QA/Youtube Embedded Rewrite
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Youtube Embed Rewrite is currently enabled starting with Firefox 46. and it's about using HTML5 for playing embed videos instead of Flash.
Feature Ownership
QA Lead:Mihai Boldan, :mboldan onIRC
Developer contacts: Chris Petersonmail , :cpeterson on IRC and Kyle Machulismail , :kmachulis or :qdot on IRC
Enabling the feature
- Enabled by default in Nightly and Aurora:
- Build from2016-01-14bug 769117
Go to about:config
and the value:
- Example page with Youtube embed videos can be foundhere.
- Another example page with Youtube embed videos can be foundhere.
- Meta Bug can be foundhere.
Use Cases
Test Cases
(section currently in work)
- The manual test cases associated to this feature can be found in thisgoogle spreadsheet.
Important Bugs
- 1240471 - Youtube flash to iframe embed conversion breaks on invalid query string
- 1255918 - Disable YouTube Flash-to-HTML5 embed rewriter in Beta 46 (plugins.rewrite_youtube_embeds = false)
- 1258053 - Consider to be more lenient to "invalid" Youtube flash embed URLs
- 1246088 - Element picker breaks after I try to pick an element in Youtube HTML5 embed object
Sign off
- All the test cases were executed.
- All the blocker, critical, major bugs have been fixed.
Aurora Sign-off -(2016-01-14)
- [ON TRACK] Aurora 46 - Landed without QA sign-off
Beta Sign-off
- [DONE] Beta 47(2016-04-20)
Release Sign-off
- [DONE] RC 47.0(2016-05-26)