If you represent a charity, and would like to advise us of an issue within your charity, such as your charity providing inaccurate information or not notifying us of a change of Responsible People,contact us.

If your charity is dealing with an internal dispute, see ourguidance about managing internal disputes.

Raising a concern with the ACNC

We have the power to investigate a variety of issues related to a charity's obligations. Concerns about charities help us identify and understand issues.

For more information, seewhat the ACNC can investigate. You should also check theCharity Register to ensure the organisation is a registered charity.

There may be some matters that fall outside of our regulatory responsibility. If your concern relates to anarea that the ACNC cannot investigate, you may be able to raise the concern with another regulator.

How to raise a concern

You can raise a concern about a registered charity by completing ouronline form.

If you need help completing the form, or you are unsure if your concern relates to an area in our jurisdiction, you cancontact us. If we are unable to help directly, we may be able to refer you to another agency that has responsibility for dealing with the issue.

There is no specific protection for whistleblowers under the ACNC Act.

However, if you wish to raise a concern, you are entitled to do this anonymously or using a pseudonym, where reasonable. Readour privacy policy for more information.

After you raise a concern

When you raise a concern about a charity with us, we will notify you that we have received your concern.

Commenting on concerns

By law the ACNC cannot speak publicly about the circumstances of any charity, apart from referring to information already published on theCharity Register. This includes whether or not a concern about a charity has been raised with the ACNC, or whether the ACNC is investigating a concern or allegations made about a charity.

This also means that once a concern is raised, the ACNC cannot keep the person who raised the concern informed about any investigation we may be undertaking.

This approach is a requirement of thesecrecy provisions in the ACNC Act which bind the ACNC Commissioner and their staff.

    Regulating charities

    The ACNC regulates charities and deals with concerns in line with ourRegulatory Approach Statement.

    For more information about charity regulation, see our guidance about:

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