| Who is to be Master of the World? An Introduction to the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 1909.
| | Nietzsche: His Life and Works (Philosophies Ancient and Modern). London: Constable, 1910. New York: Dodge, 1910.
|  | Nietzsche and Art. London: Constable, 1911. Boston: J. W. Luce, 1912. New York: Haskell House, 1971.
| | A Defence of Aristocracy: A Text-Book for Tories. London: Constable, 1915. Boston: Phillips, 1915. Second edition, London: Constable, 1933.
| | Man's Descent from the Gods: Or, The Complete Case Against Prohibition. London: William Heinemann, 1921. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1921.
| | The False Assumptions of "Democracy". London: Heath Cranton, 1921.
|  | Woman: A Vindication. London: Constable, 1923. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1923. Second edition, London: Constable 1929.
| | Lysistrata: Or, Woman's Future and Future Woman (To-day and To-morrow). London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1924. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1925. Second (revised) impression, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1927. Published in the Netherlands asHet man-vrouw conflict: (Lysistrata), translated by C. C. Bender. Amsterdam: L. J. Veen, 1932.
| | Personal Reminiscences of Auguste Rodin. London: John Murray, 1926. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1926.
|  | A Defence of Conservatism: A Further Text-Book for Tories. London: Faber and Gwyer, 1927.
|  | Man: An Indictment. London: Constable, 1927. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1927.
| | The Night-Hoers: Or, The Case Against Birth Control and an Alternative. London: Herbert Jenkins, 1928.
|  | The Sanctity of Private Property. London: Heath Cranton, 1932.
| | The Secret of Laughter. London: Constable, 1932. New York: Viking Press, 1933. Folcroft: Folcroft Library Editions, 1974.
| | Violence, Sacrifice and War. London: The St. James' Kin of the English Mistery, 1933.
| | Health and Education through Self-Mastery. London: Watts, 1933.
| | Creation or Recreation. London: The First or St. James's Kin of the English Mistery, 1934.
|  | The Choice of a Mate (The International Library of Sexology and Psychology). London: John Lane The Bodley Head, 1935.
| | Recovery: The Quest of Regenerate National Values. London: St James's Kin, 1935.
| | The Future of Woman (To-day, To-morrow and After). London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1936.
| | The Truth about Childbirth: Lay Light on Maternal Morbidity and Mortality. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1937. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1938.
|  | Jews, and the Jews in England (written under the pen-name of Cobbett). London: Boswell, 1938.
|  | English Liberalism (A "New Pioneer" Pamphlet). London: New Pioneer Periodicals for The English Array, 1939.
| | The Four Pillars of Health: A Contribution to Post-War Planning. London: Heath Cranton, 1945.
| | Enemies of Women: The Origins in Outline of Anglo-Saxon Feminism. London: Carroll and Nicholson, 1948.
| | The Child: An Adult's Problem; First Aid to Parents. London: Carroll and Nicholson, 1948.
|  | The Quest of Human Quality: How to Rear Leaders. London: Rider, 1952.
|  | Religion for Infidels. London: Holborn, 1961. Excerpts reprinted as "How I came to have lessons with F. M. Alexander" inThe Philosopher's Stone: Diaries of Lessons with F. Matthias Alexander, edited by Jean M. O. Fischer. London: Mouritz, 1998, pp. 102108.
| | The Specious Origins of Liberalism: The Genesis of a Delusion. London: Britons, 1967.
| Translator's preface. InThoughts out of Season, Part 1:David Strauss, The Confessor and the Writer; Richard Wagner in Bayreuth (The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Vol. 4), by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Anthony M. Ludovici. Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 1909. New York: Macmillan, 1911, pp. xxixxxxviii.
| | Notes on "Thus Spake Zarathustra". InThus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Vol. 11), by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Thomas Common. Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 1909. New York: Macmillan, 1911, pp. 405458.
|  | Introductory essay on Van Gogh and his art. InThe Letters of a Post-Impressionist: Being the Familiar Correspondence of Vincent Van Gogh, translated by Anthony M. Ludovici. London: Constable, 1912. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913, pp. vxlvii.
| | The fad of feminism. InFads and Fallacies, by Joshua Brookes, with Anthony Ludovici and Ellis Barker. London: Brentano's, 1929, pp. 227237.
| | The case against legalized artificial abortion. InAbortion, with F. W. Stella Browne and Harry Roberts. London: Allen and Unwin, 1935, pp. 51108.
|  | Transform society's values. InGentile and Jew: A Symposium on the Future of the Jewish People, edited by Chaim Newman. London: Alliance Press, 1945, pp. 165185.
| The way of all women. Vol. 3, 1933, pp. 105106.
| | Jesus Christ. Vol. 3, 1933, pp. 562563.
| | The new psychology and religious experience. Vol. 5, 1934, pp. 356358.
| | Welcome light on Proust. Vol. 18, 194041, pp. 195196.
| | Army officers and saluting. Vol. 18, 194041, pp. 241242.
| | Auguste Rodin's art. Vol. 18, 194041, pp. 258259.
| | English Saga 18401940. Vol. 18, 194041, pp. 265266.
|  | Slavery, life and revolution. Vol. 19, 1941, pp. 78.
| | A new interpretation of Jesus. Vol. 19, 1941, pp. 177178.
| | Civilization and the aeroplane. Vol. 21, 1942, pp. 45.
| | Poverty and the infantile death rate. Vol. 24, 194344, pp. 9394.
| | "The Law of Civilization and Decay". Vol. 25, 1944, pp. 177178.
| | A Newton of health. Vol. 26, 194445, pp. 104105, 9495 [sic].
| | Thorstein Veblen. Vol. 27, 1945, pp. 6162.
| | Dr. Oscar Levy. Vol. 30, 194647, pp. 4950.
| | Faust retranslated. Vol. 31, 1947, pp. 177178.
| | Juvenile delinquency. Vol. 31, 1947, pp. 189190.
| | Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. Vol. 32, 194748, pp. 8283.
|  | Back to the jungle. Vol. 32, 194748, pp. 144145.
|  | Nietzsche once again. Vol. 33, 1948, pp. 4546.
| | The meaning of "civilized". Vol. 33, 1948, pp. 201202.
| | Hitler's generals. Vol. 33, 1948, pp. 233234.
| | Essays by Thomas Mann. Vol. 34, 194849, pp. 127128.
| | The crisis in modern art. Vol. 34, 194849, pp. 152153.
| | A disturbing treatise. Vol. 34, 194849, pp. 163164.
| | Lenin: an epic of stubborn health. Vol. 35, 1949, p. 78.
| Efficiency and liberty Great Britain. Vol. 19, 1938, pp. 497498, 530531 (in discussion with E. M. Forster, chaired by Wilson Harris).
| | What do we mean by "class"? Vol. 20, 1938, pp. 765766 (in discussion with G. A. Isaacs and Tom Harrisson, chaired by T. H. Marshall).
| | Rodin as I knew him. Vol. 37, 1947, pp. 9798, 113.
 | Sex in the writings of Bernard Shaw. Vol. 2, 194849, pp. 93102 (with a reply by Bernard Shaw).
|  | Sexual jealousy and civilization. Vol. 3, 194950, pp. 7684, 154162 (with summaries in French and German).
|  | George Bernard Shaw: 18561950. Vol. 4, 195051, pp. 163166.
| | Sex education and its advocates. Vol. 4, 195051, pp. 202206.
| | Why women wear clothes. Vol. 5, 195152, pp. 108109.
| | Homosexuality, the law and public sentiment. Vol. 5, 195152, pp. 143148.
| | Woman as the "second sex". Vol. 6, 195253, pp. 172177.
|  | The alimony racket. Vol. 6, 195253, pp. 236239.
|  | Divorce and the psycho-physical disparity of spouses. Vol. 7, 195354, pp. 111.
| | Sexual behaviour in the human female: a critical study. Vol. 7, 195354, pp. 150158.
| | Criminal assaults on young women in England & Wales. Vol. 8, 195455, pp. 8388.
| | Lady into woman. Vol. 8, 195455, pp. 168170.
| | Woman: man's equal. Vol. 8, 195455, pp. 230233.
| Poetic justice. Vol. 1.1, 1955, pp. 910.
| | In defence of Conservatism. Vol. 1.2, 1955, pp. 57.
| | The black invasion of Britain. Vol. 1.3, 1955, pp. 56.
| | Britain's Conservative statesmen. Vol. 1.4, 1955, pp. 56.
| | How the blind lead the blind. Vol. 1.5, 1955, pp. 78.
| | Personality in statesmanship. Vols. 1.6, 1955, pp. 79; 1.7, 1955, pp. 1113; 1.8, 1955, pp. 56; 1.9, 1956, pp. 1314.
|  | Woman's contribution to Britain's national decline. Vols. 1.10, 1956, pp. 910; 1.11, 1956, pp. 1113; 1.12, 1956, pp. 1213; 2.1, 1956, pp. 1112; 2.2, 1956, pp. 1213; 2.3, 1956, pp. 1213; 2.4, 1956, pp. 1415; 2.5, 1956, pp. 1415; 2.6, 1956, pp. 1213; 2.7, 1956, pp. 1314.
|  | The false assumptions of democracy. Vols. 2.8, 1956, pp. 1314; 2.9, 1957, pp. 89; 2.10, 1957, pp. 1011; 2.11, 1957, pp. 78; 2.12, 1957, pp. 1112; 3.1, 1957, pp. 78; 3.2, 1957, pp. 1415; 3.3, 1957, pp. 1112; 3.4, 1957, pp. 1516; 3.5, 1957, pp. 1314; 3.6, 1957, pp. 1314; 3.7, 1957, pp. 1415; 3.8, 1957, pp. 1011; 3.9, 1958, pp. 1314; 3.10, 1958, pp. 1011; 3.11, 1958, pp. 1213.
| | The importance of racial integrity. Vols. 3.12, 1958, pp. 1213; 4.1, 1958, pp. 1213; 4.2, 1958, pp. 1213; 4.3, 1958, pp. 1112; 4.4, 1958, pp. 1213; 4.5, 1958, pp. 1213; 4.6, 1958, pp. 1012; 4.7, 1958, pp. 1011; 4.8, 1958, pp. 1213; 4.9, 1959, pp. 1112; 4.10, 1959, pp. 1213; 4.11, 1959, pp. 1011; 4.12, 1959, pp. 1213; 5.1, 1959, pp. 1213; 5.2, 1959, pp. 1213; 5.3, 1959, pp. 1011; 5.4, 1959, pp. 1213; 5.5, 1959, pp. 1213.
| | Lethal benevolence in England. Vol. 5.6, 1959, pp. 1213.
| | Subsidized sloth and subnormality in the Socialist State. Vol. 5.8, 1959, pp. 1213.
|  | Education in modern England. Vols. 5.9, 1960, pp. 1415; 5.10, 1960, pp. 1214; 5.11, 1960, pp. 1213; 5.12, 1960, pp. 1112; 6.1, 1960, pp. 89; 6.2, 1960, pp. 1112; 6.3, 1960, pp. 1213; 6.4, 1960, pp. 1011; 6.5, 1960, pp. 1213; 6.6, 1960, pp. 1213; 6.7, 1960, pp. 1213; 6.8, 1960, pp. 1214; 6.9, 1961, pp. 1011; 6.10, 1961, pp. 1113.
| | The specious origins of Liberalism. Vols. 6.11, 1961, pp. 89; 6.12, 1961, pp. 1213; 7.1, 1961, pp. 910; 7.2, 1961, pp. 910; 7.3, 1961, pp. 1113; 7.4, 1961, pp. 910; 7.5, 1961, pp. 1012; 7.6, 1961, pp. 1213; 7.7, 1961, pp. 1113; 7.8, 1962, pp. 1112; 7.9, 1962, pp. 911; 7.10, 1962, pp. 1112; 7.11, 1962, pp. 1314; 7.12, 1962, pp. 1112; 8.1, 1962, pp. 1112; 8.2, 1962, pp. 1011; 8.3, 1962, pp. 1112; 8.4, 1962, pp. 1213; 8.5, 1962, pp. 1012; 8.6, 1963, pp. 1214.
| | Feelings masquerading as thoughts in the modern world. Vols. 8.9, 1963, pp. 910; 8.10, 1963, pp. 1112; 8.11, 1963, pp. 1415.
| | Western Europe's social history in one word. Vol. 8.12, 1963, pp. 1314.
| | The essentials of good government. Vols. 9.2, 1963, pp. 1214; 9.4, 1963, pp. 1314; 9.5, 1963, pp. 1314; 9.7, 1964, pp. 1011; 9.8, 1964, pp. 1315; 9.9, 1964, pp. 1415; 9.10, 1964, pp. 1213; 9.11, 1964, pp. 1415; 9.12, 1964, pp. 1819; 10.1, 1964, pp. 1314; 10.2, 1964, pp. 1213; 10.3, 1964, pp. 1213; 10.4, 1964, pp. 1314; 10.5, 1964, pp. 1213; 10.6, 1965, pp. 1214; 10.7, 1965, pp. 1314; 10.8, 1965, pp. 1415; 10.9, 1965, pp. 1415; 10.10, 1965, pp. 1213; 10.11, 1965, pp. 1415.
| | Conditions in England. Vols. 15.1, 1969, pp. 1415; 15.2, 1970, p. 13; 15.3, 1970, pp. 1213; 15.4, 1970, pp. 1213; 15.6, 1970, p. 14.
| Nietzsche and science.The Spectator 104, 1910, p. 52.
| | Inaugural letter to the editor.The New English Weekly 1, 1932, p. 23.
| | Schlegel and Shakespeare.The Times, 27 April 1940, p. 4.
| | Birth control.The New English Weekly 26, 194445, p. 148 (by Marie C. Stopes, with a reply by Anthony M. Ludovici).
| | Artificial insemination.The Times, 20 June 1945, p. 2.
| | Artificial insemination.The Times, 4 July 1945, p. 2.
| | The martyrdom of man.The International Journal of Sexology 2, 194849, pp. 5658.
| Mansel Fellowes. London: Grant Richards, 1918.
| | Catherine Doyle: The Romance of a Thrice-Married Lady. London: Hutchinson, 1919.
| | Too Old for Dolls. London: Hutchinson, 1920. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1921.
| | What Woman Wishes. London: Hutchinson, 1921.
|  | The Goddess that Grew Up. London: Hutchinson, 1922.
| | French Beans. London: Hutchinson, 1923.
| | The Taming of Don Juan. London: Hutchinson, 1924.
| | Poet's Trumpeter (written under the pen-name of David Valentine). London: J. Cape, 1939.
| What the east wind brought. InThrills, Crimes and Mysteries: A Specially Selected Collection of Sixty-Three Complete Stories by Well-Known Writers, with a foreword by John Gawsworth. London: Associated Newspapers, 1935, pp. 274293.
|  | A modern Delilah. InThrills: Twenty Specially Selected New Stories of Crime, Mystery and Horror. London: Associated Newspapers, no date [circa 1936], pp. 133145.
| The South Downs.The Saturday Review, 27 January 1917.
| | Reflections of my patron saint.The New Age 23, 1918, p. 48.
| | The heart of an Englishman. InMansel Fellowes, p. 93.
| | Envoi. InMansel Fellowes, p. 296.
| | The English flapper.The New Age 26, 191920, p. 84.
| | The song of a rebel.The Daily Herald.
| | A spring-time roundelay. InCatherine Doyle, pp. 67.
| | Visitors by night.The New Age 25, 1919, p. 432.
| | An artist's farewell to his mistress.The New Age 29, 1921, p. 144.
| | Ce que femme veut Dieu le veut.The New Age 29, 1921, p. 204.
| | Heard from a parent. InThe Goddess that Grew Up, p. 4.
| | South Down lovers. InFrench Beans, p. 319.
| | London's milk. InThe Taming of Don Juan, p. 312.
| | A post-war maiden.The Northern Review 1, 1924, p. 170.
|  | Creeping back to the cross.The New English Weekly 2, 193233, p. 90.
|  | My testament.The New English Weekly 5, 1934, p. 323.
| | To the hedonists of intellect.The New English Weekly 6, 193435, p. 221.
| On the Road with Wellington: The Diary of a War Commissary in the Peninsular Campaigns, by August Ludolf Friedrich Schaumann. London: William Heinemann, 1924. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1925. Second edition, London: Greenhill Books, 1999.
| The Birth of Tragedy: Or, Hellenism and Pessimism (The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Vol. 1), by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Wm. A. Haussmann. With an introduction by Elizabeth Förster-Nietzsche, translated by Anthony M. Ludovici. Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 1909.
| | Thoughts out of Season, Part 1:David Strauss, The Confessor and the Writer; Richard Wagner in Bayreuth (The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Vol. 4), by Friedrich Nietzsche. Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 1909. New York: Macmillan, 1911.
| | The Case of Wagner; Nietzsche Contra Wagner; Selected Aphorisms, translated by Anthony M. Ludovici;We Philologists, translated by J. M. Kennedy (The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Vol. 8), by Friedrich Nietzsche. Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 1911. New York: Macmillan, 1924.
| | The Will to Power: An Attempted Transvaluation of All Values (The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Vols. 14 and 15), by Friedrich Nietzsche. Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 2 vols, 190910. New York: Macmillan, 2 vols, 1924. New York: Gordon Press, 2 vols, 1974.
| | The Twilight of the Idols: Or, How to Philosophise with the Hammer; The Antichrist; Notes to Zarathustra, and Eternal Recurrence (The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Vol. 16), by Friedrich Nietzsche. Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 1911. Partly reprinted asThe Antichrist, by Friedrich Nietzsche. Amherst: Prometheus Books, 2000.
| | Ecce Homo: Nietzsche's Autobiography (The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Vol. 17), by Friedrich Nietzsche (with poetry translated by Paul V. Cohn and others). Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 1911. New York: Macmillan, 1930.
| | The Young Nietzsche, by Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche. London: William Heinemann, 1912.
| | The Life of Nietzsche, by Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche. New York: Sturgis and Walton, 2 vols, 191215.
| | Germany and Its Evolution in Modern Times, by Henri Lichtenberger. London: Constable, 1913. New York: H. Holt, 1913.
| | The Letters of a Post-Impressionist: Being the Familiar Correspondence of Vincent Van Gogh. London: Constable, 1912. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913.
| | Selected Letters of Friedrich Nietzsche. Garden City: Doubleday, Page, 1921.
| Cagliostro: A Novel, by Johannes von Guenther. London: William Heinemann, 1928. New York: Harper, 1929.
| | The Deuce, by Alfred Neumann. London: William Heinemann, 1928. Revised edition, London: Hutchinson International Authors, 1948. Published in America asThe Devil, New York: A. A. Knopf, 1928.
| | In Chains, by Joseph Delmont. London: Hutchinson, 1929. Published in America asChains, New York: L. MacVeagh, The Dial Press, 1929.
| | The Rebels, by Alfred Neumann. London: William Heinemann, 1929. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1929.
| | The Anvil, by Gustav Frenssen. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1930.
| | Dictatorship on Its Trial: By Eminent Leaders of Modern Thought, edited by Otto Forst de Battaglia. London: G. G. Harrap, 1930. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1931. Freeport: Books for Libraries Press, 1970.
| | Guerra, by Alfred Neumann. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1930.
| | Otto Babendiek, by Gustav Frenssen. London: G. G. Harrap, 1930.
| | Cleopatra: A Royal Voluptuary, by Oscar von Wertheimer. London: G. G. Harrap, 1931. Philadelphia: J. P. Lippincott, 1931.
| | The Hero: The Tale of a Political Murder, by Alfred Neumann. London: Martin Secker, 1931. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1931.
| | The Hound of Florence: A Novel, by Felix Salten. London: William Heinemann, 1931. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1930.
| | John Bull at Home: How He Lives, Amuses Himself, Dresses, What He Learns, Does, Earns and Spends, by Karl Silex. London: G. G. Harrap, 1931. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1931.
| | The Messiah of Ismir: Sabbatai Zevi, by Joseph Kastein [Julius Katzenstein]. London: John Lane, 1931. New York: Viking Press; 1931.
| | Zeppelins Over England, by Freiherr Treusch von Buttlar Brandenfels. London: G. G. Harrap, 1931. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1932.
| | Stalin: The Career of a Fanatic, by Essad-bey [Leo Noussimbaum]. London: John Lane, 1932. New York: The Viking Press, 1932.
| | In Ancient Egypt and Present-Day Germany: A Passover Sermon, by Joseph Herman Hertz. London: Office of the Chief Rabbi, 1933.
| | History and Destiny of the Jews, by Josef Kastein [Julius Katzenstein]. New York: The Viking Press, 1933. Garden City: Garden City Publishing, 1936.
| | Ogpu: The Plot Against the World, by Essad-bey [Leo Noussimbaum]. New York: The Viking Press, 1933.
| Anthony M. Ludovici: the prophet of anti-feminism. InOur Prophets: Being Appreciations of Norman Angell, Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Anthony M. Ludovici, by R. B. Kerr. Croydon: R. B. Kerr, 1932, pp. 8499.
| | One man's striving [excerpts], by William Gayley Simpson.National Vanguard 101, 1984, pp. 1117.
| | Anthony Ludovici conservative from another world, by British subscriber.Instauration 14.11, 1989, pp. 69.
| | Anthony Mario Ludovici: die Verteidigung der Aristokratie. InDie frühe politische Nietzsche-Rezeption in Großbritannien, 18951914: Eine Studie zur deutsch-britischen Kulturgeschichte, by Marita Knödgen. Dissertation, Fachbereich III, Universität Trier, 1997, pp. 6067.
| | The extremes of Englishness: the "exceptional" ideology of Anthony Mario Ludovici, by Dan Stone.Journal of Political Ideologies 4, 1999, pp. 191218.
| | Anthony Mario Ludovici: a "light-weight superman". InBreeding Superman: Nietzsche, Race and Eugenics in Edwardian and Interwar Britain (Studies in Social and Political Thought 6), by Dan Stone. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2002, pp. 3361. |