A Common Charity Definition
This 2016 report examines the opportunities for a common definition of 'charity' in all Australian jurisdictions.
ACNC Annual Report 2012–13
This report covers the ACNC's first seven months of operation from December 2012 to 30 June 2013.
ACNC Annual Report 2013–14
This report covers the ACNC's activities from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014.
ACNC Annual Report 2014–15
This report covers the ACNC's activities from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
ACNC Annual Report 2015–16
This report covers the ACNC's activities from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016.
ACNC Annual Report 2016–17
This report covers the ACNC's activities from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017.
ACNC Annual Report 2017–18
The ACNC Annual Report 2017–18 documents the work of the Commission over the past financial year.
ACNC Annual Report 2018-19
The ACNC Annual Report 2018-19 provides an overview of the Commission's work in the 2018-19 financial year.
ACNC Annual Report 2019-20
The ACNC Annual Report 2019-20 provides an overview of the Commission's work in the 2019-20 financial year.
ACNC Annual Report 2020-21
The ACNC Annual Report 2020-21 provides an overview of the Commission's work in the 2020-21 financial year.
ACNC Annual Report 2021-22
The ACNC Annual Report 2021-22 provides an overview of the Commission's work in the 2021-22 financial year.
ACNC Annual Report 2022-23
The ACNC Annual Report 2022-23 provides an overview of the Commission's work in the 2022-23 financial year.
ACNC Annual Report 2023-24
The ACNC Annual Report 2023-24 provides an overview of the Commission's work in the 2023-24 financial year.
Australian Charities Report - 10th edition
The Australian Charities Report is the annual analysis of the information we receive from charities in their Annual Information Statements. This is the 10th edition.
Australian Charities Report - 7th edition
The Australian Charities Report is the annual analysis of the information we receive from charities in their Annual Information Statements. This is the 7th edition.
Australian Charities Report - 8th edition
The Australian Charities Report is the annual analysis of the information we receive from charities in their Annual Information Statements. This is the 8th edition.
Australian Charities Report - 9th edition
The Australian Charities Report is the annual analysis of the information we receive from charities in their Annual Information Statements. This is the 9th edition.
Australian Charities Report 2013
The Australian Charities Report 2013 is drawn from data from more than 38,000 registered charities, submitted through their Annual Information Statements (up until 30 June 2014) in their first year of reporting to the ACNC.
Australian Charities Report 2014
The Australian Charities Report 2014 reveals previously unknown facts about the finances and sustainability of Australia’s charity sector.
Australian Charities Report 2015
The Australian Charities Report 2015 is a comprehensive record to date of the Australian charity sector, and builds on previous Australian Charities Reports.
Australian Charities Report 2016
The Australian Charities Report 2016 is the fourth such report produced in partnership by the ACNC and the Centre for Social Impact and the Social Policy Research Centre at the University of New South Wales.
Australian Charities Report 2017
The Australian Charities Report 2017 is the fifth annual analysis of the information we receive from charities in their Annual Information Statements.
Australian Charities Report 2018
The Australian Charities Report 2018 is the sixth annual analysis of the information we receive from charities in their Annual Information Statements.
Charities Involved Overseas (2014)
This report examines Australian charities that are involved in activities outside Australia and is based on the data provided by 38,341 charities that submitted a 2013 Annual Information Statement (AIS) by 30 June 2014.
Compliance Reports
These ACNC Compliance Reports (published 2015-19) examine the ACNC’s compliance and enforcement activities. The reports use aggregated data and de-identified information to give readers an insight into the compliance work of the ACNC, and outline the ACNC’s compliance focus.
Cutting Red Tape Report
As part of the Commonwealth Government’s broader red tape reduction agenda, a key function of the ACNC is to help reduce the regulatory burden on the Australian not for profit sector. This 2016 report presents three options to reduce the regulatory burden on charities.
Data integrity: Review of the quality of charities' reporting
In line with our risk-based regulatory approach, the ACNC regularly reviews financial information provided by charities in their Annual Information Statement. For some medium and large charities, we also review the quality of annual financial reports.
Economic contribution of the Australian charity sector
This 2017 report draws on charity data submitted as part of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission’s 2014 and 2015 Annual Information Statements.
Errors and reporting trends in the 2016 Annual Information Statement
Each year the ACNC conducts proportionate, risk-based monitoring of charities' financial reporting to the ACNC. This report looks at the errors and reporting trends in the 2016 Annual Information Statement.
Errors in charities' 2015 Annual Information Statements
Each year the ACNC conducts proportionate, risk-based monitoring of charities' financial reporting to the ACNC. This report looks at the errors and reporting trends in the 2015 Annual Information Statement.
Grant-making charities in Australia in 2016
This report examines the scope and work of charities which also allocate grants. The ACNC commissioned the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney to analyse charity data to produce this report.
Growth and change in Australia’s charities 2014 to 2016
The ACNC commissioned the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney to analyse the ways Australia’s charities were growing and changing between 2014 and 2016, using the information provided in Annual Information Statements.
Lessons on reporting to the ACNC 2014
Each year the ACNC conducts proportionate, risk-based monitoring of charities' financial reporting to the ACNC. This detailed report aims to explain some of the material issues and errors identified and the results of this compliance activity in relation to the 2014 financial reporting period.
Measures in support of the not-for-profit sector – Object 1(b)
This 2018 report seeks to provide clarity on the definitions of robust, vibrant, independent and innovative in the second object of the ACNC Act, and suggests a range of measurements to help assess the health of the sector, and how that health changes over time.
National risk assessment into the not-for-profit sector
This 2017 risk assessment of Australia’s not-for-profit sector is a joint report from the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC). It followed extensive analysis of the sector.
NSCOA environmental scan
The ACNC’s 2017 environmental scan of the National Standard Chart of Accounts (NSCOA) set out to analyse the current use and awareness of the NSCOA, as well as the challenges or benefits identified in its use.
Public Trust and Confidence in Australian Charities Report 2013
This report presents the findings of research into community trust and confidence in the charities sector conducted by ChantLink on behalf of the ACNC.
Public Trust and Confidence in Australian Charities Report 2015
This report examines public trust and confidence in Australian charities. The research consists of in-depth interviews, focus groups and an online survey.
Public Trust and Confidence in Australian Charities Report 2017
This research was conducted by Kantar Public on behalf of the ACNC, to continue the tracking of confidence and trust in the Australian charity sector.
Research into Commonwealth regulatory and reporting burdens on the charity sector
This 2014 report by Ernst & Young examines the regulatory and reporting burden on charities. While this research focused on Commonwealth burden, it also considered state and territory burden.
Reviewing charities' financial information and annual financial reports - 2022
Australia's registered charities must report annually to the ACNC. To do so, charities complete and submit an Annual Information Statement and, in the case of medium and large charities, an annual financial report. In this report we analyse charities’ reporting during the 2022 reporting period.
Reviewing charities’ financial information and annual financial reports - 2017
Registered charities in Australia have an ongoing obligation to report annually to the ACNC. To do this, charities complete and submit an Annual Information Statement and, in the case of medium and large charities, an annual financial report. This report analyses charities’ reporting during the 2017 reporting period.
Reviewing charities’ financial information and annual financial reports - 2018
Australia's registered charities must report annually to the ACNC. They can do this through completing and submitting an Annual Information Statement and, in the case of medium and large charities, an annual financial report. Here we examine charities’ reporting during the 2018 reporting period.
Reviewing charities’ financial information and annual financial reports - 2019
Registered charities in Australia must report annually to the ACNC. This reporting sees charities complete and submit an Annual Information Statement and, in the case of medium and large charities, an annual financial report. Here we analyse charities’ reporting during the 2019 reporting period.
Reviewing charities’ financial information and annual financial reports - 2020
To maintain their registration with the ACNC, Australian charities have an ongoing obligation to report annually to us. This means charities must complete and submit an Annual Information Statement and, in the case of medium and large charities, an annual financial report. This report analyses charities’ reporting during the 2020 reporting period.
Reviewing charities’ financial information and annual financial reports - 2021
Registered charities in Australia have an ongoing obligation to report annually to the ACNC. To do this, charities complete and submit an Annual Information Statement and, in the case of medium and large charities, an annual financial report. This report analyses charities’ reporting during the 2021 reporting period.