Contact Us
We have an ABC Help Centre with answers to hundreds of FAQs but we appreciate there will be times you need to contact us. Please use this form to submit feedback and requests, providing as much information as possible.
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. This information helps our understanding of your contact and ensures your comments/requests can be relayed to the right team. Other fields are optional (completing them will help us better understand your issue).
If you provide a valid email address, you'll receive confirmation of receipt.
To submit a complaint, please use theMake a complaint form.
Have a question about submitting to triple J Unearthed or accessing your profile? Head to the Help Centre.
If you still need to reach out to us, please use the form below.
To help expedite and track your complaint use the contact form below.
If your complaint relates to a specific legal matter you mayuse this onlinecontact form, write to ABC Legal, GPO Box 9994, Sydney NSW 2001 or call the ABC National Switchboard on 13 9994 for further information.
Before submitting your complaint, you may wish to see if your concern has been addressed in ourFAQs.
You may also wish to review theABC Complaints Handling Process.
If you prefer to make your complaint via mail, please write to:
ABC Audience Support
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
ABC Ultimo Centre
GPO Box 9994
Sydney NSW 2001
If you need help in submitting a written complaint (for example, language, literacy, additional needs), you may call the ABC during business hours on 13 9994 and a written summary of your complaint will be made and forwarded to the appropriate area for handling.
Anonymous complaints may be submitted. If you provide a valid email address, you will receive confirmation of receipt explaining the likely next steps and a reference number.
Please help us to understand your complaint
Tell us which content you are complaining about ‐ for example, the network or service the content was provided on, the name of the program or publication or the webpage address (URL), and the date and time it was broadcast or published.
Clearly outline the nature of your concerns ‐ if you are alleging a breach of the ABC’sEditorial Policies orCode of Practice, tell us your reasons for coming to this view.
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Include your email address if you would like us to assist you with your original enquiry.
If you want to share any other feedback or need help with your ABC Account, please visitABC Help.
When reporting a potential security vulnerability please provide as much information as possible, including:
- An explanation of the potential security vulnerability including the date observed
- Details of the products and services you believe may be affected
- Proof-of-concept code (where applicable)
- Your name (or alias) and contact details
- If you need help resolving a problem, you’ll find answers in our ABC Help Centre.
- To help us, help you, please provide all the relevant details below.
- All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
- If you need help resolving a problem, you’ll find answers in our ABC Help Centre.
- To help us, help you, please provide all the relevant details below.
- All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
- If you need help resolving a problem, you’ll find answers in our ABC Help Centre.
- To help us, help you, please provide all the relevant details below.
- All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
- If you need help resolving a problem, you’ll find answers in our ABC Help Centre.
- To help us, help you, please provide all the relevant details below.
- All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
- If you need help resolving a problem, you’ll find answers in our ABC Help Centre.
- To help us, help you, please provide all the relevant details below.
- All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
- If you need help resolving a problem, you’ll find answers in our ABC Help Centre.
- To help us, help you, please provide all the relevant details below.
- All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
- If you need help resolving a problem, you’ll find answers in our ABC Help Centre.
- To help us, help you, please provide all the relevant details below.
- All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.