Our Charity Chat podcast is a great way to stay informed about all things charity-related, including issues facing the charity sector, charity operations and governance, and how charities can meet obligations to the ACNC.
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Please check the ACNC website for the most up-to-date guidance on any topic covered in the ACNC Charity Chat podcast. Information was accurate as at the date of publication.
In this episode of Charity Chat, Jacqui Barr, the Assistant Director-General Technical Threats and Visibility at the Australian Cyber Security Centre, joined us to discuss the importance of cyber security. She outlined the simple measures charities of all sizes could set in place to ensure adequate cyber security and minimise the chances of becoming a target. ACNC Commissioner Sue Woodward also shared her thoughts on why charities need to put cyber security at the top of their agenda.
In this episode of Charity Chat, ACNC Commissioner Sue Woodward AM joined us to discuss all things advocacy. The discussion specifically covers the upcoming Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum and what charities should be aware of before advocating for or against the referendum.
This episode of Charity Chat is in two parts: a discussion with CEO of Volunteering Australia, Mark Pearce, about the important role that volunteers play in our communities and then a discussion with ACNC Commissioner Dr Gary Johns about how the Charity Register can help facilitate connections between volunteers and charities.
In this episode of Charity Chat, Amanda Robinson, Head of Social Innovation at Red Cross Australia, joined us to talk about innovation in the charity sector. We spoke about the work of the Red Cross's Humanitech project, how trying to solve problems can lead to innovation, and the importance of collaborating to innovate and solve problems.
ACNC Commissioner Gary Johns speaks about the latest edition of the Charities Report and what it says about the state of the charity sector. He speaks about the growth of the charity sector, the state of charities before the pandemic hit and how information and data can be better used to help charities and their work.
This is part 2 of the discussion between the ACNC, Philanthropy Australia and KordaMentha about how charities can deal with financial difficulties, particularly in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic. Philanthropy Australia's Nick Richardson hosts the discussion with ACNC Assistant Commissioner Anna Longley, Philanthropy Australia's Sarah Wickham and KordaMentha's Sophie Gibbons sharing their expertise.
In this episode of Charity Chat, ACNC Assistant Commissioner joins Philanthropy Australia's Sarah Wickham and KordaMentha's James Wagg to discuss charities dealing with financial difficulties, particularly in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic. The discussion is hosted by Philanthropy Australia's Nick Richardson.
ACNC Commissioner Dr Gary Johns joined us to speak about charities' use of funds in disaster relief. The discussion covers the restrictions on charity spending, public desire to see money distributed immediately, charities spending on administration and the difficulty in comparing charities' administration costs.
In this episode of Charity Chat, ACNC Commissioner Dr Gary Johns is back to speak about the importance of charities managing donations properly. We speak about the challenges that charities face in managing large donations and how important it is to have good governance processes in place to be able to manage funds properly and avoid problems.
In this episode of Charity Chat, Ian Parry, Senior Manager of Compliance at the ACNC, joins us to speak about charities handling conflicts of interest. Ian briefly explains what a conflict of interest is before talking about the importance of being able to identify and manage them appropriately - and provides some tips for doing so.
A discussion about the report released by the ACNC and AUSTRAC looking into the risks of money laundering and terrorism financing for charities and not-for-profits. Amongst details of the report's findings, we talk about the nature of the risks faced by charities and what they can do to mitigate them.
In this episode of ACNC Charity Chat, Assistant Commissioner David Locke joins us to discuss the types of circumstances that can leave someone vulnerable, how charity fundraisers can recognise vulnerability in potential donors, the ways they should interact with vulnerable people, and the board’s responsibility for a charity’s fundraising activities.
We take a look at the issue of engaging in advocacy in this episode of Charity Chat. Assistant Commissioner Murray Baird explains advocacy and talks about where it can become a concern for charities. The discussion outlines the boundaries of charity advocacy, makes the distinction between a charity’s activities and its overarching purpose, and reiterates the need for charities to make sure their activities of advocacy are tied to their charitable purpose.
We discuss the importance of a charity investing in the board's education and training to be most effective. Commissioner Susan Pascoe talks about the benefits of spending time and money on the capacity of a board, she touches on some of the ways charities can do this, and even attempts to dispel the misguided perception that charities cannot use funds for this sort of thing.
Assistant Commissioner David Locke joins us to talk about charities' use of fundraising agencies. We discuss the legitimacy of charities using fundraising agencies, responsibilities for fundraising, and the importance of charities being fair and respectful when conducting fundraising activities.
In this episode Assistant Commissioner Murray Baird is back to discuss charity administration costs. We talk about defining administration costs, the need to spend on administration, difficulties measuring and comparing administration costs and the ACNC's views on charities spending money on administration.
In this episode, Prue Monument, Director of ACNC Compliance, explains the ACNC's approach to regulating charities. We discuss the things that the ACNC can and can't look into, the powers that the ACNC has when investigating charities, and the importance of education and guidance when looking at issues in charities.