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June 2023



Dear Respected Colleagues,

It is hard to believe we have already reached the second half of 2023. During these first months, we have seen important progress and concrete results from our activities in the industrial markets. With the collaboration and support of ourBoard of Directors,Member Companies,Working Group Representatives and industry experts, theWiMAX Forum continues producing important work to promote growth, innovation and advance the Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication (AeroMACS),WiGRID, and theWiMAX technology.

While we achieve important milestones and market growth, we see concrete results from our efforts and activities. We will continue working to leverage our services and position the WiMAX technology with the expectation that the market share will expand and succeed.

At the2023 ICNS Conference in April in Herndon, Virginia, the WiMAX Forum President,Declan Byrne will present "Smart Connected Operations to Foster Innovation at the Airport Surface." The presentation focused AeroMACS integrated capabilities to connect operations safely and efficiently.

The ICNS program focused on the promises, challenges, and developments in the areas of ICNS for Operational Efficiency. To support AeroMACS deployments worldwide, WiMAX Forum Member company,CelPlan Technologies participated at the ICNS exhibition and counted with the presence of CEO Leonhard Korowajczuk.

CelPlan at ICNS 2023

Through speaking opportunities, conferences, exhibition and webinars, we are reaching out to diverse audiences in the WiMAX community in ways that will best serve all stakeholders. Here is the summary of an upcoming event that we are participating during the coming months:

On June 27-28, 2023 the WiMAX Forum will participate at the Connected Manufacturing Forum 2023. The Connected Manufacturing Forum is where you will benchmark your digital enterprise strategy, create your blueprint, promote effective change management and learn how to become a smarter, more connected manufacturer. As details concerning this event become available, we will be sure to communicate them to you. For more information, please visit:Connected Manufacturing Forum 2023.

While we have productive conversations and develop winning strategies, we see concrete results from our activities with the expectation that the market share will expand and succeed. The demand is undoubtedly out there, and the opportunities to leverage the technology with the development of technical specifications, certification and spectrum access solutions based on globally harmonized standards will result in a brighter future.

Over the coming months we will be doing some of our most important work yet, and we hope you can be part of it. The WiMAX Forum is maintaining a blistering schedule of valuable activities and plans to meet with industry leaders worldwide to raise awareness, develop and implement AeroMACS and WiMAX networks in ways that will best serve all stakeholders. Please stay tuned for other announcements soon and for more information, visit our website,YouTube Channel and Social Media (Facebook,LinkedIn andTwitter).

Please reach out to us directly for more information. We wish you a great remainder of June and a wonderful July!

Best Regards,
WiMAX Forum


The WiMAX Forum maintains a bustling schedule of public appearances, white paper publications, webinars, and press releases on behalf of our industry. Below you can find the most relevant activities and latest communications.

PKI Buyer’s Guide

Compare PKI & Certificate Lifecycle Management Solutions to Find the One That Matches Your Organization’s Unique Requirements. PKI Has Never Been More Important. Digital certificates are an increasingly important part of most companies IT infrastructure. (Thanks to rapid IoT growth, remote working, passwordless authentication, data protection regulations, zero trust, and many other factors.)

To review the details, please clickhere.

Development of a National Spectrum Strategy

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) appreciates the opportunity to respond to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)’s request for comments on the development and implementation of a National Spectrum Strategy for the United States. IATA represents the interests of some 300 airlines globally, including the majority of carriers that fly to, from, and within the United States. As such, we have a significant interest in the outcome of this proceeding.

To review the details, please clickhere.


In the coming months, the WiMAX Forum will host, participate, attend, and support events globally. We continue our efforts to bring you quality conferences hosted by the WiMAX Forum, and we will present and participate at key industry events. The WiMAX Forum team looks forward to seeing you at these events.

Endorsed Events:

Connected Manufacturing Forum 2023June 27-28, 2023
Atlanta, GA
For more information visit:
Connected Manufacturing Forum
IoT Tech Expo Europe 2023September 26-27, 2023
Amsterdam Conversion Centre or Virtually
For more information visit:
IoT Tech Expo Europe
IoT Tech Expo Global 2023November 30 – December 1, 2023
Olympia London
For more information visit:
IoT Tech Expo Global

The WiMAX Forum plans to host and participate in other events over the course of the year. As details concerning these events are finalized, we will be certain to keep you informed.For more information about our events, please visit:WiMAX Forum Events.


TheWiMAX Forum Membership provides a wide range ofbenefits and services that promote growth and innovation of AeroMACS, WiGRID, and WiMAX technology.

Only WiMAX Forum Members cancertify products to guarantee interoperability and standard compliance for AeroMACS, WiGRID, and WiMAX; secure networks usingPublic Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates; develop technical specifications; influence favorable regulatory environments; and contribute to the growth of the industry through standards development that satisfy the market needs, among other advantages.

The WiMAX Forum is committed to delivering the value necessary for our members to get the most from their membership, and we are always engaging with individual members to discuss how we can better serve them. If you are interested in speaking with our leadership team on our specific initiatives or have any questions, please send a message

The WiMAX Forum is the best place to access, leverage, and influence the growth and development of the AeroMACS, WiGRID, and WiMAX Technology. So be a leader and step up to get involved today!


The WiMAX Forum technical activities are organized through a number of Working Groups to address critical areas, produce technical requirements, develop technical specifications, advise the Forum and bring Certified products to the marketplace. TheWiMAX Forum Working Groups are key to the development of WiMAX technology and participation is encouraged for all WiMAX Forum Members.

The WiMAX Forum Working Groups have created a unique community which is successfully enabling cooperation and industry advancement. Traffic has been roaring back around the world, the Working Groups are scheduling key activities, planning and developing important projects for the months to come, and we need the help of your technical experts in these groups as the market share expands and succeed.

Leading the primary technical activities in the Forum, the Aviation Working Group (AWG) acts as a focal point for Worldwide Aviation Industry interest in AeroMACS as a technology for Aviation Applications on a global basis. AWG members have been participating at conferences to promote support AeroMACS deployments worldwide.

As a follow up to the 6th meeting of the ICAO Data Communication Infrastructure Specific Working Group of the Communications Panel (CP-DCIWG), The newly reinstated Working Group M will be meeting June 5 through 7, 2023. The WiMAX Forum and the Civil Aviation Administration of China’s (CAAC) will continue their work on a strongly supported project to support the enhancement of AeroMACS SARPs and Technical Manual in this meeting. Industry technical experts are being encouraged to contribute to this development work in AWG andICAO Working Group M. Please contact the AWG Executive Secretary to see how you can become involved in this important initiative.

In concert with the work in ICAO AWG members and industry representatives will work together on the AeroMACS NextGen initiative to expand the AeroMACS profile to include additional technologies by evaluating industry standards and the proposed inclusion of other technologies within the AeroMACS Private Network Spectrum, while recommending the necessary modifications to existing requirements. By opening the AeroMACS Profile to additional technologies, the AWG is helping to build a more robust market to facilitate the wide-spread deployment of AeroMACS worldwide as the leading standardized technology selected to support the safety and regularity of flights.

AWG members and the aviation industry support a number of other AeroMACS projects and initiatives in addition to AeroMACS NextGen, including: the maintenance of technical requirements and specifications related to AeroMACS Product Certification, AeroMACS Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Federal Communications Commission (FCC) AeroMACS Petition for Rulemaking, in-person and virtual conferences, webinars and other initiatives to maximize the AeroMACS potential to thrive.

TheAeroMACS PKI is commercially available to the industry planning AeroMACS deployments as well as serving as a PKI model for other Aviation technologies. AWG members work closely with the ICAO and the aviation industry to ensure that the produced security policies and specifications can be used as guidelines to other groups.

The AeroMACS PKI is provided by the WiMAX Forum in partnership withEonti as the Management Authority (MA). Strategic guidance for the AeroMACS PKI Program is provided by the AeroMACS Advisory Council (AAC), which is a collaborative body comprised of Members of the WiMAX Forum, worldwide regulatory organizations and ICAO. An overview of the AeroMACS PKI process is available here:AeroMACS PKI Users Overview.

The Smart Energy Working Group (SEWG) acts as a focal point for Smart Energy Applications. SEWG members work closely with IEEE to bring to market devices for narrowband applications and other sub 1GHz spectrum. The IEEE 802.16t project specifies operation in licensed spectrum for mission critical entities that have a strong preference for private, licensed networks for their data communications needs. If you are interested in participating on this activity, please contact us.

The WiMAX Forum Working Groups are chartered to bring industry leaders together to collaborate and contribute to the development of technical specifications, technical requirements, harmonization of documents, and provide coordinated recommendations to advise the Forum. For more information on our Working Groups, please visit:WiMAX Forum Working Groups.

Working Group activity is integral to the success of the Forum, and your participation is important!


The WiMAX Forum Newsbrief contains the summary of news from around the WiMAX ecosystem and is intended as a benefit to our community. If you do not yet receive the Newsbrief and wish to do so, please sign up here:WiMAX Newsbrief.

Below is a summary of the latest publications:


Press and Analyst Contact



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WiMAX ForumNewsbrief.

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