



The Stratometashop

est. 3016
fine games, dry ghosts, psychopomps, and polychrome art a specialty
Luka Rejec proprietor



The Use and Misuse of Powers Great and Small

powers! wizard shiptowers! corruptions!

Magitecnica Codex 1 - Digital
Magitecnica - Deadwood Edition (at Exalted Funeral)

being a concise magic system for the synthetic dream machine.



Synthetic Dream Machinea psychedelic roleplaying game with dice and a referee. 

Eternal Return Key - CHROMADEMON $6.99 and full of art
E.R.K. - BAREGHOST $0.00 and free of art

formerly known as S.E.A.C.A.T.



Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City - SECOND EDITION 
a strange long trip into the utter west beyond time and space

UVG 2E hardcover - Available Now At Exalted Funeral
UVG 2E digital - Right Here on Itchy!


game rules, character generators,
and the very hard sell

Stratometaship Patreon
support the artist, see works in progress, 
marvel at the decay of the fast stars

Xenon Elasmotherium
just the stories,
few games, few links, less context

the author's game blog
with game blog stuff


Powers for technowizards at the edge of time, at the end of space.
A true and concise lexicon of the phenomena and epiphenomena of the Vastlands.
A long strange trip to the edge of time, the end of space, the Black City.
the free art-free psychedelic roleplaying game with dice and a referee
the art-full psychedelic roleplaying game with dice and a referee
A long strange trip through the grasslands of the long long ago.
A guide to a lovely Alpine barony where surely nothing ominous is afoot.
Factions and encounters, characters and challenges for your winter icebox.
A novella-length rpg adventure of tragic witch hunting one cold October. Updated!
A neo-70s horror adventure in the Lastlands.
Introduction to the Ultraviolet Grasslands for players and heroes.
Materials helpful for running the Ultraviolet Grasslands as a roleplaying game.
A UVG creature generator and supplement for naturalists exploring a strange, wild world.
What strange horror awaits in Autumnisle's giant squash houses?
A novella-length rpg adventure of witch hunting one wet and cold October.
UVG-compatible RPG adventure about capturing a giant flying head inspired by Zardoz.
Serve the ineffable Memorium. Save the treasures of the Dead City from destruction.
Anti-canon world-building game
A zine of anti-canon food magics, food revolutionaries, food fights, and food folk tales for tabletop roleplay.
Less hassle, more fun making pretty pamphlet RPGs. Free mini adventure included.
An Affinity Publisher template for roleplaying and other books ·Community profile

