A few days have passed since the RU63 and we're already missing you all. Thanks everyone for coming, getting involved and being part of this hobby that bonds us and makes us have such a good time. We'd like to extend our sincere thanks toConexiónMSX,MoltSXalats,Retroscroll andEspai Jove la Fontana for their involvement, activities and shared trust, transforming these events into marvelous gatherings. 
To thevisitors and users, we thank you for the shared moments and your passion towardsMSX. To everybody, from the AAMSX:THANK YOU, we'll see you in the next one! Long live theMSX standard! Fubus for all! We can confirm the schedule for all the activities that will take place at the next 63rd users meeting. Notable mentions include theCrawlers tournament, theMoltSXalats Quiz and also the talks and presentations organized by our friends atConexión MSX. Read more An essential area in all our RU meeting is theArcade Zone, a place where you can play games on the MSX computers set up for the occasion. In this edition, the group behind the area's setup is once againRetroscroll, but at the last minute,MSXParatodos has also joined in. It is also in theArcade Zone, in collaboration withRetroscroll, where this year's tournament will take place. Read more Today we have a double dose of software, this time from MoltSXalats y The Pets Mode. New games in development, graphic tools, C libraries, games for sale in digital format, and to top it all off, a Quiz is included on the RU activities! Keep reading to find out everything. Read more Today, for the confirmed booths, we have a double hardware dose:MSXMakers andXavirompe, with both novelties and mature projects. Keep reading for more details! Read more |