★ 4490Easy web analytics. No tracking of personal data.
★ 800Query the Unicode database from the commandline, with good support for emojis
★ 213A language agnostic test suite for TOML parsers.
★ 172Highlight the cursor position in X11
★ 33Generate documentation for Go APIs
★ 32Build cross-platform binaries for Go
★ 27Bundle external assets in a HTML file to distribute a stand-alone HTML document.
★ 11Remove glyps from TTF fonts
★ 11The "rogue" game from 4.3BSD-Tahoe, for modern systems.
★ 9Static file server which packs all data in the binary
★ 9Search Firefox history from commandline
★ 8Easily remove packages on which no other packages depend
★ 7Display the colours used in a PNG image
★ 6Add, remove, or replace imports in Go files
★ 5'go mod graph' as a nicely indented graph
★ 4Run Go on another machine such as a QEMU VM or cloud instance
★ 4Aggregate statistics for git repos
★ 4BSD grep from FreeBSD for Linux
★ 3frontend for some ffmpeg operations
★ 3Run benchmarks on an SQL database
★ 3Code coverage tool for Go
★ 3List browsers in which a feature *won't* work
★ 3Commandline tool to add a border around PNG images
★ 2Colossal Cave Adventure for modern systems, as close to the 1976 source as possible
★ 1A little script to control some various things on my ThinkPad
★ 1Read HAR ("HTTP Archive format") files
★ 0Portable version of OpenBSD's privsep/sandboxed file(1) utility
★ 115Plugin for the Go programming language
★ 37Filetype-specific mappings for [[, ]], g[, and g]
★ 19Warn when using the undofile
★ 14Simple Vim plugin/package manager
★ 12Customize Vim's start screen.
★ 12Run the contents of a buffer in psql, python, bash, etc.
★ 11Run xdg-open from Vim; re-implements netrw's gx.
★ 11Comprehensive testing tool for Vim
★ 10Automatically create directories
★ 8Switch to related files
★ 7LPeg-based syntax highlighting in Vim
★ 5Easily apply predefined substitute patterns
★ 5Link to Vim help pages with ease.
★ 4A little plugin to perform batch operations on files
★ 3The really simple snippet manager
★ 3Ask for confirmation before quitting Vim.
★ 2Use globbing patterns for :edit, :tabedit, etc.
★ 2Allow completion of email addresses so you can use Vim as a basic "address book".
★ 1Print information about Vim syntax highlighting and text properties
★ 0Several search-related enhancements.
★ 0My small Vim git plugin.
★ 0Another editorconfig plugin for Vim; intended to be included in the Vim distribution.
★ 0Diff directories in Vim
★ 0Vim's default colour scheme with some small enhancements
★ 0Easily align things to the cursorcolumn
★ 9558Cross-platform filesystem notifications for Go.
★ 4572TOML parser for Golang with reflection.
★ 187Lightweight automatic reloading of Go processes.
★ 62In-memory key:value store/cache (similar to Memcached) library for Go, suitable for single-machine applications
★ 41Go library for writing CLI programs. Includes flag parsing, colours, testing, and various helpful utility functions
★ 21Go library to follow a file for changes; e.g. "tail -F".
★ 19Go library to detect HTTP bots.
★ 17Simple and functional configuration file parser for Go.
★ 12Interact with SQL databases in Go
★ 11Martin's HTTP package
★ 9Display runtime profiling data for Go programs over HTTP
★ 9Go library to get the browser and OS from the User-Agent header.
★ 8Go package to send emails with a friendly API
★ 7Extensions to Go's stdlib
★ 4Yet another errors package for Go
★ 3Static validation for Go that returns parsed values
★ 3Go timezone convience library
★ 3A terminfo library for Go
★ 3Less "wall of text"-y slog handler
★ 3Go package to print nicely aligned tables in the terminal
★ 2encoding/json with patches
★ 2Set of utility functions for working with the GitHub API.
★ 1Set of utility functions for working with the Stripe API.
★ 1termtext is a Go package to deal with monospace text as interpreted by terminals
★ 1Go terminal and console support
★ 1Go errors with a Guru Meditation Number