software company behind Electronic Arts." Ascobi points out that seems to underestimate Microsoft (Ithink they probably meant game software companies).
X-Men Ravages of the Apocalypse, the TC thatmutates Quake into a battle against the X-Men, has started appearing in stores. H2H tellsme there will be a patch available very soon to replace the Quake sounds that some of theX-Men make.
Orchid has releasedVersion3.0 of the drivers for the Righteous 3D (2.8 MB). Saw that onVoodoo Extreme.
PlanetQuake has fired off a whole bunch ofmailing lists to help pave the way for Quake II. You can subscribe to any of the followinglists onthis page,
The SiN Files: VolumeIII, have been posted onGames.Net. This is theLevelord's third monthly installment in an ongoing effort to give a look behind the scenesat the production of Ritual's upcoming Quake-Engine game, this month featuring somethoughts from artist Joel Thomas. Saw that on Voodoo Extreme.
The guys over atStomped have snagged a couple ofcopies of Quake II that they're going to give away to a pair of lucky winners who cananswer three Quake II trivia questions on theirQuake II Contest page. Deadlinefor entries is now December 7 (a change from the original deadline). Good luck.
Michael B. Klein has released theJK Patch Commander Version 2.0 (230 KB) whichfixes bugs and adds some options. The included read me describes how you can use PatchCommander to easily use custom patches with Jedi Knight. Thanks to that Force-lovin'Aristotle over atJediKnight.Net.
Though Zoid expected to release no more versions of CTF, a couple of bugs serious enoughto warrant an update popped up, so aThreewaveCTF 4.21 update (354 KB, sorry about the bad zip originally, thanksOrigen =Aster= for the heads up) has beenreleased (required for the server end only). Here's this scoop straight fromThreewave (thanks Dakota):
A ofDear Mynx is online. ThanksSkylarP ... ThanksJesse Blacklow for sending along wordthat he was the seven millionth visitor recorded by the counter here. who wrote in with kind words onthe occasion, and everyone who visits this site as well, the support for Blue's News thatcomes from the community is overwhelming. I want to extend a special thanks to all whotake the time to send in news bits, and I'd also like to take a moment to publicly thankPeter Gransee atGlobalCenter for his yeoman effort at providing afast reliable home for Blue's News (this man got out of bed and jumped in his car to go towork and fix the server last night when the techies weren't able to get to it) ...
Mr. Elusive's Omicron Bot has been released onthis page onRamshackle. This highly touted AI opponentis supposed to be the first bot not derived from Reaper source to surpass the Reaper ingame skills. There is no local copy because Ramshackle has arranged to be the exclusivehost of the bot's downloads for a week.
Gamer's Extreme, the extremely game oriented websitehas re-opened after a hiatus and redesign. This site is run by Thresh and his buddies, andon Thresh's Fronline column is more on the Forbes column that appeared in his name.
TonightQuakeCast we will be talking toAvatar, author ofTarget Quake. QuakeCast can be seenand heard live every Thursday at 8:30 PM Eastern time.RealPlayerrequired.
I just received an email from Thresh, who wants it to be know n that he did not actuallywrite the article attributed to him inForbes ASAP:
Todd Hollensheadupdatedhis .plan announcing that Quake II pre-orders are now being accepted:
Yes it's the return of the patch that lets you take out your opponent limb from limb.Severed II (2.8 MB) from theLone Gunmen, a sequel to Severed, goes a lot furtherthan the original into the realm of gore, adding a chainsaw and a suicide drug dart gun(described as a Top Secret CIA weapon Prototype), as well as more blood, limbs, gibs, andhopping around on one leg ("I can still bite you!") than ever before.
To better support their products and communicate with their customers,Rendition has opened several online forums, which canbe accessedthrough this page. Theforums coverRenditionAnnouncements (read only),Advocacy,Rendition Ready Games,Suggestions,Support, theV1000 chipset, and theV2000 chipset. ThanksProphet.
A new alpha OpenGL ICD for RIVA 128-based video cards has been released (not amini-driver, as I originally wrote, thanksBillLachance). Here's thewhole set-up (1.0 MB) ifyou don't have the previous version, and theOpenGLdll (463 KB) if you do. As before, this is an alpha, and will prevent some specialfeatures of your card (TV in/out, etc.) from functioning properly until you re-installyour manufacturer's drivers. The new drivers will now also work with all OpenGLapplications, not just GLQuake, and offers visual improvements over its predecessor,rather than speed. ThanksZone 128(hotbed of RIVA 128 mania that it is). If you've seen notes about the original versions ofthese drivers being corrupted, the files posted here were the fixed ones from the start,so there's no need to re-download them if you got them here).
Version 1.5 of PingTool, a Quake server browser program, has been released on thePingTool page. The new releasefeatures buddy lists to show if your friends are playing when you ping servers.
Version 1.19 of the drivers the Hercules Stingray 128/3D have been released onHercules' FTP Site.Direct X 5.0 required. ThanksVoodoo Extreme.
Silencer has updated hisJedi Knight Jet Pack (16 KB) to place an actual"Boba Fett" jetpack on Kyle, and now the pack emits fire instead of smoke.ThanksJediKnight.Net.
Word on a weekly IRC session with ION Storm's Anachronox Team comes fromQuestGate:
There are some benchmarks onVoodoo Extreme ofQuantum 3D's screaming Obsidian 100SB 4440. Thereis alsoa blurb onNext-Generation talking about Obsidian 2 using the Voodoo 2 chipset.
In the most stirring event of its type since Forrest Gump ran across the USA, comes theLAN Party Tour. Check this out:
MeccaWorld is following up their top 100 Quake levelsarticle with a tobe posted tomorrow, and as a preview, they have postedthe favorite modssubmitted by the game designers and the like ... There's an account of some of the onMultiPlay and more onplayNOW! ...wiseguy-311 analyzes the of theCyberAthletesinthis article ...loonyboi has up onPlanetQuake calledLooking Ahead to Trinity thatdoes just that (and Carmack just said "don't start getting all worked up overit") ...
id CEO Todd Hollensheadupdatedhis .plan to announce that the expected shelf date for Quake II in the UK is December12.
Zoidupdated his .plan with word that he and John Carmack are looking intofighting cheats, and requests any information that can help:
I asked id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead if Quake II would be available directly from id,and if so, would they have it before, after, or simultaneous with the in-store release.Here was his reply:
I also asked Todd Hollenshead if it was okay to post the imagesmentioned yesterday that Joost Schuur (Slipgate Central) found onid's Website, and he said that is was (thanks Todd).Since it turns out these will not be included in the game, for now file them alongside theDragon under Quake/Quake II Items: The Lost Episodes:
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
The December installment of the monthlyION Storm Newsletter has beenposted on theION Storm webisite. In this (asalways) massive newsletter is an update on all the latest ION Storm news, a look atDaikatana web sites, an update ION Storms preparations for moving to the top of theTexas Commerce Tower, the latest installment of Inside Toms Brain, a new BrainstormTrivia Question, conversations with Daikatana screenwriter Christian Divine and IONStorms newly appointed Director of Advanced Technology, Corrinne Yu, Todd Porter'sopinions on AGP and Cable Modems, Doug "Fresh" Myres discussing his massivevideo archiving project, and in the Writers on the Storm section, new poetry by artistAndrew Collins and creative coordinator Mindy Eickhoff.
Word onBuzzkill's QuakePage is that the extended driver that enables the Microsoft Intellimouse wheeldoohicky to work in Quake will also allow you to utilize the wheel doohicky on the newLogitech Mouseman+ in Quake as well. Buzzkill has also received an unconfirmed report thatit will also work on a Pilotmouse+, perhaps making it the Universal Doohicky Driver (UDD). has released aneditor for Jedi Knight color map files (124KB). ThanksJediKnight.Net.
TheAliens Online site is online, allowing youto go online as a Marine or an Alien. The game is $9.95 a month, but the software is free(but can only be played... online). ThanksMontag.
After a bit of a Hiatus, theMailBagreturns with a double rant and a conspiracy theory.
There's anarticle by Thresh onForbes ASAP. Thanksfido7 ...Malicious is a new sitededicated to Malice for Quake. ThanksProphet ...TF Station Express is designed as a ...GareBear's Cyber-Cafe is anew ... (QuakeFinger,PlanetQuake) for working on the script for thisnews page to add error handling, so a failed upload of the finger information no longerbombs the page ...
id CEO Todd Hollenshead madea.plan update saying that while December 9 is the projected date for Quake II to hitshelves in North America, there was no estimated date for international availability yet:
An article in PC Gamer detailsLucasArts' plans to release an expansion pack for Jedi Knight calledMysteries of theSith. The pack will feature 14 new single player, and 15 new multi-player levels, newweapons, twenty new monsters, and brand new force powers. According to the article,"Mysteries of the Sith will be available this winter, most likely after Christmas andin January. Full details and screen shots will be unveiled later this week or early nextweek." ThanksValley of the Jedi andJediKnight.Net.
Kevin Kraff from Activision sent along a few banners and a button heralding Quake II's instore date as December 9. Here's one at120x240,one at 234x60, and one at468x60:
Ooops, guess these should't have gone up, sorry, pulled 'em.
On the newly redesignedSonic Mayhem website(you should check out the great job|2| did), is a newQuake II sample music track (873 KB) in .mp3 format.ThanksCrusadeR. Here's what is posted along with the clip:
John Carmack madeanotherhefty .plan update covering a few bases: the still imminent release of the Doom source(which looks like it will be soundless), the planned release of id's unsupported, andprobably undocumented Quake editor, complaints about the Quake II release not havingpeople's favorite features, and John Carmack impersonators:
Avatar has released his new Quake patch calledTarget Quake (2.8 MB). This has me blown away, it'sanother conversion of quake into a 2D format, this time as a side-scrolling shoot-em up(like Mario meets Defender). It's all done with a cinematic style and a strong sense ofhumor (I laughed from the start as my comrades shouted encouraging remarks to me by nameas I began my mission). I highly recommend checking this one out. Here's a summary ofTarget Quake's features from theTargetQuake page (where there's a FAQ if you've still got questions):
Another extremely cool (albeit more conventional) Quake project that's come my wayrecently is The Cassandra Calamity, orMexx 10 (3.3MB). This pak contains a pair of professional military base maps byMarcus Dromowicz thatprovide a tremendous single player experience: again, highly recommended. If you wantcorroboration from an SPQ expert, check outthe rave review onSPQ Level Heaven.
Buckley Hopper has created aJet Pack for Jedi Knight (17 KB). ThanksJediKnight.Net.
There is an interesting tale in theweekly updateon theRiot: Mobile Armor website, talking about APIwars describing their negotiations with Microsoft to allow them to show Riot on the Voodoo2 at Comdex using Glide, since Direct3D does not yet support dual TMU's.
TheQuake Women's Forum has releasedtheir third skin pack (I'm depressed because I used my Hannibal Lecktor joke too recentlyto haul it out again).
I am not big on petitions, but theJedi Knight DedicatedServer Petition seems like an awfully worthy cause. Only you can help prevent listenservers. ThanksDOOManiac.
Version 1.6 of QStat,SteveJankowski's command-line program to display the status of Internet Quake servers hasemerged from beta (this version has been in Alpha/Beta nearly a year), and is available ontheQStat page. Word fromSteve is that version 2.0 will feature Quake II support.
A few happy updates at id after finishing off the Quake II master:
Never too early to sign up for a Quake II tournament. Details are on theeXtreme development page.
Two sites have received : The Quake II music team,Sonic Mayhem's sitehas been redone, andProphet sends along word theSkinForge has also been overhauled. Bothlook amazing ... Speaking the Sonic Mayhem makeover, it was done by |2|, who also designedtheonline Quake II manual, which has(I'm finally getting to the point here) a funny in it (I won't spoil it by posting it here) ... A newpoll is up atUnrealNation. ThanksProphet (on this topic,Bastard tells me the PQ polls will return soon) ... There are more on theTeam Epochalypse website (as well as a sadpersonal note for the webmaster). ThanksProphet... There is a sneak peak at the soon-to-be-released on theRequiempage ... toRedwood who hits the big 25 today ... Finally toRonSolofor hooking me up with SoloSpamTM, my mailbox will never be the same ...
id Software has posted theOnline version of the Quake II manual.There is a lot of interesting info confirmed or revealed in there, including:
id Software's Barrett "Bear" Alexander sent along an email with word that theQuake II in-store date is being assessed as the disks go off to production, and word willbe posted as soon as its available:
The interview with John Carmack and Brian Hook that had been appearing in segments onbootNET that Brian Hook raised a public objection toseems to have been pulled in its entirety. ThanksCzar.
A follow up to the previous story, John Carmackupdatedhis .plan to confirm that the gold code for Quake II is done and being manufactured(thanksProcess):
This story turned out to be a rumor, thanks toKitChung for forwarding a message from id CEO Todd Hollenshead:
According to website,inside sources at Activision reported that Quake II went gold (gold code goes tomanufacturing) this morning. ThanksGarbage andMalec:
Wow, time flies. Congrats to Joost Schuur on the occasion ofSlipgate Central's first anniversary. Fornostalgia, here'sthe press releasethat accompanied the site's launch, one year ago today.
There are screenshots up onEpochalypseNews of a Malice for Quake DM pack in the works. ThanksProphet.
Version 4.05 of QuArK, theQuake Army Knife (712 KB), has been released on the QuArK Page, as well (23 KB), a 3Dfxmodule to allow the 3D editing view in QuArK. Also available on theQuArK page, along with details about what'snew.
Beta 4 of a Quake teamplay modification called QBall has been released on theQuadulem Entertainment page. Most interestingsounding new feature in this release? The "vicious referee". ThanksHanif.
There are a couple of articles of interest up onTom'sHardware Guide, areviewof Socket 7 Motherboards, and an update to theirGLQuake/Quake II benchmarks. Problemis, you can't seem to read them with Netscape 3.x (I wrote Tom about this), in themeantime, Netscape 4.x and Explorer seem to work fine. Thanks Wicked (Voodoo Extreme).
The first round of qualification's for thePGL have beencompleted, and I see onsCary's that he hasdiscovered that the PGL rules allow an unspecified number of bye's, so it's possible thatunranked players (like Thresh), will be able to qualify anyway. is hoting aSmall Site Developer's Quake Ring for smallerQuake-oriented sites to generate more exposure. ThanksHanif.
There's onGameGirlz calledThere's More to Life than 3D Shooters!that talks about other game genres. ThanksHanif ... : here's aToys for Tots drive that is supported by (amongothers)ION Storm andRebel Boat Rocker ... isGibStats,where version 1.6 has given way to version 1.6c. ThanksAmish ...
Brian Hook madea .plan update that elaborates on id's current plans for exploring Java(also mentioned intoday's bootNET segmentwith John Carmack). He also mentions his foray into level design. Here are a couple ofexcerpts from his update relating to both:
Thenextsegment of bootNET's interview with John Carmack (again with no comments included fromBrian Hook), has been released onbootNET. ThanksJustin Hall. Today's topics include working in Java,and network computers, with some interesting comments about performance versus robustness.
TeamFortress Software has released a new map:2Fort5(394 KB), a follow-up to the venerable 2Fort4 (thanksBundy).There was a problem with the version first uploaded on theTeamFotress page, so make sure youhave the right one if you were first on your block to download it. On a related note,remember that today kicks offPlanetQuake'sFortressFest, a week-longcelebration of all that is TeamFortress.
There is atutorial on Jedi Knight enemyAI onInside3D. There is also aB.I.P. on giving Quake C 'bots realisticvision (instead of the eyes in the back of their heads that most of them have). Thisis a B.I.P. (Bot Improvement Protocol) as opposed to a R.I.P., as it works on any QuakeCbot, not just Reapers.
The talented artists atCO2 Design are working ontheir own comic strip called "Death at DM5" with a "promised" releasedate of December 19 (thanksAmish). Also,another new repository of Quake II art has opened,Flasher's Quake 2Art Vault is just getting underway: you can download some of the art they haveavailable, and they'll gladly accept submissions.
There is areview of the RIVA 128-basedCanopus Total3D 128V onOperation 3Dfx.
Upon Gibbed.Com's crash, the GL QuakeWorld Candid Camera has moved
Updated theLan Parties page with a fewcorrections, as well as theWant-Ads.
Quake II may not be out yet, but here's another newTrinity page ...The Fallen is an ... Thank you to the NYT Syndicate, who listedBlue's News (and my pals atStomped) as inComputer News Daily (click on "The Must-seeWeb Sites, for Now"). Sorry about the bad link earlier, I can't seem to link the pagedirectly. ThanksNorton ...
Sorry toPCME for the phrasing inthe earlier story about the Quake II release date. While I stand by mystatement that the December 5 party has no bearing on the game's availability, using theword "silliness" was disrespectful, and I apologize.
YPOD (Your Path of Destruction), the Doom Quake TC that has been in the works for sometime now, is gearing up for their release, to take place in conjunction with an IRC eventon 3DNet in channel #ypod, tonight at Midnight Central time. Though this came straightfrom CurMo, this information has not yet appeared on theMoxill Interactive QuakeTC Headquarters, butyou should still probably stay tuned there for possible updates.
Version 3.5 of QuAdS (Quake Add-on Starter), the Quake frontend, has been released on theQuAdS page. Here's the skinny:
Version 0.2 of the unofficialJedi Knightspecs (66 KB) have been released, compiled
Version 2.0 of the Borg (485 KB), a new monstercreated byJustin Cheng (Guardian),Kenneth Scott (The Dire Protofiend), andDylan Brooks (Draco) has been released on theBorg page. The patch is a single simplelevel with a single Borg in it, so he's pretty easy to take out (even with just asingle-barrel). He is pretty damn neat though, well modeled and textured, so here's hopinghe pops up in a bigger project in the future (the authors' permission is required beforeusing this monster in outside projects, though). BTW, for everyone getting pumped todownload their own seven of nine, as far as I can tell this is unrelated to the Star Trektype of Borg: just so you know.
I've been receiving more and more mail every day with "evidence" that Quake II'srelease is imminent (with less than a month before id's oft-stated goal of Christmas, thatshould be obvious). NowPCME has joined the sillinesswith a report that the Quake II party scheduled in LA on December 5 is proof that the gamewill be available before then, which is the wrong assumption to make. I was just speakingwith Kevin from Activision about this party and he said it would offer the opportunity toplay whatever the current build of Quake II is at that time (see the September 22, 1996QuakeWorld launch party followed by the QW client release two months later on December 17,1996). This does not mean that they willnotbe done by then (I'm sure they'dlike to be), it just means that the December 5 party doesnot represent a harddeadline. If there was a firm date, they would announce it and get everyone off theirbacks, but with computer programming, where Murphy's Law rules, this is not the case (Ipoint this out to try and dispell the notion that there is some sort of elite secretrelease date that's being covered-up).
Thenextportion of the bootNET interview with John Carmack and Brian Hook thatBrian Hook complained about has been posted. There'sno hint that id and boot have come to peace on this subject, though this snippet isshorter than its predecessors (again with no Hook). In this segment, John Carmackdiscusses shareware distribution.
With the release of Quake II drawing nearer,Darin McNeil, of nihilism Unlimited, famed for theZerstörer PC, sent along an unfinished (looks pretty done to me) patch, since work on itwill not continue. The patch, a variation on the arcade game Araknoid (a breakoutvariant), is calledQnoid (541 KB), and isanother remarkable example of adapting the Quake engine to create a game that has almostno recognizable Quake features.
Rebel Boat Rocker Lead Level Designer Randy Pitchfordupdatedhis .plan with a massive missive on what is going on with RBR's 3D shooter inprogress. Read it with the door locked, as Randy warns, he may have spilled too manybeans:
Heh, now even my mentioned yesterdayon this page, created byHappyEvil's House Of Fun ... (week?) isGibStats, now up to versionn 1.6 ...