Ancient Cornish Language (1790), edited by William Pryce, M.D. of Redruth,Cornwall. A Cornish Song. Pelea era why moaz, moz, fettow, teag, Gen agaz bedgeth...
2 KB (374 words) - 23:34, 14 March 2009
Ancient Cornish Language (1790), edited by William Pryce, M.D. of Redruth,Cornwall. One Parson’s Certificate to another, to marry a Couple, whose Banns had...
3 KB (555 words) - 20:17, 7 March 2018
è il gigant returnà a chasa. El era stà a visitar ses ami, l’um-luf daCornwall. Set onns era el stà tar lez. Cur ch’ils set onns èn stads passads, aveva...
10 KB (1,734 words) - 19:36, 30 June 2024
Kotsyintsyinänapük, tibät, lislad, kornig (dialeg kältik in topäd di ‚Cornwall‛), kitsyuv (pük länans vönik Peruväna). Lü ats dialegs nemu 50 pükas at...
14 KB (1,973 words) - 15:01, 10 February 2007
Drucken des 16. Jhs. b) Kornisch, im Mittelalter Sprache der HalbinselCornwall, jetzt ausgestorben. c) Bretonisch (französ. bas-breton) oder aremorisch...
503 bytes (3,706 words) - 22:26, 1 August 2020
පංතිය I: රට අනුව වර්ගකළ ලේඛන උප පංතිය IC: CountiesCornwall • Surrey Subclass IN: Nations Afghanistan • Albania • Algeria • Andorra • Angola • Antigua...
76 KB (13 words) - 07:16, 18 May 2024
«Els avevan fatg falliment per in milliun, la mesadad da las famiglias daCornwall aveva pers lur daners e Neligan è svanì.» «Gea. Neligan era mes bab.» Finalmain...
36 KB (6,240 words) - 19:47, 30 June 2024
give you "Goidelic" speech. It will fare with Mann as it has done withCornwall: the language is overridden and ousted by English; the schoolmaster is...
438 bytes (14,687 words) - 02:50, 20 May 2021
courser. L. 1975. Does this rhyme of patris and spiritus shew that inCornwall, as now in Wales, the u had the sound of i? L. 1978. Pryce gives reworro...
111 KB (18,845 words) - 09:41, 17 June 2020
hastig in Bidriu numen. Do Englounder baue Ura-nertse ou in Devonshire unCornwall. Do Franzosen bi Lemoges un ock do näije in Bidriu numene Urangruben an...
1.13 MB (196,723 words) - 14:32, 21 July 2022
numnadamain pers mes quint – sun jau m’auzà da la lieunga da terra daCornwall en l’Engalterra ed hai prendì cun mai ina nursa per far cun quella davant...
169 KB (29,483 words) - 19:46, 30 June 2024