


Small Businesses
We invest in the success of entrepreneurs, artisans, and small businesses selling in our Amazon Store. When they thrive, our customers benefit from the products and services they offer.
A photo of two Compac Industries employees observing material in a factory.

10 things to know about Amazon’s 2023 Small Business Empowerment Report

More than 60% of sales in Amazon’s store are from independent sellers—and almost all of those are small and medium-sized businesses.

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Selling in Amazon's store fuels growth in local communities.

More than 60% of sales in Amazon’s store are from independent sellers - most of which are small- and medium-sized businesses. In the U.S., independent sellers in Amazon’s store employed more than 1.8 million people.
Collage of different small business owners holding their products that are available to purchase in Amazon stores.

Small businesses, thriving communities

Stay informed with the latest insights related to independent sellers at

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