U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

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January jobless rates up over the year in 290 of 387 metro areas; payroll jobs up in 38

Jobless rates were higher in January than a year earlier in 290 of the387 metropolitan areas, lower in 64, and unchanged in 33. Nonfarm payrollemployment increased over the year in 38 metropolitan areas, decreased in1, and was essentially unchanged in 348.


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Illustration with shopping cart and pie chart

Alternative measures of output and productivity for retail trade

New margin-based measures of output and productivity for retail trade. read more


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People and management skills occupations

BLS skills data and employment projections for in-demand occupations where people and management skills are important. read more


Four different images relating to contruction grown surrounding AI, renewable energy and electric vehicles. Workers laying solar panels, working at wind turbine, electric vehicle plugged in, and a large data center under contruction.

Projected construction employment growth from 2023 to 2033

Exploration of employment trends resulting from the expansion of renewable energy, AI data centers, and EV infrastructure. read more


Rollercoaster and amusement park.

A look at a thrilling industry: amusement and theme parks

A review of historical establishment, employment, and wage trends for the amusement and theme parks industry. read more


Image of three different workers in this industry.

The fastest growing industry sector, 2023–33

A snapshot of the job outlook and wages in professional, scientific, and technical services. read more

Latest Numbers


Consumer Price Index (CPI):
+0.2% in Feb 2025News ReleaseHistorical Data

Unemployment Rate:
4.1% in Feb 2025News ReleaseHistorical Data

Payroll Employment:
+151,000(p) in Feb 2025News ReleaseHistorical Data

Average Hourly Earnings:
+$0.10(p) in Feb 2025News ReleaseHistorical Data

Producer Price Index - Final Demand:
unchanged in Feb 2025News ReleaseHistorical Data

Employment Cost Index (ECI):
+0.9% in 4th Qtr of 2024News ReleaseHistorical Data

+1.5%(r) in 4th Qtr of 2024News ReleaseHistorical Data

U.S. Import Price Index:
+0.4% in Feb 2025News ReleaseHistorical Data

U.S. Export Price Index:
+0.1% in Feb 2025News ReleaseHistorical Data

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