A puzzle-mystery game inspired by Return of the Obra Dinn, Her Story, Unheard and The Roottrees are Dead.
Investigate the files on an old computer that once belonged to a mysterious outside agent.
The files detail the gruesome story of Galley House, a case that was said to be unsolvable.
What really happened at Galley House? And what did the agent find out that lead to their death?
Delve through deeper and deeper layers of mystery as you piece together the grand puzzle.
And remember... There are no ghosts in Galley House!
Updated | 13 days ago |
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Rating | Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars (199 total ratings) |
Author | William Rous |
Genre | Puzzle |
Tags | Mystery,Singleplayer,Text based |
Average session | Days or more |
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I absolutely loved playing this. I didn't actually make the final deductive leap into what was *actually* going on, but I loved uncovering all the pieces of the story using deductive logic (and the odd bit of trial and error). It was so fun to explore your mystery in little parts, and felt like a proper detective linking these insane characters and their stories together. I made a Google Sheets to track everyone and it was very satisfying.
In the end, I came to the comments here to read about other people's theories about the ending. It didn't satisfactorily resolve for me in the way I had wished it would - despite having unlocked 97% of the files, I hadn't understood any specifics on *why* the events were happening as they were.
Thank you for making such a cool thing, and I wish for many more cool things like this in the future.
Fantastic game!
(Spoilery constructive feedback for the author below)
1. I wish there was an easier way to `find` text not only across scenes but also within scenes. Right now what I had to do each time is to first type the command `find ring` and then Ctrl+F and use my browser's search to directly highlight the instances of the word `ring`. This felt janky because the game window kept shrinking/expanding (fullscreen switches) and the browser kept finding words in the itch.io comments. I would really much prefer it if, after clicking a scene through the Find results, the searched word would beunderlined in all its instances.
2. I felt that there were a few too many puzzles that required me to figure out the layout of the house itself -- characters going "upstairs" or "downstairs" and the reader expected to know where they end up, at least approximately. The positioning of rooms was not fully intuitive (e.g. a kitchen below the dining room... until I learned about the dumbwaiter), and I found myself wishing for more help there. I know @ says "I couldn't find any records of the layout, so I can only go off the names that I've found within the audio", but, I wish at least the player was more obviously told to write down the layout of which rooms are "upstairs" and which are "downstairs".
3. The name of the game isn't great (I'm sorry).
4. The time delay between deaths was very confusing and as far as I know it was simply left unexplained, which I found dissatisfying. I loved the fact that the rate keeps going up, with more and more bodies dropping, but I couldn't find any explanation for why the deaths are accelerating.
I'll expand on this with very major spoilers in ROT13:
V haqrefgnaq gung rnpu gvzr fbzrbar qvrf sebz gur nagvzrzr phefr ("gur cerivbhf ivpgvz"), gur arkg ivpgvz orpbzrf rvgure gur ynfg crefba gb unir gubhtug bs gurz be gur svefg crefba gb guvax nobhg gurz ntnva (abg pbhagvat guvaxvat nobhg vgf hasnzvyvne obql). Rirelbar sbetrgf nobhg gur cerivbhf ivpgvz naq eryngrq zrzbevrf va gur zbzrag bs qrngu, ohg gur arkg ivpgvz jvyy fhqqrayl ertnva gurfr zrzbevrf gur svefg gvzr gurl guvax/gnyx nobhg gur cerivbhf ivpgvz (hfhnyyl unccraf guebhtu n culfvpny bowrpg gung erzvaqf gurz), juvpu gevttref gur "pbhagqbja" sbe guvf arkg ivpgvz'f qrngu.
V qb abg ng nyy haqrefgnaq jul, va-jbeyq, gurer jnf n uhtr gvzr qrynl orgjrra gur qrnguf bs gur svefg srj punenpgref (Ehcreg, Uneel, Rir) juvyr gur ynfg qrnguf unccra rkgerzryl dhvpxyl nsgre rnpu bgure (Rqqvr, Znegun, Gbal). V gubhtug vg zvtug or gur "culfvpny zrzbenovyvn" pbaarpgvba, ohg gung'f abg pyrna rabhtu naq snvyf gb rkcynva gur beqre (r.t. jul Gubeagba pnzr nsgre Ehcreg rira gubhtu Wbua jnf unaqyvat gur xrl), fb zl orfg thrff vf gung vg'f n pbzovangvba bs "jnf guvaxvat nobhg ivpgvz nf gurl qvrq" naq "vf erzvaqrq bs gur ivpgvz guebhtu fbzrguvat arj".
5. I enjoyed the large amount of red herrings, but I felt that there were a few too many of them near the end which were left unresolved in a way that doesn't exactly convince the player if they are or aren't connected, even by the time the final theory is completed. I think the time delays between deaths are causing this issue -- if there was a good explanation for them, explaining the rate of the pattern, it would probably reduce some time waste.
V'z abg ernyyl fher jung lbh zrna ol gur gvzr qrynl vffhr. Gur guhaqrepync vf pnhfrq ol erzrzorevat gur cerivbhf ivpgvz. Vg gnxrf fbzr xvaq bs fgebat rzbgvbany cebzcg gb or noyr gb "qrsl" gur zrzbel renfvat rssrpgf naq erzrzore gur cerivbhf ivpgvz - hfhnyyl n culfvpny vgrz fgebatyl nffbpvngrq jvgu gung crefba.
Ehcreg Tnyyrl qvrf irel fubegyl nsgre erzrzorevat Nzryvn, pnhfrq ol svaqvat n cvnab erpvgny fur unq bapr cynlrq - ur erzrzoref whfg orsber gur fgneg bs fprar 01 naq qvrf jvguva fprar 01.
Uneel Gubeagba qvrf irel fubegyl nsgre erzrzorevat Ehcreg, pnhfrq ol orvat tvira Ehcreg'f xrl gb gur puncry - ur erzrzoref gbjneqf gur raq bs fprar 06, ng juvpu cbvag ur vf erpbeqrq ng ehfuvat njnl, naq ur qvrf nyzbfg vzzrqvngryl vagb fprar 07.
Rir qvrf irel fubegyl nsgre erzrzorevat Uneel, pnhfrq ol qevaxvat gur ubg pubpbyngr va Uneel'f qvfgvapgvir fglyr ur unq whfg cercnerq sbe ure - fur qvrf, rez, yrg'f fnl 5 zvahgrf yngre jvgubhg zrnavat gb or pehry nobhg Rqqvr'f fgnzvan.
Uryra qvrf dhvgr fubegyl nsgre erzrzorevat Rir, pnhfrq ol erprvivat gur snzvyl evat fur unq tvira Rqqvr gb cebcbfr jvgu. Gurve qvfphffvba vf jung, cebonoyl n srj zvahgrf va erny gvzr? Fur qvrf nyzbfg vzzrqvngryl vagb fprar 12.
V qba'g ernyyl frr ubj nal bs gurfr ner vapbafvfgrag jvgu jung unccraf yngre. Va nyy pnfrf, gurer'f znlor, 5 zvahgrf be fb orgjrra erzrzorevat naq qrngu. Oebnqyl fcrnxvat, nf gur ahzore bs obqvrf cvyr hc, gur vaunovgnagf bs gur ubhfr ehfu ebhaq zber, rknzvar zber guvatf, naq cebzcg zber gurbevrf, juvpu anghenyyl pnhfrf gur engr bs qrnguf gb fgneg fcrrqvat hc. Gur bayl erny bqqvgl gung V pna frr vf creuncf Znegun va fprar 05 - fur'f gbyq gur anzr Ehcreg Tnyyrl, naq tvira uvf xrl gb gur puncry, whfg nsgre univat frra Ehcreg'f qrnq obql. Guvf pbzovangvba bs guvatf jnf rabhtu gb pnhfr Uneel gb erzrzore, fb vg vf fgenatr vg vfa'g rabhtu gb pnhfr Znegun nf Ehcreg'f jvsr gb erzrzore.
Gura jul qvqa'g Wbua orpbzr gur frpbaq ivpgvz jura ur ercrngrqyl nfxrq nobhg Ehcreg Tnyyrl, ybbxrq ng uvf vaivgngvba juvpu jnf jevggra ol Ehcreg Tnyyrl, gura gbbx gur xrl sebz Ehcreg Tnyyrl'f obql? V thrff vg'f whfg orpnhfr ur jnf fyvtugyl yrff snzvyvne jvgu uvz, fb ur qvqa'g ernpu gur guerfubyq bs rzbgvbany pbaarpgvba...?
Be Rqqvr erzrzorevat Rir vzzrqvngryl nsgre gnxvat gur jrqqvat evat sebz ure unaq?
V nqzvg gung lbhe gurbel jbexf cerggl jryy gbb, orpnhfr vg bayl erdhverf n fvatyr "gevttre" zbzrag, naq... V nqzvg V jebgr nobhg gjryir zber yvarf qrsraqvat zl gurbel orsber ernyvmvat abj gung lbhef vf zhpu "pyrnare" naq zvar ynetryl unccraf gb jbex ol nppvqrag engure guna ba checbfr: zl gurbel jnf onfrq ba gur crefba jub gubhtug bs gur ivpgvz *va gur zbzrag bs gur ivpgvz'f qrngu*, naq V guvax vg graqrq gb or evtug abg orpnhfr bs pbeerpgarff ohg orpnhfr gur tnzr vf qrfvtarq va n jnl gung fubjpnfrf gur zrzbel ybff zber boivbhfyl, juvpu vf jul zber punenpgref trarenyyl graq gb fcrnx bs ivpgvzf evtug orsber naq nsgre gurl qvr.
Fb V gnxr onpx zl pbzcynvag nobhg gur gvzvat. V qb guvax vg'f fyvtugyl naablvat gung Rqqvr'f gvzr orgjrra erzvaqre naq qrngu jnf whfg n zvahgr be gjb (n fvatyr fprar) juvyr Gubeagba jrag guebhtu gjb fprarf naq gjb ebbzf va guerr qvssrerag sybbef, nf qvq Ivpgbevn. Ohg zhpu zber haqrefgnaqnoyr.
Thanks for helping clarify this for me.I decided this @ person deserved a name, but heclearly doesn't have one, so I named him David Langford.
(Lrf, guvf vf n ersrerapr; fcrpvsvpnyyl gb Ynatsbeq'f fubeg fgbel Oyvg.)
Love, love, loved this game. I had caught 97 Pokémon by the end, but the 98th was a bit too hard to find without looking in the comments.
This game is amazing.
V'ir fcrag gur cnfg unys na ubhe ernqvat gur pbzzragf urne gb gel naq svther bhg gur fbyhgvba sbe gur unatzna tnzr naq V unir gb fnl V qvfnterr jvgu gur abgvba gung gur "ynfg chmmyr" jnf gbb uneq, gubhtu V thrff V unq gur yhpx gb cynl gur nyernql hcqngrq irefvba. Nf fbba nf V ernq gur ynfg gjb ragevrf V jnf fb pbashfrq nobhg Wbua'f qrngu.
V fgvyy jnag gb xabj gur fbyhgvba gb gur unatzna gubhtu. gur hcqngr fnlf gurer vf bar naq vg vf qevivat zr penml.
Bgure guna gung V guvax 00-qernz vf n ovg gbb qvssvphyg gb svaq.
In the end I think it is kinda cool that some mysteries about the people here stayed mysteries (gur fbhepr bs Naavr'f zbarl ceboyrzf, vf Ivpgbevn certanag?, jung vf gbalf erny anzr) because that's the way a real murder investigation would have also ended. I still want to know the hangman solution though.
Gripping experience. Spoilertown below.
Made it to the end credits but somehow I still feel like I missed something. Are they a fakeout? (Some other people were mentioning a 98th entry and I have 97 with no other clues! It seems people also found @’s name but I have no clue how.)
I don’t understand the rules of the curse. (Is that what it is?)
The broad strokes seem to be: Remember the previous target, then after some time you’ll hear a thunderclap, die, and be forgotten.
(I had and continue to have a hard time with the time-delay aspect. I think it must be a part of it, otherwise @’s writing in 00-final-note doesn’t make sense, he wouldn’t be on death’s door — and that’s as close to a definitive answer as I can find. Time-delay: Is that why Eve died the way she did, not because of Edmund’s singing but because it took a bit for her remembering Thornton to kick in? Likewise for Damian, only dying in his sleep and not right after he remembered Helen?)
Other people’s memories change to fill the void, so Martha says she had a wedding for herself, that sort of ridiculous confabulation. BUT if someone does remember the last person, they die and the curse goes on? I can’t square that with all of the deaths.
Rupert remembers Amelia after hearing the player piano perform a piece, says her name, walks to the study, wonders aloud about asking Oswald about Amelia, dies. (Do you have to say the previous person’s name? Is it just that time delay?)
Thornton moves Rupert’s body and remembers that he’s dead, but the thunderclap only sounds for him when he’s muttering to himself in the kitchen. (He doesn’t mention Rupert by name immediately before death, only saying ‘He’s really dead…’. Otherwise, he just says “Mr. Galley” to when he talks to John in the Study.
Skipping forward, the other confusing part are the 3 final deaths.
Annie shoots herself and a thunderclap sounds at the same time. She does mention Oswald to John, but only by pronoun - before then, she says his name to himself, reading it out from the list Victoria made. Suicide didn’t work to stop the curse… Why?
Then John doesn’t remember Annie and doesn’t read the paper with her name on it, saving himself. The last time he said her name was before the combination gunshot/thunderclap, so he’s safe from the curse from that point. (Is he?)
Katherine eventually dies at home, some time after Annie. I guess because she’s the last person to… say Annie’s name? I don’t understand how John’s trick worked.
John dies, he has to just to square with the bodycount. All of the numbered/lettered people are dead bodies. But he doesn’t die by curse as he is pointedly omitted from @’s final list and we don’t hear a thunderclap on the recording. He must be the middle-aged man on the steps mentioned in the intro - and if he really didn’t die by curse, he must be the only publicly-identified victim mentioned in the intro.
But. I don’t get it! What does @ figure out? He knows the names of everyone hit by the curse, so he’s next in line after Katherine, right? Why does the last line in the final message say “God I hope this works” — he died,right?
Other side-mysteries:
I was convinced that there had to be a scene in the Garden mentioned by Oswald but seemingly no dice. I guess it isn’t bolded like the other locations, so that checks out, and Oswald is a walking red herring anyway.
It’s odd that there are two loose-end female characters, Amelia and Eleanor. I’m fairly sure that Eleanor is a red herring who died long before the start of the story. (I guess like, it’s ironic that despite Oswald’s theory, she and her mother end up the only Galleys who Katherine remembers.)
She’s given more attention than Amelia, who is mentioned just three times. No explanation given on why she’s at the head of the curse. Hell of a birthday present for poor old Rupert. I assume she’s also been dead for ages (I guess she had to be as you have to remember the dead to contract the curse), but that’s all I got.
Can we really not figure out Tony’s father’s name, or did @ just not realize at the moment he wrote the note? I certainly can’t.
Anyway I feel both like a smartypants for getting to the end and like a dumb-dumb for not understanding what is at the end. If anyone could shed some light on this for me, that would be nice. Thank you William for the game, well done!
Shameful update.
Cheated myself into the 98th file, spoilers follow.
Genuinely unsure how I could have figured that out, and completely at a loss for how @’s trick in the poem worked. So namesdo matter? I guess? And since we just worked his out, we’re gonna die… right? But the rest of the poem doesn’t contain the “dead bodies strewn about” that @ mentions in 21-CH-3, so… what the hell. The poem is addressed to a “you” — the future reader, i.e. us? And the number at the end… what? If it’s a code, I don’t get it, and I don’t think it can be a password simply for lack to places to put it.
In conclusion: I am once again feeling dumb for not getting the ending and now not even feeling proud of myself for getting there. Hum.
Edit: Ah, I guess the mystery of the numberand the poem is solved. Who would’ve thunk @ liked that stuff.
I think the rule of the curse is "remember the last person to have died from the curse, and shortly after you die as well". There does appear to be a small time delay; none of the characters involved died immediately after remembering someone and it is usually at the end of the scene in which they do. I don't think you need to remember the name of the previous person exactly - for example, it wouldn't have been possible for Oswald to remember Tony's name because he never knew Tony's real name to begin with. It seems to me you just need to remember the person and who they were in some meaningful sense. Physical items seem to help prompt memories, but I'm not sure they strictly essential per se - not clear to me what physical object Katherine had that prompted links to Annie, for example. I think it's probably more the close emotional feeling certain belongings can evoke, the same way a particular passage of music did it for Rupert.
With Annie, I think she was just unlucky - the curse beat her to her suicide very fractionally. In another world where she was a bit quicker, she might have ended the curse there.
It does seem to me John was very unlikely to have been killed by the curse if he hadn't committed suicide, because the odds of him being prompted to remember Katherine, who really had nothing to do with him, were very low. Since he was capable of being publicly identified, he didn't die as a result of the curse himself.
With Katherine, she dies because she remembers Annie as a result of her conversation with John. I don't think this was a trick by John - it is heavily implied he thinks he murdered everyone and that's why he commits suicide (especially in the latest version with the added dialogue). Rather, it's just misfortune in how events played out.
What @ figures out is that he is about to die, because he read the name of the last recorded victim and remembered who they were - he recognised the name, and she would have been a colleague of his judging by Alan Thomas' briefing, so when the memories came rushing back, @ realised his time was up. The reason he said "by God I hope this works" is because he was always a bit of a loner and didn't think there was much reason for anyone to remember him, so he hoped the curse might die with him and be finished.
00-dream is a curious one. It seems to me that the curse can partly exert an influence on people and cause them to have strange dreams or visions - you can see this especially with Martha's death as well. I don't think 00-dream is written by @ in his full mind, so to speak, especially as it so dangerously discloses his name. My view is that it is the curse influencing him, although that's obviously a fair bit of viewer interpretation. @ hoped the curse would end, he'd hardly be leaving behind clues that would prompt people examining his files to meaningfully remember him on purpose.
The code (43092) is actually the real life code for the music roll for Because of You by Lee Sims for player pianos, the lyrics to which are written down in 00-dream. This mirrors partly the piano roll which started this all off by reminding Rupert of Amelia, which is 03746 I'd Climb the Highest Mountain, also by Lee Sims, which @ clearly found during his research. Maybe he also found 43092. Maybe the curse found it for him. If you know @'s name, maybe the curse is finding you.
encrypted with rot13.com
I haven't read all the comments yet, but I haven't seen anyone say this yet, but...
gur cnggrea rkcynvaf jul gur vairfgvtngbe jnf cvpxrq gb "fbyir" vg.
Gur phefr cerfhznoyl ortna jura Ryrnabe qvrq. Jr jrer gbyq gung gurl jrer nyy sbeovqqra gb fcrnx bs ure be rira erzrzore ure, gurl unq gb cergraq yvxr fur arire rira rkvfgrq. Fur orpnzr fghpx va gur ubhfr.
Snfg sbejneq gb gur ortvaavat bs gur tnzr, naq vs jr er-ernq gur vaivgngvba Ehcreg frag Wbua, jr svaq bhg gurl jrer sevraqf naq gung Ehcreg whfg obhtug n cynlre cvnab naq jnagrq gb fubj Wbua jub nccneragyl vf n gnyragrq cvnavfg. Ehcreg cebzvfrf gb trg gur cvnab jbexvat ol gur gvzr Wbua neevirf.
Fb gur cnggrea gung pbagvahrf sebz gurer vf rnpu crefba svaqvat fbzrguvat gung erzvaqf gurz bs gur crefba gung jnf sbetbggra naq erzrzorevat gurz. Vs fbzrbar erzrzoref gurz, gur phefr gnxrf gurz (cerfhznoyl natre naq wrnybhfl sbe gur crefba orvat erzrzorerq, jura fur, Ryrnabe, jnf sbetbggra).
12 Ehcreg: Trgf gur cvnab jbexvat, urnef gur fbat naq frrf gur erpvgny cebtenzzr, erzrzoref Nzryvn.
11 Gubeagba: Wbua gryyf uvz Ehcreg'f anzr naq tvirf uvz gur Puncry xrl, n cynpr gung Ehcreg jrag n ybg.
10 Rir: Rqqvr tvirf Rir pbpbn gung Gubeagba znqr.
9 Uryra: Rqqvr tvirf Uryra gur ratntrzrag evat zrnag gb zneel bss ure qnhtugre.
8 Qnzvna: Qnzvna guvaxf nobhg gur jngpu gung Uryra gnfxrq uvz gb svaq.
7 Ivpgbevn: Jura Rqqvr nfxf nobhg zneelvat ure, fur fnlf fur pna'g naq V oryvrir fur fnlf guvf orpnhfr fur'f certanag, naq gur onol erzvaqf ure bs Qnzvna.
6 Rqqvr: Gbal tvirf Rqqvr bar bs gur oenpryrgf gung Ivpgbevn naq ur unq nf xvqf.
5 Znegun: Creuncf fur fnj n cubgb bs Rqqvr orsber fur fgnegrq oheavat gurz, creuncf Naavr erzvaqrq ure bs Rqqvr orpnhfr V guvax gurl jrer gbtrgure ng bar cbvag, vqe, ohg Naavr fnlf Rqqvr'f anzr, naq znlor urnevat gur anzr vf rabhtu sbe n zbgure gb erzrzore ure fba.
4 Gbal: Guvf bar vfa'g fb fgebat, ohg Naavr ernqf anzrf bss gur yvfg naq zragvbaf Znegun jber n fgebat creshzr. Creuncf gur creshzr jnf rabhtu gb erzvaq Gbal, rfcrpvnyyl fvapr ur jnf fgnaqvat bire ure obql naq pbhyq fzryy vg gura.
3 Bfjnyq: Naavr oevatf gur tha gung Gbal guerngrarq Bfjnyq jvgu.
2 Naavr: Gur yvfg fur jebgr naq gur qenjvat fur fnj
X Xngurevar: Wbua fnlf gur anzr Naavr gb Xngurevar, ntnva, gur anzr vf rabhtu sbe n zbgure naq fur erzrzoref ure. Vg'f nyfb cbffvoyr gung - orvat ng ubzr - Xngurevar fnj guvatf gung erzvaqrq ure bs Naavr gung jr ner abg njner bs.
1 Wbua: Ur npghnyyl qvq abg qvr bs gur phefr, ohg V guvax ur gubhtug ur jnf ybfvat uvf zvaq naq xvyyrq Naavr (jub qvq abg erzrzore), naq ur xvyyrq uvzfrys ol whzcvat qbja gur ubyr gung yrnqf gb gur ragenapr.
Gur phefr gura pbagvahrq guebhtu Xngurevar ng fbzr cbvag, fgnegvat gur fgevat gung @ jnf vairfgvtngvat. @ tbrf ba gb zragvba gung ur ernyvmrf jul ur jnf cvpxrq gb vairfgvtngr gur pnfr - orpnhfr ur jnf fb qvfpbaarpgrq sebz gur bhgfvqr jbeyq, vg jnf irel hayvxryl nalbar jbhyq abgvpr be erzrzore uvz nsgre ur qvrq. Jr ner arire zrnag gb yrnea @'f anzr orpnhfr gung xrrcf hf fnsr, naq gur phefr jvyy qvr jvgu uvz.
Fb qvq vg fgneg jvgu Nzryvn? Jnf Nzryvn npghnyyl "renfrq" ol gur phefr, be jnf fur fvzcyl sbetbggra yvxr n abezny crefba jbhyq qb nobhg fbzrbar gurl xarj n ybat gvzr ntb, naq erzrzorevat ure vf jung njbxr gur phefr gung avtug? Vs Ryrnabe jnf gur fgneg bs guvf, gura jnf gung ubj gur cneragf riraghnyyl qvrq, jura gurl svanyyl yrg gurzfryirf erzrzore ure? Cerfhznoyl abg, orpnhfr Bfjnyq erzrzorerq uvf cneragf, naq gur phefr frrzf gb jvcr gur zrzbel sebz rirelbar, ab znggre gur qvfgnapr (rt, Xngurevar sbetbg nobhg Naavr sbe n yvggyr ovg).
V oryvrir rirelguvat gung Bfjnyq fnlf nobhg gur phefr vf n erq ureevat, vapyhqvat Ryrnabe orvat gur pnhfr. V qb abg guvax vg fgnegrq orpnhfr bs ure, naq V qba'g guvax Nzryvn jnf gur svefg ivpgvz rvgure. V guvax guvf vf fnsr gb nffhzr orpnhfr uvf bgure znva pbapyhfvba ba ubj gb fgbc gur phefr vf vapbeerpg. Ur gryyf Naa fur arrqf gb erzrzore ure snzvyl naq guvatf yvxr gung va beqre gb fheivir, jura va ernyvgl erzrzorevat vf gur rknpg guvat gung xvyyf lbh.
Lrf, Bfjnyq jnf jebat nobhg ubj gb oernx/fgbc gur phefr, ohg vg vf n ovg fgebat bs n pbvapvqrapr gung Ryrnabe qvrq naq gura gubfr gung xarj ure jrer sbeovqqra gb erzrzore ure, naq gura jr unir n phefr gung xvyyf crbcyr gung erzrzore gur qrnq. Vg vf ragveryl cbffvoyr gung Bfjnyq jnf evtug nobhg ubj vg fgnegrq, ohg jnf jebat nobhg ubj gb fgbc vg.
Vg'f nyfb cbffvoyr gung znlor gur phefr bevtvangrq jvgu gur qrnq CNERAGF vafgrnq. Jr qba'g xabj ubj gurl qvrq - znlor gurl xvyyrq gurzfryirf naq/be jrer greevoyl oebxra hc bire ubj gurl unaqyrq guvatf jvgu gurve qnhtugre, naq fb abj vg'f GURVE fcvevgf gung ner unhagvat rirelbar, xvyyvat crbcyr gung erzrzore gubfr gung unir qvrq. Vg jbhyq or zber va yvar jvgu gurve npgvbaf gbjneqf Ryrnabe. Vs Ryrnabe jnf gur bar erfcbafvoyr, vg jbhyq znxr zber frafr gung fur jbhyq or natel ng crbcyr sbe SBETRGGVAT gubfr gung unir qvrq, abg gubfr gung erzrzore.
Ohg gura ntnva, sebz gur vairfgvtngbe'f zrffntrf, vg frrzf yvxr guvf vf gnxvat cynpr sne va gur shgher, frrvat nf gurl unir gur novyvgl gb whfg "ergevrir" gur nhqvb sebz arne gur gvzr bs qrngu bs gubfr gung qvrq ybat ntb. Ur nyfb zragvbaf fbzrguvat yvxr "vg'f shaal ubj crbcyr gubhtug guvf fbeg bs guvat jnf gur jbex bs tubfgf onpx gura", juvpu vzcyvrf gurer vf fbzrguvat gung fpvrapr unf svtherq bhg gung pna fbeg bs rkcynva vg, ohg fgvyy unf n pbhcyr guvatf gung arrq gb or svtherq bhg va guvf pnfr. Fb vs guvf "phefr" unf orra nebhaq fvapr nyy gur jnl onpx gura guebhtu gb jurarire gur vairfgvtngbef jrer ybbxvat ng vg va gur shgher, gura vg pbhyq or cbffvoyr gung guvf vf whfg n guvat gung unf orra whzcvat sebz crefba gb crefba sbe n ybat gvzr, naq gurer vf ab "phefr", whfg n pbaqvgvba gung pnhfrf vg gb whzc sebz bar gb nabgure, naq gur Tnyyrlf jrer gur barf gung unq vg juvyr jr jrer vairfgvtngvat vg.
Vg vf fbzrguvat gung pbhyq or hc gb vagrecergngvba V thrff, V jbhyqa'g or fhecevfrq vs vg jnf znqr vagragvbanyyl nzovthbhf fb crbcyr pbhyq pbzr hc jvgu gurve bja gurbevrf. Fb va zl zvaq Ryrnabe naq ure cneragf unq abguvat gb qb jvgu gurfr qrnguf (V pnyy gurz n phefr sbe fvzcyvpvgl'f fnxr, ohg vg qbrfa'g unir gb or gung arprffnevyl), ohg vs lbh guvax gung'f gur pnfr gura zber cbjre gb h.
[Comment has spoilers]
I really liked this a lot. One thing I found particularly impressive was the pacing of the gameplay experience, which I would divide into the following sections:
- 1. Act I - tutorial section, manages to teach mechanics and convey effectively to the player the level of difficulty and methodical deduction expected of them. Figuring out all the names while not having to deal with all the rooms yet.
- 2. Act II - getting increasingly confused before figuring out the twist and the numbering, I figured this out halfway through the act, but even if you're stumped you'll definitely have it figured out by 12. Once this is sorted out it becomes more fun to revisit old scenes and understand them differently
- 3. Making steady progress forward in time. (While also leaving some tantalizing mysteries behind that you can't yet solve.) Pushing through here might eventually get boring but then...
- 4. Barrage of deaths (18-23) - it really feels like this section has a lot of forward story momentum. Very sad and dramatic feeling as everything descends into chaos.
- 5. Getting to the finale (25, 26), slower pace, sadness.
- 6. Once you've gotten here it feels fun to go back over the old scenes some of which you haven't read since the twist. Somewhere in here think I figured out the lateral jump about the scene with person 12. But generally the game rewards playing methodically and fleshing out all the scenes by elimination. I think this avoids the trap some deduction games fall into where towards the end you're just bored of reading the same scenes over and over looking for a needle in a haystack. This is also where I figured out the contagion mechanism. There was also a nice mix of randomly finding new scenes, and finding tricky scenes I knew I was missing which felt satisfying.
- 7. The lateral jump about timeslot 25, you understand you're missing something here by the beginning of 6, but finishing 6 helps you narrow down which remaining references are relevant and gives your thoughts some time to ferment. And by the end there are 5-6 clues pointing you to the right place. I think the additional clues the author added here are really helpful.
- 8 The lateral jump about the narrator and finding file 98. I wasn't able to figure this out without some peeking, and would have appreciated maaaybe one more clue. (Maybe 21-CH-3 should be marked as containing an extra reference? Maybe a second dream mention in 00-final-note?)
I'd be curious to hear how this matches or doesn't match other people's play experience!
I really liked the title. The number of times I was stuck, and typing 'help' did in fact get me unstuck felt very clever. ❤️
I also found it funny how often I would enter a filename I was pretty certain of, it wouldn't work, and later I would enter the 'same' filename again just to double-check and it worked. Felt like https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2011-10-04
Really loved this game. Made me remember Obra Dinn so fondly and makes me want to play all the other games you mentioned as inspirations. I started with a lot of apprehension and while taking a break from work and wow its like idk how many hours later and I just finished the game in almost a single sitting.
I see others mentioned a Qernz Fprar which I missed (might check for it again later)
Vz phevbhf nobhg ubj Znegun naq Ivpgbevn rng oernxsnfg vs Gubeagba vf nyernql tbar ng qvaare gur cerivbhf avtug?
Any ideas on that anyone?
Devoured this game in one sitting. I didn't go past Act 2 until I had all of the previous events figured out, which meant that I realized the basics of the mystery early on (which still felt very satisfying!). Also meant that I found a certain file waaaay ahead of time, which made the actual end a little anti-climactic, if still compelling. I did not like the final secret, however -- it did not work at all like the rest of the game and also confused me as I had already made a couple of attempts at the minigame and realized what was up. The link refused to load for me, too, which only added to my frustration as I felt like I was missing something huge -- a connection I had somehow missed? I was not.
Still, that's only a pet peeve with what amounts to an easter egg -- the game itself is incredible. Deeply enjoyed my time with it, would recommend it to anyone who enjoys deductive games, would love to see more games like this!!
I sat down and opened up the game. Then, almost immediately, I opened up a notepad file to take notes. Then, not long after, I opened a second concurrent file for a different type of information. Eventually, a third. These weren’t even fully necessary mechanically — I was just becoming increasingly invested in tracking the non-essential details and character dynamics. I crunched through the game in a single (fairly long) sitting and feltsatisfied with every part of it. It was tremendously well-executed.
The big questions, the details, combing through to answer every question and find every last scene. The fact that it was possible (mechanically) to make leaps ahead of what seemed to be the set of intended paths if an idea occurred to you. The details that fleshed out the characters and dynamics. The avoidance of over-explaining. It’s all wonderful.
I really love a game that trusts the player to buy in and do the mental legwork required to get invested and understand that some context will never be explicit or even fully outlined. This gave that in spades.
I might go so far as to say that, while I tremendously enjoyed Obra Dinn and can clearly see the inspiration, I enjoyed this gamemore. Thank you for the fantastic experience!
99.9%'d it (zvffrq gur qernz fprar) on my own and I just want to reiterate the praises! It is a fantastic and compelling puzzle game and I had a lot of fun playing it. I loved the mystery behind it (and the mystery behind that!).
My favourite moments was undoubtedly when I figured out the first main twist and then frantically going back to check nyy gur vafgnaprf bs guhaqrepyncf, unun. Gur avtug fprarf nyfb, sbe fbzr ernfba? They felt very real. The writing in general helped me connect with the characters (2 my beloved) which made it all the more impactful.
GREAT great work I'll be recommending it for sure, thank you!!!
This is an amazing, amazing game. And I am not finished. But I figure I will do a typo report but it is a light spoiler so I'll space it out.
in "11-BI-*-*", "Why do think I have anything to do with this?" should instead be "Why doyouthink I have anything to do with this?" (missing word bolded and italicized for emphasis)
Elsewise, amazing work and I will comment further when I'm actually finished <3
I finished this a week ago and I haven't stopped thinking about it. What a well-crafted story. As other commenters noted, the pacing is immaculate and each revelation about our characters and the situation they're in is perfect right up until the end where we're asked to make one last "leap" in logic, which I think was perfectly fair even if it stumped me for an hour plus. The biggest revelation for me was not even that final puzzle, it was the one that requires us to make the same deduction about a character we know existed but none of the characters in our story remember. Now THAT'S a great puzzle -- made me gasp out loud when I reread those early logs as I realized what this meant for the story. Lastly, I think the framing device is perfect and adds a deep sense of mystery and eventually horror as we realize what happened to all these people, the first investigators and now, presumably, us...
I don't think hangman game was meant to be unwinnable. There's an another way to win it we still hasn't found yet, or a glitch prevents it.
Why? Look at the update log above. What did the author write in there?
Fixed: 'hangman' not accepting correct solution.
There's at least one 'correct solution'. So it's meant to be solvable, obviously.
I lost some progress with this so I'm still in the middle of going through Act 3 but I just want to saythank youfor making this interesting mystery game. Also, the ability to name each section is giving me too much power because for example 1 has been redubbed "Marley was dead to begin with" and 26 is "No pool at Sunset Boulevard".
That works too. I saw a similarity with SB as people in the intro walked up to mansion and found a dead body right outside it, and Iranwith it. Likewise making Dine puns.
On another note I finished! I'm a little sad that finding out @'s name doesn't do anything, and there's some plot-threads left dangling. But I had a lot of fun and killed a couple days running this. Keeping manual notes didn't help me as much as making a spreadsheet to visually track names by location and time, and a different setup to track various objects. This really was a well-coded text adventure and I'm glad I got to play it.
I am confused about the ending, I left my questions here if someone wants to explain their theory to me. Also, I included my complete notes that I took. I recorded the file codes in the order that I accessed them, besides the People section. [SPOILERS ABOUT THE ENDING BELOW]
bxnl fb V guvax gur phefr vf na napvrag phefr gung jvcrf n crefba sebz gur jbeyq naq sebz gur zrzbevrf bs rirelbar, xvaqn yvxr gur ErMreb Juvgr Junyr, Gur Fvyrapr, Rgreany Fhafuvar bs gur Fcbgyrff Zvaq, Gb gur Zbba, rgp.
Vg ragref gur ubhfr ivn zhfvp, naq gura vg whzcf sebz Naavr gb Xngr naq crefvfgf hagvy vg ernpurf na vairfgvtngbe.
1. Jung qbrf gur unatzna ercerfrag? V qba'g haqrefgnaq jul ur gevrf fbzrguvat jura Naavr nyernql gevrq vg? Vg vf vzcyvrq gung vg qbrfa'g jbex. Jung vf lbhe gurbel ba jul uvf nggrzcg jbexf jura Naavr'f qvq abg?
2. V qba'g xabj jung gur ORYY fbhaq zrnaf gurzngvpnyyl?
3. V qba'g xabj vs Ryrnabe vf n erq ureevat. Qbrf fur vaivgr gur phefr va? Be vf fur whfg na vaabprag puvyq naq Bfjnyq jebatyl nggevohgrf vg gb ure?
4. V qba'g xabj ubj byq guvf phefr vf, vs vg pnzr sebz Nzryvn Jrfg?
---26-RA-1 - bar qrngu vf havdhr
---n qbyy oernxf
---K 02-YV-4-5-6-7-8-9
---K 04-YV-4-7
---rirelbar yrnirf gur yvivat ebbz
---guerr crbcyr fgnegrq va gur yvivat ebbz (Znegun 5, Uryra 9)
---sbhe crbcyr wbva gur yvivat ebbz (Wbua 1, Rqqvr 6, Gbal 4, Ivp 7)
---Qnzvna svaqf na haxabja obql
---jvar oernxf
---Rqzhaq ybfg gur ratntrzrag evat
---xrl gb gur puncry
---06 Fghql 1 naq Gubeagba 06-FG-1-11
---Gubegba vf va gur Xvgpura sebz 2-5
---10 tbrf gb Xvgpura Orgjrra 2-6 03-XV-10-11
---tvir gur xrl gb Bfjnyq
---ubg pbpbn sbe Naavr Qnhre jub jnagf gb tb gb Senapr
---Qnzvna gnxrf Naavr gb Rqqvr’f ebbz 06-RQ-8-10
---Naavr jnagf ure oebgure
---Qnzvna yrnirf 07-RQ-10
---Rir vf whfg fyrrcvat
---r'f pheeragyl gnyxvat gb Rqqvr va gur Xvgpura 08-XV-1-6
---Ohg V guvax Bfjnyq vf hc gb fbzrguvat gbb. 03-NG-2-3
---Gbal arire tbrf onpx gb RQ
---K 09-RQ-10
---Naavr naq Bfjnyq qba’g xabj rnpu bgure naq qb abg pbafcver
---3 yrnirf ohg 2 erznvaf K 04-NG-3
---fbzrbar vf qrnq va gur xvgpura,
---Ubj pbhyq V unir fbzrguvat gb qb jvgu guvf? V jnf gurer ng gur Qvavat ebbz gnoyr jvgu rirelbar ryfr!
---Rqqvr cbhef n tynff bs jvar?
---[@] Gurer'f n guhaqrepync bhgfvqr.
---Naq V sbhaq n abgr gurer nobhg n cresbeznapr bs Qibenx'f Uhzberfdhrf, nygubhtu V'q arire urneq bs gur cvnavfg. 07-FG-3
---Bfjnyq gryyf Wbua gb purpx Gbal’f Ebbz K 10-GB-1-?
---frrzf yvxr rirelbar jnf univat qvaare ng 07. 07-QV-1-4-5-6-7-8-9. Ab Rir, ab Bfjnyq
07-QV-1-2-4-5-6-7-8-9 (Ab Fyrrcvat Rir, ab Bfjnyq)
---Gbal naq Naavr unq n pung rneyvre (2-4)
---Naavr guvaxf fur fnl Ehcreg rneyvre
---Gur xvgpura vf orybj gur Xvgpura ol n qhzojnvgre
---Wbua naq Rqqvr tb gb gur Xvgpura (08-XV-1-6)
---Znegun tbrf gb svaq Bfjnyq 5
---Gbal tbrf gb uvf fvfgre va Rqqvr’f Ebbz ng Qnzvra’f fhttrfgvbaf (08-RQ-4-10)
---rirelbar ryfr erznvaf (08-QV-2-7-8-9)
---Naavr fnj fbzrbar fur xabjf fgrny cbpxrg jngpu sebz Uryra’f orqebbz.
---PENFU sebz nobir, Ivp tbrf gb purpx
---Naavr naq Qnzvra tb gnyx va Ivp’f ebbz 09-IV-2-8
---Ivp, cynl gur cvnab va gur Yvivat ebbz naq V'yy pbzr (N guveq crefba wbvaf gurz) 11-YV-1-7-8
---Uryra unf n ebbz gung unq n cbpxrg jngpu va vg
---Naq V pnzr qbja gb gur Yvivat ebbz whfg orsber qvaare, ohg bayl Uryra jnf gurer. 06-YV-2-9
---Naavr: Gbal'f cebonoyl uvqqra vg fbzrjurer (Qnzvra tbrf gb Gbal 10-??-4-8
---Gurl obgu yrnir, Qnzvna gb Gbal, Naavr gb svaq Bfjnyq 10-QV-2-3
---Naavr naq Uryra pung nobhg gur fgbyra cbpxrgjngpu
---Gbal fnvq... Ur fnvq gurer jnf n anzr ba gur obk.
---Gurl tb gb qvaare
---Gur sebag qbbe pna snvagyl or urneq bcra, gura pybfr, gura bcra ntnva., oryy evatf, qbbe pybfrf ntnva
---K 03-DH-11
---Znegun naq Uryra jrer unatvat bhg? Ohg jurer
---Qnzvna jnf cerivbhfyl jbexvat ba znxvat gur cubar jbex jvgu Ivp 01–QV-7-8
---Ivpgbevn unaqf fbzrguvat gb Naavr gung Rqqvr jbhyq erpbtavmr
---Bfjnyq ivfvgf gur fghql naq yrnirf
---Naavr pungf jvgu Bfjnyq nobhg 2 qrnq obqvrf, Ehcreg naq Trbetr
---Bfjnyq vaivgrf ure gb uvf ebbz 11-BF-2-3
---Ivp cynlf gur cvnab
---Gurl zragvba Ryrnabe
---gurer’f fbzrbar ryfr va gur cvpgher gung Bfjnyq qbrfa’g erpbtavmr
---gurl purpx gur ovyyvneqf ebbz
---Ivp V jnf whfg gnyxvat gb fbzrbar va urer nobhg
---Qnzvna sbhaq gur cbpxrg jngpu, ur nyfb sbhaq n qrnq obql bs n lbhat jbzna
---Wbua fcbxr jvgu Gbal va uvf ebbz 10-GB-1-4
---[7 Ivpgbevn] Jr'yy unaq onpx gur cbpxrg jngpu naq gura jr'yy yrnir gb Zhz'f ubhfr... Jr'yy trg Naavr naq tb
---DH vf sybbqrq
---Lbh pna urne gur gjb crbcyr va gur Ovyyvneq ebbz. (Uryra naq znyr) 11-OV-6-9
---gurl nyy yrnir gb gur ovyyvneqf ebbz
---Rqqvr sbetbg nobhg Rir, ohg qvq svaq n lbhat jbzna rneyvre
---Rqqvr sbhaq gur evat
---[@] Crefba 6 yrnirf, naq fubegyl nsgrejneqf rirelbar ryfr va gur ubhfr neevirf.
---Znegun yvrf nobhg pnyyvat gur cbyvpr ol @
---Gbal naq Rqqvr unir n srhq 4-6 ohg rirelbar ryfr tbrf gb fyrrc
---Rqqvr farnxf va gb fgrny Gbal’f tha hfvat n frperg ragenapr naq gura tbrf gb gur yvivat ebbz 14-YV-6
---Znegun qvrf jvgu gur guhaqrepync, @ vf Fgbpxubyz Flaqebzrq
---Ivp yvrf nobhg gnyxvat gb Uryra ng YV 10 (10-YV-2-7)
---@ tvirf hf 15‑IV‑1‑2‑4‑5‑7
---Uryra naq Ivpgbevn unir n phgr pung (juvpu Ivpgbevn yngre sbetrgf)
---Ivpgbevn tvirf ure ynfg anzr bs Znfrxb
---Rqqvr cynlf cvnab (fnzr fbat nf 01), Ivpgbevn lryyf, Rqqvr yrnirf ohg qbrfa’g tb gb IV
---Ivpgbevn svaqf n qrnq zna va ure orq jura gur cvnab cynlf naq fpernzf
---ab bar ryfr frrzf gb unir n 14?
---1-2-4 tb gb svaq Rqqvr naq Bfjnyq
---5-7 tb gb QV
---Ivpgbevn gbbx bss gur oenpryrg (Rqqvr’f Oenpryrg cebonoyl)
---Znegun tbrf gb purpx ba gur znfgre orqebbz 17-ZN-1-5
---naq crefba 7 pbagvahrf gb rng. 17-QV-6-7
---[@] Rqvg: V guvax V'ir sbhaq gur svany pyhr V jnf ybbxvat sbe Yrg'f whfg ubcr gurl xrcg gur obql...
---Bfjnyq jnf gnyxvat gb gjb sevraqf va 14? 14-QV-1-2-3
---gurl yrnir sbe gur xvgpura 16-XV-3-6
---[1 Wbua Uboorf] Jnvg! Orsber lbh tb... Vs nalbar svaqf fbzrguvat arj be arrqf gb trg rirelbar'f nggragvba, cynl gur cvnab va gur Yvivat ebbz. Jr'yy nyy zrrg gurer. Qbrf gung fbhaq nyy evtug?
---[3 Bfjnyq] Ng ure jrqqvat! V jnf gurer ng ure jrqqvat... Nfx ure jub fur zneevrq...
---1 yrnirf gb svaq Znegun, 6 yrnirf gb svaq Ivp
---gur cbpxrg jngpu fnlf “Ehcreg” ba vg
---Naavr vf znq gung Gbal qebccrq gur qbyy
---Naavr gryyf Gbal gb teno gur oenpryrg orarngu ure cvyybj, 18-NG-4
---Fur yrnirf, naq gura ur yrnirf.
---Bfjnyq rngf n fanpx naq qvrf
---qbyy qebccrq
---Znegun fgnlf 18-ZN-5
---Wbua tbrf gb gur Nggvp 18-NG-1-4
---Gbal yrnirf, Wbua fgnlf 19-NG-1-2
---[2 Naavr] V sbhaq nabgure obql ylvat arkg gb gur bar jr sbhaq guvf zbeavat. 18-IV-2-7
---gur cubar vf va Qvavat ebbz
---Naavr tbrf gb Znegun’f 20-ZN-2-5
---Wbua tbrf gb Qvavat 20-QV-1
---Naavr jvgarffrf Ivp’f guhaqrepync
---Gurer’f n qrnq obql va gur qvavat ebbz
---Xngurevar vf Naavr Ornhzbag’f zbz
---cvnab cynlf
---Wbua wbvaf gur bguref
---Gurer’f n obql va gur yvivat ebbz (vg vf Znegun) 20-YV-2-5
---Gbal naq Naavr jrer va gur nggvp jura Wbua neevirq 02-NG-2-4
---Gbal svaqf gur tha ba Rqqvr
---Znegun pnzr naq fcbxr gb Gbal lrfgreqnl, nsgre Wbua qvfnccrnerq gb ybbx ng gur cvnab!
---Gbal svtherf vg bhg ohg pbyyncfrf
---Naavr arrqf gb trg bhg bs gurer
---Wbua fgnlf 22-YV-1
---Znegun fnlf V'z gnxvat pner bs guvatf. Ohg pbyyncfrf
---Gbal qebcf n qbyy, gura tbrf gb gur yvivat ebbz
---Wbua ehaf gb gur Puncry 23-RA-1
---Bfjnyq pnhtug Gbal jvgu tha va uvf orqebbz. V jbhyqa'g gehfg uvz. Vg'f orggre vs ur qbrfa'g xabj jr'er urer, V guvax.
---Naavr fnlf fur gnyxrq gb fbzrbar evtug orsberunaq
---Naavr gevrf gb fubbg urefrys ohg guhaqrepync unccraf
---Xngr gnyxf gb Wbua
---[@] Rqvg: V guvax V'ir fcbggrq gur cnggrea. V pna'g oryvrir V qvqa'g abgvpr guvf bevtvanyyl... V arrq gb grfg n gurbel.
---[@] Rqvg: ybbxvat onpx ng nyy gur qrnguf, vg'f pyrne gurer'f bar gung qbrfa'g dhvgr svg gur cnggrea. Jul?
01–QV-7-8 ?
---Bfjnyq gnyxf gb uvzfrys
---Nzryvn vf gur fbat
---[@] Rqvg: V'ir znantrq gb pbaivapr gurz gb erpbire gur nhqvb sebz bar zber obql, ba gbc bs gur bevtvany gjryir. V unir n gurbel V jnag gb grfg. (Nygubhtu, vg'f n funzr guvf bar jba'g svg vagb zl obql ahzorevat flfgrz...) (vf ur ersreevat gb uvzfrys?)
---Naavr zbarl
---Ivp vf certanag
---fur’f jrnevat fbzrguvat
---vg vf rirf oveguqnl
---fur’f qevaxvat juvfxrl
---Bfjnyq jnf vaivgrq ol Rqqvr naq ur vf cynlvat n fbat erdhrfgrq ol Rqqvr
---Gbal gbhpurf gur cbpxrg jngpu (juvpu unf Ehcreg’f anzr ba vg)
---Gbal fgrnyf gur cbpxrg jngpu
---Bfjnyq vf ehqr gb gur ohgyre
---Gbal vf gur svefg gb abgvpr fbzrguvat jrveq vf tbvat ba
---Naa arrqf zbarl
---Ivp urycf Rqqvr svaq gur evat
---Ze Qhre vf ohfl
---Znegun gnyxf nobhg gur oenpryrg
---Bfjnyq vf whfg ybbxvat nebhaq, Gbal znxrf fher gur tha naq cbpxrg jngpu ner fgvyy gurer
---ohgyre qvrf evtug jura ur svtherf bhg gur gehgu
---Bfjnyq lryyf ng Znegun
---Rir qvrf….
---Ivp naq Znegun sbetrg Rir
---Gbal ybfrf fbzrguvat
---hfvat 00-nhqvb-erpbirel, guvf unccraf evtug nsgre Xngr erzrzoref nobhg ure qnhtugre
---Uboorf ivfvgf Gbal
---Qnzvna ybbgf Rir’f obql sbe n cbpxrg jngpu
---Rqqvr sbetrgf nobhg Rir
---Gbal gnxrf uvf tha
---Rqqvr ybbxf sbe Gbal’f tha
---vg’f abg tubfgf?
---Bfjnyq fgnlf gb qvar
---Ivp ernyvmrf jung vf unccravat
---Rqqvr sbetrgf Ivp
---Bfjnyq gryyf Znegun gb ohea gur cubgbf
---Rqqvr pevrf nobhg gur oenpryrg, Gbal ybbgf Rqqvr’f obql sbe xrlf gb gur cnagel
---Bfjnyq jneaf Gbal gb fgnl njnl sebz tubfgl crbcyr
Nsgre trggvat nyy gur svyrf, gurer’f n arj zrffntr va zl vaobk. Naq gura unatzna cynlf.
V qba’g trg gur checbfr bs gur unatzna tnzr bs [@]?
Crefba 1 Wbua Uboorf
- Qbrfa’g xabj gur Tnyyrlf
- Frcnengrq sebz Pyner
Crefba 2 Naavr Tnyyrl
Crefba 3 Bfjnyq
---7 FG, 8 ?, 9 QV, 10 QV
---‘hapyr’ glcr gb Rqqvr
---V unq n terng-hapyr pnyyrq Ehcreg, nygubhtu V arire zrg uvz.
Crefba 4 Gbal Qnhre
---3-NG, 4-YV
Crefba 5 Znegun Tnyyrl
---Whfg wbvarq gur Tnyyrl fheanzr
---cebonoyl zneevrq gb Ehcreg Tnyyrl
---Zbgure bs Rqqvr
Crefba 6 Rqqvr Tnyyrl
---1 YV,
---erny anzr vf Rqzhaq
---ratntrq gb Rir
---unq n syvat jvgu Ivpgbevn va gur cnfg
Crefba 7 Ivpgbevn Znfrxb
---4 NG, 10 YV
Crefba 8 Qnzvna Znfrxb
---pbhegvat Ivpgbevn
---irel unaqfbzr
---frrzf gbb dhvrg naq frevbhf.
---fyrrcvat jvgu lbhe fvfgre, Naavr
---Sebz Ybaqba, gevc gb Rtlcg
Crefba 9 Uryra Qnhre
---10-YV, 11-OV, 12-OV, 14-IV, 15-IV, 16-QV, 17-QV
---Zef Qnhre
---Zbz bs Gbal
---Zbz bs Rir
Crefba 10 Rir Qnhre
---?, 2 RA, 3 XV,
---Fvfgre bs Ivpgbevn
---Ratntrq gb Rqqvr, guerj gur evat
Crefba 11 Gubegba
---Jbexf sbe Ehcreg
---unq n naprfgbe anzrq Trbetr Gubeagba
Crefba 12 Ehcreg Tnyyrl
Ryvmnorgu Tnyyrl unq n puvyq anzrq Ryrnabe Tnyyrl
Nzryvn Jrfg jnf n cvnab cynlre jub tbg GUHAQREPYNC qvfnccrnerq
V qba'g oryvrir gur phefr vf zhfvpny, gur vzcerffvba V tbg jnf gung vg jnf n culfvpny vgrz gung erzvaqrq rnpu crefba bs gur bar orsber naq gung zrzragb vf gur npghny znex ba gurve yvsr. Fbzrbar ryfr va gur pbzzragf orybj yvfgrq rnpu vafgnapr va juvpu fbzrguvat yvxr gung unccrarq, ohg V jvyy fcrpvsvpnyyl qenj nggragvba gb cvnab erpvgny bs Nzryvn Jrfg vf jung znqr Ehcreg erzrzore ure renfher naq yvxryl ortna ntnva n punva. Vg'f vzcyvrq nabgure bar bppheerq qhevat gur gvzr bs gur Rkgreany Vairfgvtngbe fb nffhznoyr gung gurer ner zhygvcyr punvaf gung guvf fjnaxl arj obql erpbeqvat grpuabybtl vf noyr gb yrg gurz svaq bhg nobhg.
Gur Unatzna tnzr gb zr vf n zrgncube nobhg gur sngr bs gur Vairfgvtngbe. Rira vs vg jnfa'g vagragvbany ur qvrq sbe gur gehgu bs guvatf gb pbzr bhg. Jul ur pbqrq na hajvaanoyr tnzr gb tvir gur zrffntr vg qvq jura lbh ybfr? Creuncf ur jnagrq jubrire pnzr nsgre gb xabj ur xarj nobhg ubj ur jbhyq qvr ohg jnf unccl gb phg nyy gvrf fb gur phefr raqrq jvgu uvz. Ur znl jryy unir znqr fher nyy culfvpny be qvtvgny rivqrapr bs uvzfrys jnf fpehoorq va gur gvzr ur unq orgjrra orvat znexrq naq gura qlvat, juvyr znxvat fher nyy gur srj jub jbhyq xabj jub ur jnf jbhyq arire unir qverpg pbagnpg jvgu uvf jbex, whfg va pnfr.
1.Gb fhzznevfr n ovg bs jung V jnf fnlvat, Naavr xvyyrq urefrys ohg vg'f n qrngu phefr naljnl. Evpuneq, nf V'yy pnyy gur Vairfgvtngbe ol uvf npghny anzr, frrzf gb unir cresbezrq uvf qrngu va zber bs na vqragvgl frafr, ceriragvat gur xabjyrqtr bs uvzfrys pbagvahvat gb fbzrbar ryfr. Ol gur gvzr fbzrbar whzcf guebhtu nyy gur ubbcf va beqre gb qvfpbire uvf anzr gurl xabj shyy jryy abg gb oevat vg hc.
2+3. Nffhzvat lbh'er gnyxvat nobhg gur oryy gung'f urneq va gur xvgpura gjvpr, gung'f pnhfrq ol chyyvat gur ebcr va gur Nggvp. Ryrnabe, jub nyjnlf jnf n erq ureevat sbe phefr vaibyirzrag, zbfgyl xrcg gb ure ebbz hc gurer yrnqvat hc gb ure gentvp qrngu, naq yvxryl hfrq vg va beqre gb or oebhtug sbbq naq qevax. Whfg nabgure jnl bs fubjpnfvat ubj fnq vg jnf sbe gur snzvyl rira orsber gur phefr tbg gur erznvavat zrzoref.
Vs lbh'er npghnyyl ba nobhg gur guhaqre, vg vf phevbhf jung vf npghnyyl znxvat gung abvfr, fvapr vg'f abgrq vg'f urneq rira jura vg'f abg fgbezl nal zber. N yvgreny Qrngu Xaryy, gubhtu fbhaqvat yvxr guhaqre engure guna n oryy.I've created a cheat sheet/walk-through for those who are stuck
MAJOR SPOILER WARNING (It spoils the whole game. You've been warned)
If you still have references in your file, just search the file in the cheat sheet and it will show you the reference scenes.
Hmm, that doesn't sound good. You should only have one scene left to find, and every scene should have at least one other scene that references it.
Is it possible you're missing where 6 is in 12? That seems to be the most common issue others have had.
If not, let me know and I can try and help some more.
(Also, I mean, technically 01-QU, 02-EN and 03-LI aren't referenced by other scenes, but I figure it's unlikely you're missing one of those!)
Video games aren't often my thing so this was pitched as something a little different, and it ended up being one of the best I've ever played- up to and including Obra Dinn. Wears its influences stylishly on its sleeve and becomes wholly unique in the process; gave me the same rush of satisfaction that comes with working out a sudoku if sudoku left you thinking about it for days afterwards and recommending it to people like it's a Jackson or Woolf novel. Love seeing people help each other out in the comments too :-)
I found a good way to view all the files at once.
Using the 'find' command, when you just type 'find' and enter it without anything else, it will pull up all found files you have so far with titles and everything. I've found it super helpful, I know some people were complaining about it being annoying to type list, list 2 etc without it becoming confusing and time consuming . Even with the updates making it easier to view acts, if you want to view all of them this works really well.
Thanks, I used you to fill in some of my blanks.
(Help you get unstuck) [spoilers ahead]
You are missing something in Act 1 IGNORANCE. There's a thunderclap in 01. It is similar to what happens in 07-KI-11 and 13-MA-5. the thing in 01 will give you the code to a `00` snippet.
I don't know what to do with the (1) from the `00` snippet though. let me know if you have a hint for me.
if you are still stuck...
try `find theory`
[3 OSWALD GALLEY] Where's he off to now?
[5 MARTHA GALLEY] Oh... He said this song reminded him of something. You'll have to forgive him — he can be a little eccentric sometimes!
[3 OSWALD GALLEY] He hasn't changed since we were children, then.
notes: think about who "he" might be - who has oswald known since he was a child? another hint would be the family drawings/photos that oswald and martha have
for hangman, you just have to type "hangman (letter)". for example, if you wanted to guess the letter A then you would type in "hangman a"
I have 94 stored files, including (ROT13)
00-qernz, juvpu V guvax V tbg whfg ol glcvat vg nsgre er-ernqvat gur cnffntr nobhg gur qernz, ohg V unir n srryvat V fubhyq'ir tbggra vg va nabgure znaare.
Gurer ner fbzr haerfbyirq ersreraprf:
(1) 07-RQ-10
(1) 10-ZN-5-6
(1) 19-XV-3-5
Pna V trg fbzr yvtug uvagf? Gunax lbh!
07-ED-10: check what @ says at the end
10-MA-5-6: the most vague reference that i think is most likely for you to not have gotten is from this line of dialogue:
[5 MARTHA GALLEY] No, of course not! He came in here earlier threatening me. He seems to think that he deserves this house to himself just because he used to live here!
19-KI-3-5: i'm not really sure what reference you're missing from this file but maybe this?
[5 MARTHA GALLEY] I don't know what to do... I was with Eddie in my room just a moment ago, but I can't tell him about this... How could I? I can't explain that there's a ghost in all our memories...
make sure to check your inbox!
sorry if you already have the files these are hinting to. if i'm wrong about the files you're missing please type a list of the files you have/you could also create a chart to see where each person is at what file since everyone is either somewhere or dead in each scene number. hope this helps :)
Thank you!
I feel silly for having missed 07-ED-10 since it was actually spelled out :)
I think I already got the reference you're alluding to, it's 08-MA-3-5, there must be something else.
Same for 19-KI-3-5, (18-MA-5-6) everyone's accounted for in each scene, there must be something else.
I only have one message in Inbox, the original invitation.
EDIT: LOL, I was missing18-KI-3 and 12-TO-6. That's 97 files and apparently one missing.
... And done :) Thank you again!
Ugh what a fantastic game! Such a cool story and game play. The characterisation is handled so well, especially for a text based game. Great puzzles, never felt impossible but was always tricky. Incredible! <3
also gur jubyr zrzbel xvyyvat pbaprcg vf fb pbby. Sryg irel serfu naq perrcl. Gur erirny vf qbar fb jryy, ernyyl srryf yvxr hapbirevat fbzrguvat lbh fubhyqa'g or.
Wonderful game!
Curious if anyone can clarify some of the events -
Va nyy bs gur qrnguf, gur crefba qvrq jura gurl erzrzorerq gur cerivbhf crefba va gur punva, naq va zbfg (be nyy?) pnfrf vg jnf qhr gb erzrzorevat na bowrpg be frafr nffbpvngrq jvgu gurz.
-Ehcreg erzrzoref Nzryvn sebz gur cvnab zhfvp
-Gubeagba erzrzoref Ehcreg sebz gur Puncry Xrl
-Rir erzrzoref Gubeagba sebz gur ubg pubpbyngr
-Uryra erzrzoref Rir sebz gur evat
-Qnzvna erzrzoref Uryra sebz gur jngpu
-Ivp erzrzoref Qnzvna sebz gur evat? (guvf bar V'z hapregnva ba, vg'f jura Rqqvr vf cebcbfvat gb ure)
-Rqqvr erzrzoref Ivp sebz gur oenpryrg
-Znegun erzrzoref Rqqvr sebz gur cvnab zhfvp
-Gbal erzrzoref Znegun sebz gur creshzr (uhttvat ure va gur rneyvre fprar, urnevat Naavr qrfpevor gur creshzr, gura purpxvat gur obqvrf)
-Bfjnyq erzrzoref Gbal sebz (gur zragvba bs) gur tha
-Naavr erzrzoref Bfjnyq sebz gur yvfg naq/be ure zrzbel bs gur qenjvat
-Xngurevar erzrzoref Naavr (abg fher, ohg cbffvoyl sebz gur cubar naq gur cerivbhf pnyy)
Univat arire zrg Xngurevar va crefba, Uboorf zvtug unir orra fnsr sebz gur phefr nsgre fur qvrq.
This is the same conclusion I had as well! Naq lrf, fvapr Wbua qbrfa'g unir nal culfvpny zrzragbf bs Xngurevar be Naa, ur vfa'g nssrpgrq ol gur phefr. Ur xvyyf uvzfrys bhg bs gur ubeebe bs jung'f unccrarq, naq vfa'g nssrpgrq ol gur phefr (gurersber uvf obql vf gur bayl bar gung'f noyr gb or vqragvsvrq, nf zragvbarq va gur vageb). Nf sbe Xngurevar, vg frrzf gung Naa unf tbggra urefrys vagb fbzr fbeg bs qrog ceboyrz, fb V svther gung Xngurevar unq fbzr fbeg bs culfvpny erzvaqre bs gung fbzrjurer va gur ubhfr, naq gung'f jung fcnexrq ure zrzbel.
Xngurevar qbrfa'g zragvba Naa ng nyy hagvy Wbua nfxf ure vs fur xabjf jub gung vf (rira gubhtu Naa vf gur znva ernfba fur vf fb vairfgrq va nyy guvf va gur svefg cynpr). Vg frrzf gung fur nyfb sbetbg sbe n gvzr, ohg Wbua zragvbavat gur anzr znqr ure erzrzore. Gur cnggrea jvgu rirelbar ryfr pregnvayl frrzf gb or gung gurl sbetrg jub gur crefba vf hagvy gurl unir fbzr fbeg bs erzvaqre va sebag bs gurz (tbbq rknzcyr bs guvf jbhyq or Ivpgbevn erzrzorevat Qnzvna).