Overview of BLS International Data and Technical Cooperation
The Bureau of Labor Statistics produces import and export price data and provides technical assistance tostatistical offices of other countries and international agencies.
The International Price Program measures changes in the prices of imported and exported goods and some services traded between the United States and the rest of the world.
International Technical Cooperation
The Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts a comprehensive program of technical assistance designed to build statistical capacity in collecting, compiling, and analyzing economic and labor statistics. Statisticians, economists, analysts, and other data users from countries all over the world participate in the Bureau's international technical assistance programs. In addition to scheduled seminars, the Bureau offers customized training programs, consulting services, and welcomes short-term visitors.
Labor Costs in Other Countries
Note that theInternational Labor Comparisons program has been discontinued; no new data will be published. The International Labor Comparisons (ILC) program adjusted data to a common conceptual framework to allow for meaningful international comparisons. Selected indicators are published by country inCountry at a Glance and the entire datasets are available by indicator:
- Labor market
Unemployment, employment, labor force, and related indicators for 10 countries starting in 1970. Monthly and quarterly unemployment rates and employment indexes are also available for recent years.
- Hourly compensation costs
Hourly compensation costs (wages and benefits) for all employees in manufacturing for 33 countries from 1996 until 2012; costs for production workers are available for 1975–2009.
- Productivity
Manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs for 19 countries for 1950–2012.
- GDP per capita and per hour
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and per hour for 20 countries for 1960–2012.
- Consumer prices
Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) for 16 countries for 1950 onward and Harmonized Indexes of Consumer Prices (HICP) for 16 countries and areas for 1996–2012.
BLS previously produced data on foreign direct investment, but that program was discontinued. Foreign direct investment data can now be obtained from theInternational Economic Accounts webpage maintained by theBureau of Economic Analysis.
Business Costs |Demographic Data |Employment |Geography |Industry |Inflation and Prices |International Data and Technical Cooperation |Occupation |Pay and Benefits |Productivity|Research Programs |Spending and Time Use |Unemployment |Wages by Area and Occupation |Women Workers |Worker Safety and Health
Last Modified Date: January 14, 2025