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Gift of the Nile? Climate Change, the Origins of Egyptian Civilization and Its Interactions within Northeast Africa

Profile image of Stuart Tyson SmithStuart Tyson Smith

2018, Across the Mediterranean – Along the Nile: Studies in Egyptology, Nubiology and Late Antiquity Dedicated to László Török. Budapest



32 pages


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Scholars today see the same basic landscape as Herodotus did before them in Egypt and northern Sudan, a narrow strip of green fed by the Nile and surrounded by an absolute desert. This distinctive ecology continues to play a central role in models for the origins of the ancient Egyptian state that downplay ancient Egypt’s broader African interconnections. From the 1930s through the present day, however, a group of deep desert explorers and archaeologists have documented that during the Neolithic period much of the Sahara was a vast grassland with seasonal and perhaps permanent lakes. This paper discusses evidence from recent research, including data from the UCSB Dongola Reach Expedition and UCSB-ASU Fourth Cataract Project, that points to interlinkages between the cultures of the Upper Egyptian Nile, the Sahara and Sudanese Nubia, demonstrating how interaction combined with climate change in the form of a gradual desiccation of the Sahara contributed to the rapid emergence of the Egyptian state while maintaining robust connections across northeast Africa.

Key takeaways

  • This paper discusses evidence from recent research, including data from the UCSB Dongola Reach Expedition and UCSB ASU Fourth Cataract Expedition, that points to interlinkages between the cultures of the Upper Egyptian Nile, the Sahara and Sudanese Nubia, demonstrating how interaction combined with climate change in the form of a punctuated but gradual desiccation of the Sahara contributed to the formation of the Egyptian Pharaonic state as a fundamentally African civilization, and created long standing ties that helped establish and maintain its connections within Africa.
  • An increasing pace of archaeological work in the Sahara, the Oases, Eastern Desert, and Sudanese Nubia contradicts this trope of ancient Egypt as isolated from Africa and focused along the Nile, especially during the Neolithic, corresponding to the formative period of Pharaonic civilization, but also long afterwards.
  • The disappearance of settlement in Egypt outside of the oases with the return of full desert in the Egyptian Sahara culminated during the Naqada Period, when Egypt began a fast trajectory towards the emergence of the Pharaonic State.
  • Travel up the Nile into Nubia would have been much easier by comparison.
  • The northeast African cattle complex from which Egyptian civilization emerged likely played a crucial role in Egypt's unique trajectory, particularly in the emergence of Pharaonic kingship.

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