Developer information¶
Here are resources pertinent to developers, committers, release managers and Project Management Committee (PMC) members contributing to any Apache project.
If you can't find information here, ask on your project's mailing list, or contact theCommunity Development project's mailing list for more general questions. There are many experienced ASF people ready to help.
- Infrastructure
- Committers and Contributors
- Project Management Committees (PMC)
- Board of Directors and ASF Governance
Apache Infrastructure¶
Here are links to high-level information about The ASF's infrastructure, and the Infrastructure team (Infra) that maintains it. has more detailed information for projects, contributors, and committers:
- Policies and guidelines
- Services and tools for projects
- How to become anInfra Volunteer
- Host and service status monitor. Infa has already been alerted if a service shows as down.
- Machine and host list of Apache servers
Infra'sConfluence Wiki area has detailed technical information, script snippets, and other resources to help Project Management Committees do what they need to do.
If you cannot find the resource or guidance you need,contact Infra.
Committers and Contributors¶
- How the ASF works (See alsoContact Apache FAQ andASF FAQ )
- Guide for project contributors
- Guide for project committers
- How committers canpublish a personal website
- GeneralCommitters FAQ
- Crowd fundingCommunity funding disclaimer
Project Management Committees (PMCs)¶
The project PMC must be involved in any requests for Infrastructure assistance. Remember that PMCs can handle many infrastructure items themselves. Read thePMC FAQ.
Learn how to...
- ...create an ASF Top-Level Project
- ...choose names for ASF projects and products
- ...request a new committer account
- ...request karma
- issues and request project resources
- ...manage your project website
Learnthe duties of the PMC Chairs
Licenses, Trademarks, and Legal issues¶
- About the Apache License
- License FAQ
- Legal policies, forms, and information for Apache Committers
- ASF source header and copyright notice policy
- "How-to" guide for assembling
- Rationale for how toapply the Apache License, Version 2.0 (descriptive, not policy)
- Apache trademark policy - for outside parties
- Apache project branding requirements - for projects
Version Control¶
- Subversion and Git source code repositories
- Using properSVN eol-style
- Git Access to Apache Code repositories
Apache Project Websites¶
How to
Software Product Releases¶
- Release Policy
- Release distribution policy
- Release creation process
- Release download pages
- Apache Maven Jar repositories
- Signing releases
- How toUse OpenPGP for key management
- How totransition to a longer key
- Releases from Incubating projects
Issue and Bug Tracking¶
Each project uses anissue tracker of their choice totrack bugs, enhancement requests, and other action items - typically GitHub Issues, Jira, or BugZilla.Check thewebsite of the project in which you are interestaed to learn what they use.
Mailing Lists¶
- Please read thePublic Forum Archive Policy before posting on any Apache mailing list!
- Subscription instructions and netiquette for all Apache mailing lists.
- All Apache projects have their ownset of project-specific mailing lists.
- There aresome other non-project mailing lists, such as
and various announcement lists. - Privacy notes about non-public lists and aboutbalancing confidentiality and public discussion.
- Email etiquette tips for contributors
- How tomoderate Apache mailing lists
- All Apache mailing lists are archived:
- Read most Apachelist archives on by going to the specific project list, then append the mbox filename to the URL (
- Raw mbox archive files are available for every mailing list.
- Each project website has a "mail" directory,
- For top-level/non-project mailing lists directory.
Apache URL Shortener Service¶
Infrastructure hosts URL shortening service for our committers. When including URLs in PMC reports, please use this service and not other URL shorteners.