est. 3016
fine games, dry ghosts, psychopomps, and polychrome art a specialty
Luka Rejec proprietor
The Use and Misuse of Powers Great and Small
powers! wizard shiptowers! corruptions!
Magitecnica Codex 1 - Digital
Magitecnica - Deadwood Edition (at Exalted Funeral)
being a concise magic system for the synthetic dream machine.
Synthetic Dream Machinea psychedelic roleplaying game with dice and a referee.
Eternal Return Key - CHROMADEMON $6.99 and full of art
E.R.K. - BAREGHOST $0.00 and free of art
formerly known as S.E.A.C.A.T.
Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City - SECOND EDITION
a strange long trip into the utter west beyond time and space
UVG 2E hardcover - Available Now At Exalted Funeral
UVG 2E digital - Right Here on Itchy!
game rules, character generators,
and the very hard sell
Stratometaship Patreon
support the artist, see works in progress,
marvel at the decay of the fast stars
Xenon Elasmotherium
just the stories,
few games, few links, less context
the author's game blog
with game blog stuff